Monday, December 24, 2012

Whether the Weather Goes Hither or Thither

Sorry for not posting for a few days, the holiday madness seems to overtake me no matter how hard I try and avoid it. Anyway, the slush on the ground a few days ago did indeed freeze solid. We then got about another inch (or so) of snow that is lying on top. It is just enough to make seeing the ice a bit hard. So there are places that are quite slippery out there. We are now waiting for 3 (yes, I said 3) different storms to hit the Hudson Valley area.

The first one is predicted to start tonight and go into tomorrow. It is not expected to be bad. The forecast is for anywhere between 1-4 inches. The second storm however, may dump a significant amount of snow on us depending on where the storm tracks. If it goes north and west we will probably only see about 1-3 inches. Unfortunately, if it moves slightly to the south and east we could get as much as a foot on Wednesday night into Thursday. They are not sure if the precipitation will fall as snow or if it will be a snow/sleet/rain event (aka wintery mix). But whatever the case may be, it sounds like a mess.

There is also talk of another storm following those two over next weekend. So fasten your seat belts looks like we are in for a bumpy weather week.