Thursday, January 19, 2012

Unexpected Snow

The forecast for tonight said that we could expect a "snow shower". I took that to mean just a bit more than flurries but we have gotten more accumulation than originally expected. I would say that we have about 3 inches on the ground at this end of the valley and it is still snowing lightly. I just looked at the radar map and it looks like we might be getting a bit more later on this evening. I guess it all depends on how this storm tracks. I will add additional accumulation information on to this post in the morning so you will know the final total.

I am not sure how the roads are in Shandaken so drive carefully. When you reach your home use extra caution when walking from your car to your house. The new snow makes it hard to see the ice underneath that was left from the rain we had earlier in the week.

Morning Update - 9:30 am - We didn't get too much more snow than what had fallen when I posted last night. I would say that we got between 3 and 4 inches up at the end of the valley. Reports are that different parts of the valley got a bit more. It just all depends on where you are along the road.

More snow is expected for tonight. I have been told some reports are calling for 4 to 7 inches more. (I knew we wouldn't escape winter totally!)

The town plow has been up and down several times this morning. But again, be careful on the road and in your driveway. The snow may be covering ice underneath.