Friday, September 30, 2011
The 2011 "Lark In The Park" Starts Tomorrow
The 8th Annual Catskill "Lark In The Park" will run this year from Oct 1st - Oct 10th. There are tons of hikes and other events that will celebrate the Catskill Park. The full range of offerings can be found at Many of the hikes and activities are free. There is even a "Woodland Valley History Hike" on October 8th. So check it out and celebrate the beautiful area we call home!!
Thank You From The Dershowitz Family
I recently received a lovely card from the Dershowitz family acknowledging the donation that the WCA made to the Phoenicia Library in memory of Marilyn.
The card reads:
"The family of Marilyn Dershowitz wishes to express deep appreciation and sincere thanks for your kind expression of sympathy."
Inside Nat wrote a personal message:
"Can you convey to the members of the WCA my heartfelt thanks for the contribution to the Phoenicia Library in Marilyn's name. She loved that little library."
- Nat
The card reads:
"The family of Marilyn Dershowitz wishes to express deep appreciation and sincere thanks for your kind expression of sympathy."
Inside Nat wrote a personal message:
"Can you convey to the members of the WCA my heartfelt thanks for the contribution to the Phoenicia Library in Marilyn's name. She loved that little library."
- Nat
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Free Outreach Clinc Continues
This message is from WCA member Julia Rose:
The FREE Hurricaine Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic has been extended due to increasing demand.
We will be at Parish Hall every Sunday from 3-6pm through October 23. (10/1, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23)
Treatments are FREE and no appointments are necessary. At each clinic there will be a mix of practitioners ranging from acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, EFT, energy healing, and more.
Please help us spread the word- tell your friends and neighbors!
Julia Rose, L.Ac
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tui Na Massage
Phoenicia Healing Arts Center
74 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY
The FREE Hurricaine Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic has been extended due to increasing demand.
We will be at Parish Hall every Sunday from 3-6pm through October 23. (10/1, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23)
Treatments are FREE and no appointments are necessary. At each clinic there will be a mix of practitioners ranging from acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, EFT, energy healing, and more.
Please help us spread the word- tell your friends and neighbors!
Julia Rose, L.Ac
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tui Na Massage
Phoenicia Healing Arts Center
74 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Just What We Need......More Rain
It has been raining all day today, sometimes heavily. The good news is that even though the Woodland Creek and the Esopus were high they staying within their banks in most places. The Esopus went above floodstage (which is 11 feet) in the early afternoon and there was some flooding in very low lying areas. But town didn't get any serious water to my knowledge and Woodland Valley was fine. Rt 212 between Plank Road and Rt 28, and Plank Road itself were closed due to flooding earlier in the day. I don't know if they have re-opened. There was a flash flood warning for Woodland Valley and other local areas but to my knowledge so far everything has been OK.
Here is a link to something I find very helpful in challenging weather events and other emergencies. It is the NY Alert system. The first link is to the general site:
NY Alert
The second link is to sign up to receive emails from the system regarding any current alerts in your area.
NY Alerts - Civilian Portal
This was very helpful today as it alerted me to road closures in the area. You might want to check it out and sign up. It takes a little while but I think it is totally worth it.
Here is a link to something I find very helpful in challenging weather events and other emergencies. It is the NY Alert system. The first link is to the general site:
NY Alert
The second link is to sign up to receive emails from the system regarding any current alerts in your area.
NY Alerts - Civilian Portal
This was very helpful today as it alerted me to road closures in the area. You might want to check it out and sign up. It takes a little while but I think it is totally worth it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Story of Agnes
A Hurricane Sidebar
My boyfriend thinks I am nuts (no squirrel pun intended) and I am sure about fifty percent of the folks who read this story will agree. But these things just seem to keep happening to me. So I think it is just my fate to participate in the rescue of small hurt, sick or abandoned baby animals.
The whole thing began when I was walking down a city street late at night and stepped on a baby squirrel and she screamed. The fact that I actually stepped on her is a big reason why I think it was my fate to intervene. Who else do you know who has ever uttered those words….."I stepped on a squirrel last night in the dark"? No one. People don't just go around the city stepping on squirrels. Before this I don't think I have ever even seen a baby squirrel. It's like baby pigeons, they just seem to appear one day fully formed.
