WCA member Evie Polesny sent me this poster featuring 2 cats that she is trying to get into forever homes. Here is what Evie had to say about the kitties:
"They were the cats at our café, which we closed in March, and we can’t keep them at our new restaurant, so we are looking for a good home. We found homes for over twenty cats in our 10 years at the old location, and these truly are the best ones we ever had."
Please call (212) 929-0004 or email polesny@verizon.net if you or someone you know are interested.
- Evie
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Music Circle At The ESRM
I received the message below from WCA member Dakin Morehouse. The Thursday evening "Pickin' Circles" that he co-hosts with Harry Jameson are a lot of fun. If you are looking for a low key relaxed place to play music with some nice people this is the place for you. Check it out:
The Music is back at the Station.Yep, our Thursday evening “Pickin’ Circles” return for the seasonto the R.R. Station this Thursday at 7pm.We’ll be - pickin’, stroking, pluckin’, strumming - and a singing too -‘round an informal circle under the great wooden dome in theHistoric 1899 Phoenicia RR Station for the summer.Neophyte to pro, all acoustics are welcome!Thanks to Harry for hosting our winter sessions at his Romer Mt Lodge.Dakin & Harry - co-circlemeistersEvery Thursday, 7-11pm, 70 Lower High St.(Woodland Valley Rd extended, becomes High St, becomes Lower High St)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Phun - Phoenicia Style
Everyone had a great time yesterday morning at Phoenicia's annual Memorial Day Parade. No matter how many times I see them, I just love the parades in this fun-loving hamlet. It was a beautiful day (although a little on the warm side). And everyone was in high spirits. All in all, a glorious celebration to remember and honor our veterans!!
photos by: Carol Seitz

photos by: Carol Seitz

WCA Members
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day Parade Tomorrow
There will be a Memorial Day Parade tomorrow morning in Phoenicia. I got the information below from the town website. I love a good home spun hoop-la! Hope to see you all there on the street waving the participants onward! Happy Memorial Day!!
Memorial Day Parade - Monday May 28th - 10am
Line up at Gormley's Main St. march to Eagle by Al's
BBQ @ Legion Hall Post 950 Plank Road - After Ceremony
photo: Carol Seitz
photo: Carol Seitz
Saturday, May 26, 2012
WV Stream Pre-Stocking Trout Report
Woodland Valley's own man about town and Troutmeister, Boreegard (aka Mike O'Neil), sent me this link to a very fine "State of the Stream" report by Patrick Sullivan. So for the fisherman among you who were wondering about the condition of the WV stream, it looks like someone else has done the leg work for you. This is posted on another blog. There is an "content warning" upon entering the blog. Fear not, I didn't see anything objectionable to the faint of heart, at least not in this post.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Rick Altman Trio Performs This Sunday
The Rick Altman Trio
with Mike Ralff & Jody Sumber
and special guest, guitarist Mike DiMicco
An evening of jazz classics and original compositions
with vibes, bass, and drums
Sunday, May 27, 2011
8 to 11 p.m.
8 to 11 p.m.
52 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock, NY (845) 679-3484
more info: www.rickaltman.com
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Bridge Into Phoenicia Opens Tommorrow
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
More Poetry by Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard
I am obsessed by the beautiful Woodland Brook
There’s early spring, when the water runs
Fast and blue and the shadblow blooms pure white
All along the valley corridor.
My father directs me to use a quill Gordon.
Iron Fraudator hatches while the last
Thin snow falls.
Grandpa was right.
Life is not all skittles and beer.
Even on a bright Memorial Day,
You can find evidence of Winter’s
Harsh directive.
The stench of rotting flesh hits us
Like a wall, as we crash through
Sinewy brush, lugging heavy buckets
Of stocking trout.
The innocent doe’s body was hidden in deep water,
Until this sudden dry spell.
Lately she has become the uncontested property,
Of recalcitrant valley dogs and buzzflies.
In summer the brook dwindles to a crystalline trickle,
Under a demanding sun, grasshoppers bask
In the hot dust and fiddle beneath the black-eyed suzies.
