Saturday, September 3, 2011

For Those In Need

Got this message from Max Resnick today with some good information.

If there is anyone who needs help, or knows folks who do, the Rotary has a table in Phoenicia, at Mama's Boy, and they are trying to deploy volunteers to those in need.

Additionally, for anyone who lost possessions, there is an amazing amount of donated goods at the United Methodist Church, 29 Church St., Phoenicia. They are there now. And, will be open for redistribution from 10-4 this coming week, including Labor Day. They DO NOT need any more donations EXCEPT for clean, packaged underwear (all sizes), socks, toiletries and non-perishable foods.

And, if you need to be together with others to help ease the emotional toll, there is a 2pm ceremony today in Phoenicia.

Shandaken Healing Ceremony

Today, 3rd September
Parish Field
Phoenicia, NY

A gathering of community following the devastation of the flood.
Bring your voice, a bowl and a candle.