Friday, September 2, 2011

Latest Info

Here is the latest news I have gathered this morning.

It seems that the MF Whitney Fire Company has become a central spot for coordinating assistance to the community in Phoenicia. People are leaving donations of food and meeting there to offer assistance. If you need help or have something to donate you might want to try there first.

Several community associations including the Rotary Club are meeting today at noon at Mama's Boy in Phoenicia. I believe they too are trying to organize assistance efforts.

Merry Chellas sent me the FEMA emergency number. It is 800-621-3362. She said they were incredibly helpful. She also told me that they said the deadline for applications is October 31st. Apparently, beginning tomorrow they are also going to set up a disaster relief center at Belleayre. I will post more info about that later.

No power or phone yet in Woodland Valley. Phoenicia has phone but no power. The good news is that I see a lot more trucks around working on both issues.