Cautious trout maintain themselves in the shade
Of willows and smooth children’s jumping rocks.
They wait for nighttime when they will fill with
Brash courage and feed in a frenzy on top.
Take your rod and visit them then.
To Hell with the cocktail hour.
Cold wet autumn, when the slake drakes hatch
Leaving their skinhusks behind like gossamer souvenirs of their
First life. As May flies, they flutter off through the rain
To begin their brief climactic last-life.
May 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Robbery In Woodland Valley
WCA member Gayle Walsh just wrote to me about a robbery that occurred recently at her house on Mudddy Brook Road. Everyone in the valley should keep an eye out!! See below for Gale's message.
If anyone has any knowledge of this event or hears anything in the future please contact law enforcement.
Carol Seitz
Woodland Community Association
If anyone has any knowledge of this event or hears anything in the future please contact law enforcement.
Carol Seitz
Woodland Community Association
Please pass on to the Woodland Valley residents that our house on Muddy Brook Rd was broken into and robbed. It occurred sometime between April 30th and yesterday, May 21st. All of my husbands tools were taken, our TV, and basically any item that had a cord on it. All of the drawers were pulled open and clothes taken out of the closets. They went through the house and our shed. We have thousands of dollars of items that were taken. Such as shame, we feel totally violated.
The incident has been reported to the police. The police had said that there have not been any other robberies reported. Our house cannot been seen from the road. All residents should ask their neighbors to be on the look out for suspicious activity when they are not home.
Thank you,
Gayle Walsh
Muddy Brook Rd.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Strange Sight
Paul Misko sent me this message a few days ago.
Here is a pic of a strange sight. As I was walking on the lawn toward the trees, I saw something run into the woods and quickly climb a tree. I assumed it was a fast porcupine at first, but it turned out to be a ground hog. Guess he forgot his place. If you are ever searching for ground hogs, don't forget to look up
Friday, May 18, 2012
Weekend Rental in WV
WCA members Joe and Karen Randolla have started to rent their lovely cabin in Woodland Valley out for weekends. So those of you who have friends or family who want to vacation in the valley you might want to take a look. Below is a link to there property on Homeaway.com.
High Speed Video
As you know, a German TV program that came to film in WV earlier this week. Below is a link to view one of the high speed videos they shot while they were here. Dennis Havel told me that he is planning to post more but the upload takes about 2 hours so it may be a while. Check this one out if you have the chance it is pretty cool!
Farm Share
Here is something from outside the valley that I know several WCA members participate in and I think there might be even more folks who would like to try it. Julie Greenwood of Mt Tremper has organized a local Community Supported Agriculture Group out of Mt Tremper. They get their produce from a farm in New Paltz. I know that this wouldn't work for the weekenders among you (pickup date is Tuesday) but there might be some full time WV residents that would be interested in joining. I have heard that the produce is always fresh and amazing and this is a way to support local farmers too! Check it out!
I'm writing to invite you to join the Mt Tremper CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). If you're interested, feel free to contact me with any questions. If you're not, I thank you for your time and won't bother you again. Either way, please consider passing this email along to others who might be interested. In a CSA, members pay up front, helping the farm get its season going, and then receive weekly delivery of produce throughout the growing season.
Hello Friends & Neighbors -
I'm writing to invite you to join the Mt Tremper CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). If you're interested, feel free to contact me with any questions. If you're not, I thank you for your time and won't bother you again. Either way, please consider passing this email along to others who might be interested. In a CSA, members pay up front, helping the farm get its season going, and then receive weekly delivery of produce throughout the growing season.
For the past three summers we and about 25 other households enjoyed the weekly bounty of Taliaferro Farms. Pete Taliaferro agreed to deliver shares of his produce to our porch in Mt Tremper instead of us having to go down to his New Paltz farm. You can find out more about the farm, including a sample listing of a full share, at http://taliaferrofarms.com/
It’s time to sign up for coming season. You can order a full or half-share. A full share is enough food to feed four people who are serious about their vegetables. You can team up with other households to split up a share or half share any way that you like.
It’s time to sign up for coming season. You can order a full or half-share. A full share is enough food to feed four people who are serious about their vegetables. You can team up with other households to split up a share or half share any way that you like.
