Thursday, December 27, 2012

Starting To Dig Out

Just got in from the first round of shoveling. There is about 10 inches on the ground and the snow is still falling. The photo above is of the bench on my back porch and shows the depth. Shoveling is a bit of a challenge because the the snow is on the heavy side. But shovel we must. Remember to take frequent breaks as you clear your sidewalks, car and other areas around your house.

The town plows have been out and about. And although I haven't been on the road yet myself, I have seen several cars go up and down in front of my house and they look like they were doing OK. Since the snow is still falling be careful if you have to travel. Even though the town keeps the roads as clear as possible, until the snow stops, they cannot make it completely safe.

We have been lucky so far; there have been no power,  phone or internet outages. The wind has been quiet and there is not huge amount of snow in the trees so I am hopeful that I can say the same thing tomorrow.

I will keep you posted.