So I think I was meant to help save this little life. Maybe she will do something great someday. Maybe she will influence history (I am obviously making things up here to rationalize my choices), most likely she will not. She will probably just end up nesting in someone's attic and causing all sorts of trouble…..but I digress. All that I know is that after stepping on her and seeing her lying there bleeding, her eyes not even open, I couldn't just leave her to be a dog treat for the next pit bull that came along. Somehow, no matter how much trouble it caused, I had to pick her up and try to help her (side note: 12 years of Catholic school guilt training probably played in heavily here).
So against the backdrop of my more practical side screaming "you have a job tomorrow!!", I picked her up and took her home. I have no idea how to feed or take care of a baby squirrel. The one thing I do know about rescuing baby animals and birds is that the first thing that you do is get them warm. So I took out my heating pad, rolled it up (you shouldn't lay them on it for fear of it being too hot and overheating the animal) and made a nest out of t-shirts next to the pad so the baby could curl up to it or back away to get the proper amount of heat she needed. She was bleeding very, very badly from the nose and I didn't think she would live the night. I didn't have anything to feed her so that would have to wait until morning. And besides, because of the bleeding, I thought it was probably better to wait a little before I tried to get food down her throat.
Since it was only 2 days after the hurricane and the first time that I was able to access my email or blog, I had a lot to do. I also had to prepare for my job the next day. I think that in the end I only got a total of about 3 hours sleep that night. And until early the next morning, I still didn't know what I was going to do with a 4 week old squirrel that needed to be kept warm and fed every 3-4 hours while I did my job (at a major corporation in mid-town Manhattan, btw). I decided somewhere around dawn that I was just going to take her with me and hide her under someone's desk.
I tried to look on the internet to see what and how much to feed her. The instructions were long and complicated and required me weighing her (at that moment I regretted not having that postal scale that I had considered buying) and with everything else I had to do I just didn't have time to read everything through. The one thing that I did glean is that I could feed her puppy milk. Since I didn't have a lactating bitch (I think that this is the first time in my life I have ever used this word correctly) anywhere near, I had to get to a pet store. So this added one more thing to my "to do" list in the morning before my job.
Luckily, I had a bit of flexibility about when I arrived for the job so I called the client in the morning, said I would be late, then ran to the pet store and got the replacement puppy milk. I smuggled her into the building of the corporation in a pet carrier wrapped in a plastic bag. I begged an employee/friend to stick her under her desk so I could plug in her heating blanket and come and feed her every few hours. Which I did. Her bleeding had lessened but she was not eating well and not peeing or passing stool. I named the little squirrel Agnes after the kind person who hid her all day and kept the heat in her office turned way up high. If the animal was discovered both of us would have been in big trouble.
I managed to keep her alive all day despite my well intentioned but badly executed feeding technique. She started to seem better by the end of the day. I got home late and still didn't have time to figure out my next step which was getting her to a wildlife rehabilitator. The next morning I called someone in the city but she couldn't take her. In the end that was fine because I was nervous about leaving her with someone I didn't know anyway. So I called the wonderful rehabber we have here in Phoenicia, Joanne Rowley. Joanne is a licensed NYS wildlife rehabilitator that I have taken several birds to in the past. She is an amazing person!! I could write a whole story about the work she does and the many hundreds of animals she has cared for and released back into the wild. But again, I digress. She said she would take her and told me how to feed her until I could get her to Phoenicia.
I still had work to do so I couldn't get her to Joanne until later that evening. So I fed her all day and then packed her with bottles filled with warm water for the ride in the car. When I arrived at the house she told me that Agnes was in very bad shape. She was dehydrated, extremely underweight (she thought that she had been out of the nest longer than the day and a half that I had her), had congestion in her lungs and some marks on her that could have been bites. She promised to try and save her (she confirmed that she was a girl) but she didn't know if she would make it. But she had antibiotics and special squirrel milk (made from powder) for her so I breathed a sigh of relief that Agnes was finally in good hands.
I have visited every two or three days since I have dropped her off and happily Agnes has gotten stronger and bigger with each visit. At this point we are confident of her full recovery. And, as luck would have it, Joanne had other squirrels she was rehabilitating that were exactly the same age as Agnes. So when she got a little stronger she was put together with a little boy and when they are fully grown they will be released as a family (in about 6-8 weeks).