If you want something other than a full or half share and don't have anyone to split with, let me know and I'll try to match you up. I currently know of someone looking to split a half share.
The cost for a full share is $900, a half-share is $450. That comes to about $40/week for full share and $20 for half share.
Taliaferro Farms
187 Plains Road
New Paltz, New York 12561
ph: 845-256-1592
email: taliaferro@hvi.net
The amount to send is
$900 - Full share
$450 - Half share
INCLUDE your email address and write "MT TREMPER GROUP" on the check. If you are subdividing a full or half share, please send only one check, but all the names, addresses and emails of participant households.
Once you’ve paid the farm, let me know the size of your share and the email
addresses of everyone in your share who wants to get emails concerning
pickup, etc.
If you’re in the New Paltz area, stop by the farm to say hi to Farmer Pete,
pick flowers, or maybe glean some herbs or berries. You can also buy eggs,
cheese, bread and other goodies that other area farmers produce.
The delivery will be on Tuesday of each week, in the afternoon. The delivery
will come to our house (Julie Greenwood & Amy Brown) at 63 Miller Rd in Mt
Tremper. Julie will send out an email each Tuesday when the delivery has arrived.
If you have further questions, you can contact the farm directly at the
above address/phone/email, or contact me at julie.shoju@gmail.com or
Feel free to forward this message to anyone else who might be interested in
The cost for a full share is $900, a half-share is $450. That comes to about $40/week for full share and $20 for half share.
The first delivery is scheduled for Tuesday June 5th.
Taliaferro Farms
187 Plains Road
New Paltz, New York 12561
ph: 845-256-1592
email: taliaferro@hvi.net
The amount to send is
$900 - Full share
$450 - Half share
INCLUDE your email address and write "MT TREMPER GROUP" on the check. If you are subdividing a full or half share, please send only one check, but all the names, addresses and emails of participant households.
Once you’ve paid the farm, let me know the size of your share and the email
addresses of everyone in your share who wants to get emails concerning
pickup, etc.
If you’re in the New Paltz area, stop by the farm to say hi to Farmer Pete,
pick flowers, or maybe glean some herbs or berries. You can also buy eggs,
cheese, bread and other goodies that other area farmers produce.
The delivery will be on Tuesday of each week, in the afternoon. The delivery
will come to our house (Julie Greenwood & Amy Brown) at 63 Miller Rd in Mt
Tremper. Julie will send out an email each Tuesday when the delivery has arrived.
If you have further questions, you can contact the farm directly at the
above address/phone/email, or contact me at julie.shoju@gmail.com or
Feel free to forward this message to anyone else who might be interested in
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Danielle Miraglia At The ESRM
This weekend, WCA's own Dakin Morehouse will once again play host to the Flying Cat Music Series at the Empire State Railway Museum. For those of you who haven't been to this venue before, it is a great way to listen to live acoustic music in an intimate and relaxed setting. Check it out.
Flying Cat Music Presents
Danielle Miraglia
in Concert
Sunday, May 20
7:30 p.m. (sharp), door at 7:00
Empire State Railway Museum
70 Lower High Street, Phoenicia
Admission $12 or $10 w/RSVP
For information email as above
or call 845-688-9453
Links for music and artist information:
School Board Election Results
The voting is over and Tony Fletcher and Laurie Osmond kept their seats on the Onteora school board. The margin was narrow and Shandaken played a big part with the second to largest voter turnout (a few votes bigger than Woodstock).
If you would like to see how the voting broke out over the townships you can go to: Onteora Central School District - School Board Election and Budget Results
All of the towns voted to approval the school budget.
If you would like to see how the voting broke out over the townships you can go to: Onteora Central School District - School Board Election and Budget Results
All of the towns voted to approval the school budget.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
German TV Show Films in WV
A video crew from the German Science Magazine "Galileo" visited Woodland Valley on Monday to film a segment on WCA member Dennis Havel. "Galileo" is a daily prime time TV show with an average market share of 18%. It is seen in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Dennis has recently done a series of stop action photos of pellets shooting through water drops. He synchronizes the trigger of the gun, the falling water, the lights and his camera shutter. He captures the photo as the pellet pierces the water which is rebounding off a small dish placed underneath the falling droplet.
