Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lost Dog!!

I got this message a short while ago from Marilyn Manning. Please be on the lookout for this little dog and contact the numbers below if you have a sighting!!

URGENT! Lost Dog! Marc Rubin's dog, Kasha was spooked by fireworks last night and took off and hasn't been found. The area was at the end of Woodland Valley, near the campground. Call 688-2147, or 688-9741 if you have any information. Thank you!

PS - This just in from Marilyn Manning - 5:10 pm

Kasha was seen this afternoon across the stream from where she bolted, on the land of ??? (the people who have then tennis court just as you turn onto Herdmann Road), on the left side of the road. Marc and others have been out there for hours with no new sighting. May have to call off the physical search tonight. Marc will leave his car there, food, her bed, etc.....Pray that this doesn't turn into another "Clemie" ! We'll be out again tomorrow if she doesn't show up tonight.

PPS - The location where the dog went missing seems to conflict in these emails (the first says up at the campground, the second says by Herdman Road). I have a message in to Marilyn Manning asking her to let me know which one is correct. I will let you know when I receive an answer.

PPPS - Just heard from Marilyn the "campground" that they were referring to is the Romer Mountain Ski Slope at the beginning of WV Road by the intersection of Herdman. That is where the dog was originally lost not at the end of the valley.