Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog Turns 5

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Woodland Valley View. It seems like only yesterday that I was telling people about the idea I had for creating this site. In general, I think most people thought I was nuts. I remember getting a lot of  "great, but I'm never going to read it" looks from people when I tried to explain my idea for a local community blog. My thought was that it would be a good old-fashioned newsletter but in an updated digital form. My hope for it was that better communication would bring the community together in new and stronger ways. So far the project has exceeded my wildest dreams. 

I don't really know how long I thought I would continue to maintain this site when I first started. I didn't really think about it. I still don't really know. But one thing I do know is WHY I decided to do it. 

Basically there are two reasons. The first is because I deeply believe in service to something beyond yourself.  And I could see clearly how providing local information in a clear, positive way would help everyone. 

The second reason is because I LOVE our community.  Several friends who have visited me recently have helped me figure out exactly what makes this town so special. One friend came here for a day on her way somewhere else. She looked around, remarked on how beautiful it was and then just kept going. After she left I thought to myself that she didn't stay long enough to find out about the real beauty of the town, the people. 

Another friend (who is in her 70's) visited from suburban New Jersey and remarked. "You all live in the old way here". What she meant was that we all know each other, rely on each other and help each other. If you want to find out how true that is here just break down on the road, or lose your dog, or get sick or hurt. You will have 20 people within an hour willing to give you a hand. No thanks necessary. Everyone's turn to need help comes, everyone's turn to give help comes, That is just the way of it. 

That friend saw the real beauty and the reason why I am so happy to call this place home. Don't get me wrong, we disagree. Sometimes we even argue. But we fight because we care so much. And we are a big family here and in every family you have to expect an occasional conflict. But what matters is that we care about each other and prove it everyday with our actions. And that is what makes me love this community so much and why I continue to serve it by writing this blog.

Keeping this site requires a lot of time and effort. I could not and would not continue to do it without the help of all the folks who contribute content to this blog. So let me extend my deepest thanks to all of you who regularly send me things to post. Let's see how long we can keep this thing going! Happy 5th birthday Woodland Valley View!