His images were picked up by a London photo agency. They wrote a story about him and circulated it with his images around the world. His work has appeared in places far and wide including Europe, the Mideast and Asia.
In addition to shooting a story about Dennis and filming the set-up, the videographers brought a high speed video camera capable of 4,000 frames per second and used it to shoot the action themselves. There are only 35 of these cameras in the world and it produces stunning results. Unfortunately, we here in the US won't be able to see the finished program.
The crew used the old ski lodge at Romer Mt Park to do the set-up and filming. It was a long day of work but everyone was happy with the results it produced.
You never know what is going to happen in Woodland Valley!!!
You never know what is going to happen in Woodland Valley!!!
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The crew entering Romer Mt Park ski lodge |
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Beginning the set-up |
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Dennis explaining the set-up to Gesa |
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Dennis firing the pellet gun and startling the producer |
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Getting the camera in place |
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Checking alignment |
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Shooting the high speed video |
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One of Dennis's original photos |
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Another of Dennis' original still photos |
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A screen grab from the high speed video Crew photos above taken by Carol Seitz - Stop action photography by Dennis Havel |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Sweet Home Book Events

Below is a message from events planner, journalist, cook book author and WCA member Rebecca Ffrench Miller. Her new cook book "Sweet Home" has recently hit the stands and there are dates for several upcoming events that she wanted to share (including one right here in Phoenicia at the Tenderland Home this coming Saturday from 4pm to 6pm). If you have never met Rebecca you will really enjoy her warm personality and extensive knowledge about food and family. So drop on down to the Tenderland Home this Saturday, say hi to Rebecca and get a copy of her awesome new book!

Here is Rebecca's message.
I would like to extend a huge thanks to those of you who have supported my latest endeavor, the publication of Sweet Home (Kyle Books, 2012), a cookbook focusing on preserving family history through dessert recipes.
I would like to invite you to UPCOMING SWEET HOME BOOK EVENTS (see listings below).
The book has inspired my new blog: sweet-home.com Please check it out. You may sign up to receive the Sweet Home newsletter there if you’d like to receive further event information.
Please pass along word to friends and family about the book and blog via twitter, facebook and email. I’d greatly appreciate it!!
Again, I greatly appreciate your support and, in the tradition of Sweet Home, would love to hear from you about any favorite family recipes you have. Please feel free to email photos and recipes and let me know if I may share them on my blog.
I wish you all a wonderful May, and hope to see you at a Sweet Home event.
Saturday, May 19: Tenderland Home Book Event and Sweet Tasting to benefit the Phoenicia Library 4 to 6pm; 64 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY, 845.688.7213. For more information go to tenderlandhome.com
Monday, May 21: Meet, Greet and Eat 5:30 to 7:30pm; Onteora High School, Boiceville, NY. For more information go to meetgreetandeat.org/
Tuesday, June 19: Macy’s Cellar Sweet Demo 1pm; Herald Square, New York, NY. For more information go to macys.com
Above Photos by Carol Seitz
Monday, May 14, 2012
Remember To Vote Tomorrow
Please remember to vote tomorrow, Tues. May 15th, from 2PM to 9PM in the local school board elections. Polls will be open at all four elementary schools from 2 p.m.-9 p.m. There are 4 candidates vying for 2 seats on the board and the school budget will be voted on also.
Here is a link to the Woodstock Times Article on the elections with profiles of the candidates.
Here is a link to an article in the Kingston Daily Freeman about the candidates.
Paintings By Melinda Stickney-Gibson
WCA member Melinda Stickney-Gibson is having an art show in Manhattan. For those of you who are in the city stop by and see it if you get the chance. Here are the details.
May 8 - June 16, 2012
547 West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001
203-451-5050 Mobile
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Art of Living Course - May 19th thru 21st
MJ Reiss sent me the following information about her upcoming Art of Living Course. Check it out.
