Here is some wonderful Woodland Valley history sent to us by Linda Dunnican McDonald.
"The picture above is of the wooden road, that was built at the bottom of Craig's corner, so people could get in and our of the valley after the Big Flood in August of 1933. Craigs Corner is just above Roxmor, where you go around the big curve right before the Fawn Hill Bridge. It was right in front of the Beach house (mentioned by Hawley in the Clementine story) now owned by Ed Twerdak. Beach married a Woodworth, their daughter married Thomas Bigelow Craig (artist) and it was known as Craig's Corners from at least my mothers time. We also called it the "Sound Horn Curve" because there were yellow county signs, on either side of the curve, telling you to "Sound your Horn" before you approached the full curve, so as not to hit anyone or anything. The last Craig complained loud enough and the signs were removed in the late 60's ( ? ) I've been married 42 years and Bob remembers the signs still being there. The more traffic that came up the valley, the more annoying the horn blowing became, I'm sure.
These photos are from my mother's photo album, she was almost 23 at the time (she is 96 now) and the family with it's car, was stuck up at the end of the road for over 10 days, before things were redone enough to drive out."

"This photo is of the workers changing the course of the stream at Craig's corner to bring it away from the road area."