Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Still Snowing Lightly

I am taking a brief break in the shoveling to post an update on the current weather conditions here in the valley. I know many of you who are away from your houses get very concerned when the conditions are bad. Anyway, the current total for this storm is about 9 inches. It is still snowing lightly but I think the bulk of the storm is past.

The forecast was for a wintry mix at the end of the storm but, at least in this end of the valley, it has continued as snow. It is not as light as the last few storms because the temperatures are warmer but it is still fairly easy to move.

On other snow related valley updates, the plows have been up and down several times but I have not tried to drive to town so I can't report on the road conditions. There have been no power or phone outages so far. More snow may develop over the weekend but we will just have to wait and see how that storm shapes up. As usual, I will keep you posted.