Friday, January 11, 2008

Free Trees to Fight Streamside Erosion

There is a program available from the NYSDEC for streamside residents in the Ashokan Reservoir watershed called "Trees for Tribs". In an effort to help streamside residents prevent further erosion, Cornell Cooperative Extension and the NYSDEC have done several plantings in the watershed with more planned for spring. The "Trees for Tribs" program is accepting applications for spring plantings of trees and shrubs until March 1st. I called Michael Courtney at the Cornell Cooperative and he told me that the folks along Woodland Creek would be eligible for this program. If you are interested in joining forces with these organizations to plant a streamside area on your property you can call Michael at (845) 340-3990 to apply through the Cornell Cooperative Extension. You can also learn more about the program by calling Kevin Grieser at the NYSDEC at (845) 256-3145.

Also check out the full Esopus Creek Management Plan at This site has a lot of interesting and useful information and I have made it a permanent part of the blog in the "Useful Links" section on the right.