Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pip and Oscar

I was out and about on Woodland Valley Road and ran into Pip Merrill and her duck Oscar. Oscar is actually a girl but Pip had an incomplete knowledge of ducks when she got the bird and gave it a boy's name. She felt that it was too late to change it by the time the truth was revealed. Anyway, turns out that over the past several years Oscar spent most of her time hanging out with her best friend who happened to be a rabbit. Of course rabbits don't swim so the duck didn't get to the water much. Recently, the rabbit passed away leaving the duck sad and bored. Pip tried to take Oscar into the stream with her to swim but Oscar is too afraid of the flowing water. So Pip was walking her down the road to have a dip in a small pond off the stream hoping to acclimate her to the water that way. Maybe by next summer we will see the two of them in the WV stream! Kudos to Pip for being so good to her animals!