Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow Kidding!!

Even though the weather prediction for today was snow "showers" (what exactly does that mean anyway?) we had snow all day today adding up to about 4 inches or so. It is difficult to tell exactly how much fluffy white stuff fell because there was also a lot of wind and the snow has drifted. The temperature has been cold so all the snow that fell today is of the light, fluffy, easily shoveled variety. (My aching back is thanking the weather Gods for that!) But the storm doesn't seem to be quite finished with us. And, as I said in my last post, since we haven't had any warm days in between, the piles of snow are getting higher everyday. They are not too bad yet but it would be great if some of this melted. The forecast for this week is for it to remain cold. So I guess we will just have to wait a while for the thaw.