Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Esopus Creek Cleanup - Saturday June 12th

Since a lot of us in the valley fish & swim in the Esopus I thought you some of you may be willing to help clean it up. Here are the details for this Saturday's effort.

Volunteers Needed!
Esopus Creek Cleanup
Saturday, June 12
Please RSVP by Thurs, June 10 to
Michael Courtney or Colleen Griffith at (845) 688-3047
Potluck Barbeque &
free live music for cleanup
volunteers to follow at noon.
Music by Peggy Atwood
Meet at our office at 9:30 am
6375 Route 28 - about five minutes west of
Phoenicia. We’ll carpool to cleanup
Burgers, veggie burgers & hotdogs, drinks provided.
Volunteers are asked to bring a side dish.