I am not sure there is any moral to this story except maybe that my boyfriend is right and I am out of my mind. But in the end I am very happy that I got involved and helped rescue this little girl. I know not everyone agrees, but I think all life is worth saving. But I am sorry if she moves into your attic.
Photo Notes: The photo above this story is of Agnes on the day after I had found her. The photos below the story are of Agnes about 2 1/2 weeks later. She had just about doubled in size by then and continues to grow nicely!

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Gowns 4 Greenbacks Hike From WV
If you would like to help some of the farmers who were affected by the recent flooding from Hurricane Irene here is your chance. Geologist Danny Davis (you all will remember Dan from the talks he gave for the WCA) and a group of his friends have been doing a wacky fundraiser this summer. They have been hiking all the high peaks of the Catskills wearing gowns. They get folks to sponsor their hikes and then give all the money to charity. Their next hike is from Woodland Valley to Giant Ledge. All the proceeds from this hike will go to help local farmers who lost crops (and their livelihoods) in the flood. Below is the information from the "Gowns for Greenbacks" blog about the event. If you would like to sponsor, or even join them, you can get all the details below. It sounds like a lot of fun for a good cause. I also put up some photos of the group at the bottom of this post for your enjoyment. I must say I think Danny looks awfully good in a dress!
PS - For those of you who can't hike you can donate directly to the Watershed Agricultural Council - Farmer Flood Relief.
Getting Formal for the Farmers: Ballgown Fundraising Takes On The Flood
We started out getting formal for the forest (thank you, Melissa Bean, for coining that phrase!), but we didn’t stop there. The ballgown hikers are getting formal for the farmers, to show them the love, care, and dollars they deserve and need!
Here in the Catskills, hurricanes are not regular occurrences. Irene and Lee were truly out of the ordinary, dumping huge amounts of rain and causing massive flooding throughout the mountains, forests, villages, and beyond. As residents, hikers, fund raisers, and eaters of farm products, the g4g crew (I use the royal “we” here) felt compelled to respond to this disaster.
It didn’t take long to craft a response. A little research, a few emails to the g4g email list (which is growing bigger by the minute – please drop me a line at if you’d like to be on the list – but be forewarned, we do seem to send each other a fair amount of mail), and we had a plan. A single hike with specific fund raising to benefit regional farms: we picked a date and a destination and starting emailing and facebooking the heck out of it. Perhaps a reader with a twitter account could “tweet” about this for us.....twitter still eludes me.
Quick summary for those of you that are skimming and don’t want to read all my hikerly details and asides:
what: hike from Woodland Valley to Giant Ledge with option to continue to Panther
when: 10/2/11, 9 a.m. start time
where: Woodland Valley Trail Head and Parking Area is at the end of Woodland Valley Road, at the state campground, technically in Phoenicia, I think.
why: to support small scale farmers in the Catskill region that are unable to apply for FEMA or other funds
who: HIKERS! Non-HIKERS! YOU! We need people to hike and folks to sponsor them.
The hike is open to the public but DEC limits the size of a group to 20. We are asking that every hiker come with at least $100 in sponsorships and donations. To hike, contact me. To sponsor a hiker, contact me.
Recipient: All funds for this hike only will be donated to the Watershed Agricultural Council. Make checks payable to WAC and note “Catskill Farmer Relief” on the memo line. They are a 501c3 organization, meaning you can get a receipt and all donations are tax deductible.
Hikers: yes, you should show up at the hike with your envelope full of checks, cash and coins. I will collect the donations at the hike and get them to the WAC pronto. Sponsors, yes, you should write your check to the WAC now, and give it to your hiker now. You may simply mail the WAC a check if that is easier. Use the address and info on their website to do so.
Ok, if you are still reading, then that means you probably care about hiking minutiae! Here ya go: the distance is from WV to GL is 3.45 miles, and the hike is of “moderate” difficulty. Not a miserable endless slog up killer steep trails, but not “easy.” I haven’t hiked this section of trail in several years, and I don’t know how lumpy and bumpy the trail has gotten since Irene and Lee turned it into a river, but I would guess that at least some parts of it are washed out making the hiking feel a bit like walking up a dry creek bed. A little hard on the feet and ankles, but nothing too crazy.