An opportunity to breath deeply, settle your mind and have a sense of well being is just around the corner! This weekend we will be holding another breathing course at a beautiful home in Mt Tremper area. If you haven't taken this course yet, now is the time to give this gift that lasts a lifetime to your self.
Here are the details.
Here are the details.
Art of Living Course; right here in the Catskills
Where: 180
Abbey Rd
Mount Tremper, NY 12457-5003
When: May 18th - 21st
& Mon 6:30 – 9:30 pm
& Sun 11am – 4:30 PM
How to register go to the following site
or contact MJ Reiss – 845-750-5845; m.reiss@artoflivng.org
WCA Members,
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Bake-Off Today!!
Don't forget the bake-off at Mama's Boy to benefit the Phoenicia Library is today at 1:00 pm. Come out and support your local library!!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Camp Woodland Reunion
I got a message last week from WCA member Bill Horne (a former Camp Woodland camper). The alumni are planning a couple of events this summer that celebrate the former camp. Here are the details that Bill has provided.
Camp Woodland is having an official and well-planned reunion this summer. On July 14 we gather at SUNY Albany where the camp’s files, documents, audio recordings and photos are archived. On July 15 we will be in Phoenicia.
I believe both days are open to anyone. Below is the web address for Albany event. The Phoenicia event will be held at the Parish Hall in Phoenicia. Lots of folk singing.
Camp Woodland,
Events. Camp Woodland,
WCA Members
Thursday, May 10, 2012
WV Hikers Event - A Bright Idea
This just in from Paul Misko, the leader of the Woodland Valley Hikers group.
First Annual Woodland Valley Lantern Walk:
Ever take a walk by lantern light? If not, now is your chance. Come on out this Saturday, May 12th to the head of Woodland Valley and join us for a walk in the gathering gloom. Meet at the Woodland Valley Campground Day Use Lot at 7:30 p.m. and historian Paul Misko will share some illuminating comments about antique lighting, then we'll pass out the lanterns and perambulate around the campground. He will also share some local history during the walk. You can bring your own lantern if it's kerosene, no noisy pressurized or gas lanterns please. Bring a flashlight in your pocket just in case. No Dogs Please, as there will be enough to trip over without them. You should only participate if you are in good walking shape, and can see well enough in low light. Dress warm, and expect this event to be about 2 hours long. This should be a memorable experience. If you can, let me know you're coming, and for more info, e-mail to woodvalleybear@gmail.com
Town Board Delays Vote On Sewer
Just a little important news from around town. This past Monday evening the Shandaken Town Board voted to delay it's decision on the Phoenicia Sewer District. Phoenicia must form a new sewer district by August 8th 2012 to be eligible for 15.8 million dollars in grant money from the DEP. The delay calls into question whether the town can meet that deadline. The delay also prompted the Catskill Watershed Corporation to resign it's roll in helping to move the project forward.
If you would like to read a couple of informative articles on the issue there is one in the Kingston Daily Freeman and one in the Watershed Post. Follow links below to the articles so you can get more details.
Kingston Daily Freeman
Shandaken Board Delays Vote On Sewer System
The Watershed Post
CWC Pulls Out of Phoenicia Sewer Project
If you would like to read a couple of informative articles on the issue there is one in the Kingston Daily Freeman and one in the Watershed Post. Follow links below to the articles so you can get more details.
Kingston Daily Freeman
Shandaken Board Delays Vote On Sewer System
The Watershed Post
CWC Pulls Out of Phoenicia Sewer Project
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Happy Birthday Dakin Morehouse!!
Here is a message and a birthday crossword puzzle from Doris Morehouse to her wonderful husband Dakin. Happy Birthday from everyone in the WCA too, Dakin!! We all think you are the best!! PS - We didn't know you were 84!? (At least that how old Doris claims that you are!)
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Dakin, happy birthday to
Since I sing off key, you'd better sing it yourself. Here's a puzzle, as a gift, about you for our Woodland Valley friends.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Woodland Valley - The Song
I received this message from Joe De Sarle who recently joined the Woodland Community Association. He put his song about "Woodland Valley" on to YouTube so we can all enjoy it. He tells of gathering around and singing it with family. Sounds like a lovely tradition. Here is what Joe had to say about his music.
