Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Input On Our Parks

I just received the letter below from Heather Roberts, Chair of the Shandaken Parks and Recreation. The first public input session was last night but their is another on May 29th. Please make sure you submit any input you might have about our parks to the town either at the meeting or through the survey. If you didn't receive one in the mail there is a downloadable version on the Shandaken website (see link below). These are our parks, so make your voices heard!
Dear Shandaken Residents,
The Shandaken Parks and Recreation Board is in the process of creating a master plan for developing improvements to our town of Shandaken's Parks and Recreation Programs.

It is our hopes that the master plan will guide us in planning for future improvements to our town, and  also help us apply for grants for such improvements.
Public Input is essential to our plan!!! 
Please take a moment to fill out the survey you will be getting in the mail and return it to the town hall.

You can also download the survey from the town website: 
scroll down: http://www.shandaken.us
Two town meetings for public input: 
Monday May 7th
6:30 Parks and Recreation meeting 
Town Hall

 Tuesday May 29th 
Pine Hill Community Center.
Your participation in this planning process helps us to improve responses to you.  Participation in  planning improves grants opportunities.  Shandaken Parks and Recreational programs  improve our quality of life,  tourism, and real estate values.
Thank you
Heather Roberts
Shandaken Parks and Recreation Chair