Friday, February 14, 2014


The snow seems to be finished at last. Last evening I decided to shovel my back porch between the two bands of the snow.  I am glad I did! If I hadn't, I don't think I would be able to open my door. The final total for this storm is around 21 inches. We got about 11 inches in the first band (that came through yesterday morning through about 8pm) and then got another 10 inches on top of that in the second band (that came through overnight). Unfortunately, now we have to get out the shovels and move it. Personally I would rather stay indoors and watch movies. But move it I must.

The highway department has continued to plow all night. I just heard them come through again so hopefully the roads won't be too bad. But if you can I would stay put until they get this mess cleared up a little further.

The winds have picked up this morning and are starting to blow things around but except for a few strong gusts it hasn't been too bad.

So far there has been no disruption of phone or power but I will keep you posted on that.

So it's out to start clearing all this up. I think it will be a long day.