Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ongoing Relief Efforts

I got this email from Max Resnick this morning. It contains information about the ongoing relief efforts.

Please pass the word.

#1 - Sunday, September 11th - 10 am and throughout the day.
Phoenicia Rotary is looking for able-bodied volunteers today to help clean out properties. Wear boots, bring gloves if you have them, and other items will be provided - dust masks; shovels and brooms.

Meet Rotary volunteers at their table at Mama's Boy.

#2 - Sunday, September 11th - 10:00 - 4:00
Margaretville Hospital Van will be parked in town as a free service tomorrow to help with:
wound care
dispense tetanus shots
and write any new prescriptions for those lost in the flood

#3 - Non-Perishable Foods, Paper Products and Pet Food is Needed - Phoenicia United Methodist Church 10-4 daily (though the schedule may change in the next week and beyond), 29 Church St., Phoenicia

Non-Perishable Food - cereal; pasta; pasta sauces; canned soups; beans; rice, etc.

Please do not bring any clothes. The church is overwhelmed (as are other area towns) with these donations!!

#4 - Chichester Yoga - Free to Volunteers and National Guard

All bodywork and yoga is free at Chichester Yoga to volunteers and National Guard. The body work being offered is Reiki, Cranio Sacral Therapy and deep tissue.

#5 - Holistic Clinic, Sunday September 11th, 3-6pm ( Reminder)

If you are in need of some TLC (Tender Loving Care) to help restore you -- then this clinic should be of great help.

The Hurricane Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic will take place for the next 4 Sundays (9/11-10/2) from 3-6pm at Parish Hall in Phoenicia. There is no fee for treatments. No appointments required. There will be a mix of different practitioners each Sunday including but not limited to massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, EFT, reiki, matrix energetics, Shambala energy healing, and more.

Thanks for getting these updates to us, Max! Great job!!