I've been writing and singing songs for over 50 years and wrote "Woodland Valley" in the early sixties.I would sit on the lawn of the old house surrounded by younger cousins and we would all sing Woodland Valley. I updated the song in 2005 and recorded it producing all the background vocals and instruments.I've written many songs about the beautiful area that we live including Black Bear, Hoot Owl, The Muddy Brook Ghost, Onteora, Esopus, Coyote and on and on. I have 2 CD's that I share with friends and family.I recently decided to try to put certain songs in a video and selected some photo's that I've taken as well as royalty free photo's from the internet. I'm sure the quality of my photo's are no where near your photo's but they are the best I had.Attached is the link to "Woodland Valley" on You Tube.I hope you enjoy it.Best Regards,Joe De Sarle
Input On Our Parks
I just received the letter below from Heather Roberts, Chair of the Shandaken Parks and Recreation. The first public input session was last night but their is another on May 29th. Please make sure you submit any input you might have about our parks to the town either at the meeting or through the survey. If you didn't receive one in the mail there is a downloadable version on the Shandaken website (see link below). These are our parks, so make your voices heard!
Dear Shandaken Residents,The Shandaken Parks and Recreation Board is in the process of creating a master plan for developing improvements to our town of Shandaken's Parks and Recreation Programs.
It is our hopes that the master plan will guide us in planning for future improvements to our town, and also help us apply for grants for such improvements.Public Input is essential to our plan!!!Please take a moment to fill out the survey you will be getting in the mail and return it to the town hall.
You can also download the survey from the town website: scroll down: http://www.shandaken.usTwo town meetings for public input:
Monday May 7th
6:30 Parks and Recreation meeting
Town Hall
Tuesday May 29th
Pine Hill Community Center.Your participation in this planning process helps us to improve responses to you. Participation in planning improves grants opportunities. Shandaken Parks and Recreational programs improve our quality of life, tourism, and real estate values.Thank youHeather RobertsShandaken Parks and Recreation Chair
Monday, May 7, 2012
Meet, Greet and Eat To Benefit Schools
Onteora Schools will host “Meet, Greet and Eat” (last year known as “Cool Aid”), a food lovers’ fundraiser, on Monday, May 21st, 5:30-7:30 in the MS/HS cafeteria. Proceeds will benefit our efforts to update the middle/high school cafeteria serving area with new equipment, enhancing traffic flow and overall appearance and further highlighting our healthier food choices.
Participating chefs include:
· Marybeth and Devin Mills, Peekamoose Restaurant, event co-chairs
· Bread Alone
· Gianni Scappin, Cucina
· Pika Roels, Pika’s Farm Table
· Kevin Katz, Red Onion
and new this year
· Steve Slutzky, Hickory BBQ
· Jane and Amy Keller, Jane’s Ice Cream.
· Stephanie Schachter, Joshua’s Café
· Luc Moeys, Oriole 9 and Yum Yum Noodle
Other activities include:
· Linda Smith, Sherman Hill Farms tead, specializing in artisanal cheese
· Bryan Graham (Onteora graduate), Fruition Chocolate, small batch bean to bar chocolate
· Amanda Depew, Tea Shop of Woodstock
· Cathy Johnan and Discovery preschool’s food craft project
· Smoothie Station with Lysa Ingalsbe, Holistic Nutritional Counselor
· Andy Szymczak, Frost Valley ’s Farm Camp
· Woodstock Farm Festival
· Local author, Rebecca Miller Ffrench with her new cookbook, “Sweet Home, Over 100 Heritage Desserts and Ideas For Preserving Family Recipes”
· A foodie silent auction (list of items on our website)
· Nutritional snacks provided by High School/Middle School Family and Consumer Science Students
Updated details will be provided on our web-site www.meetgreetandeat.org
Join several hundred of your neighbors for an evening of great hors d’oeuvres, good company against a backdrop of fabulous Onteora musicians and a display of food-inspired artwork by Onteora high school artists.
Admission is free, and hors d’oeuvres and beverages are $2 each.
Onteora MS/HS,
WCA Members