Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Latest Information

Several people have called and emailed me with the new information on a variety of topics. First of all, Pine Hill has power. if you need to access a Wi-Fi connection both the Pine Hill Library and the Pine Hill Community Center have it. Unfortunately, I am not sure of their hours at this point.

If you are coming upstate remember to bring D batteries for your flashlights. Apparently, they are in short supply in our area.

Many of our residents have been reaching out to NYSEG, Verizon and Time Warner. Here is the message that Jeff Schwartz received from NYSEG:

We are aware of an electricity outage in your area affecting 1618 customer(s). The estimated restoration time is Wednesday, September 07 at 11:00 PM.

So it looks like there might not be power until the middle of next week.

Here is a link to NYSEG's site for obtaining dry ice:and bottled water.

I want to say that as the town digs out and heals itself many, many people have stepped up and helped their neighbors. On my personal thank you list is George Holz for getting Harry and I to town right after the flood. David Hershkovits for giving me a ride to Boiceville to check email and blog. Tommy Healy for lending me his equipment. And Bob and Linda McDonald for lending me some propane for my lantern. You are all awesome and I thank you so much!!

Here is another thank you to neighbor Ernie Persons from Laurie Ryan:
"Among the people working so hard to put the pieces back together, I especially want to thank Ernie Persons for having the foresight to knock on everyone's door at 6:00 a.m. and instruct them to move their cars across the Woodland Park Association bridge. So many people have been stranded in other places."
- Laurie Ryan

Ernie has been great in this emergency! He installed a makeshift foot bridge so that the residents of the WV Park Association could get over the stream. I have always said that Ernie was one of the people I would most like to know in an bad situation!! Great job, Ernie!

Lastly, I want to say that this experience has once again proved what an awesome community we live in!! Everyone has stepped up to help out!! This is a trying time but we will all get through this together!

PS - Jeff Schwartz just emailed me with this information.

I just got this email from NYSEG
"We recently restored service to your location on Wednesday, August 31 at 8:30 PM."

I usually verify by calling the house and getting my answering machine or alarm system to respond.

Either NYSEG is incorrect or they connected power but phones are still down at our end.

In an earlier post you indicated some residents had some phone service, do you have their numbers.
I would try to call them to see if they got power also.
- Jeff

Unfortunately, only residents that told me they had phone service in the valley are on Muddy Brook Rd and I do not have their phone number.

If anyone in the valley sees this post and has further information please email me here at:

Also, for those seeking more information about the town in general can go to the live blog on The Watershed Post site;

8:15 UPDATE ON THE POWER - Romer Mt Park has no power so I doubt the rest of the valley has it.