A few of us that have been g4g-ing all along plan to continue to Panther Mountain from Giant Ledge. From Giant Ledge to Panther is another 1.85 miles. We plan to continue from Panther’s summit north to the Fox Hollow parking area (another 4.9 miles), where we will have stashed a few cars for the shuttle back to Woodland Valley. You can do the math: 3.45 plus 1.85 plus 4.9. A little over ten miles total, all trailed.
Post-hike, might I suggest a visit to a local eatery? Please consider stopping in Phoenicia to grab a bite, stroll, shop, and support the businesses that have been repeatedly slammed by flooding.
The bigger g4g project has been going strong, right up until Irene’s appearance. We have done 12 mountains (Danny has done 13!), and have had some great times. Those hikes will continue, and that project is on-going. For those just coming up to speed on g4g, the overall project is a collection of hikes to bag all 35 Catskill peaks over 3500’ in elevation IN BALLGOWNS. We are seeking sponsors for that project, and all of those funds will be donated to the 3500 Club – a completely volunteer effort that provides people and cash to maintain the trails in the Catskills – lean-tos for overnight adventures or bridges for those tricky stream crossings, the 3500 Club has a hand in almost all the seen and behind the scenes work that goes on in the forest, maintaining the infrastructure and keeping the trails open for our enjoyment.
For those of you who would like to read more about the Gowns 4 Greenbacks group here is a link to their blog: Gowns 4 Greenbacks

PS - For those of you who can't hike you can donate directly to the Watershed Agricultural Council - Farmer Flood Relief.
Getting Formal for the Farmers: Ballgown Fundraising Takes On The Flood
We started out getting formal for the forest (thank you, Melissa Bean, for coining that phrase!), but we didn’t stop there. The ballgown hikers are getting formal for the farmers, to show them the love, care, and dollars they deserve and need!
Here in the Catskills, hurricanes are not regular occurrences. Irene and Lee were truly out of the ordinary, dumping huge amounts of rain and causing massive flooding throughout the mountains, forests, villages, and beyond. As residents, hikers, fund raisers, and eaters of farm products, the g4g crew (I use the royal “we” here) felt compelled to respond to this disaster.
It didn’t take long to craft a response. A little research, a few emails to the g4g email list (which is growing bigger by the minute – please drop me a line at if you’d like to be on the list – but be forewarned, we do seem to send each other a fair amount of mail), and we had a plan. A single hike with specific fund raising to benefit regional farms: we picked a date and a destination and starting emailing and facebooking the heck out of it. Perhaps a reader with a twitter account could “tweet” about this for us.....twitter still eludes me.
Quick summary for those of you that are skimming and don’t want to read all my hikerly details and asides:
what: hike from Woodland Valley to Giant Ledge with option to continue to Panther
when: 10/2/11, 9 a.m. start time
where: Woodland Valley Trail Head and Parking Area is at the end of Woodland Valley Road, at the state campground, technically in Phoenicia, I think.
why: to support small scale farmers in the Catskill region that are unable to apply for FEMA or other funds
who: HIKERS! Non-HIKERS! YOU! We need people to hike and folks to sponsor them.
The hike is open to the public but DEC limits the size of a group to 20. We are asking that every hiker come with at least $100 in sponsorships and donations. To hike, contact me. To sponsor a hiker, contact me.
Recipient: All funds for this hike only will be donated to the Watershed Agricultural Council. Make checks payable to WAC and note “Catskill Farmer Relief” on the memo line. They are a 501c3 organization, meaning you can get a receipt and all donations are tax deductible.
Hikers: yes, you should show up at the hike with your envelope full of checks, cash and coins. I will collect the donations at the hike and get them to the WAC pronto. Sponsors, yes, you should write your check to the WAC now, and give it to your hiker now. You may simply mail the WAC a check if that is easier. Use the address and info on their website to do so.
Ok, if you are still reading, then that means you probably care about hiking minutiae! Here ya go: the distance is from WV to GL is 3.45 miles, and the hike is of “moderate” difficulty. Not a miserable endless slog up killer steep trails, but not “easy.” I haven’t hiked this section of trail in several years, and I don’t know how lumpy and bumpy the trail has gotten since Irene and Lee turned it into a river, but I would guess that at least some parts of it are washed out making the hiking feel a bit like walking up a dry creek bed. A little hard on the feet and ankles, but nothing too crazy.
A few of us that have been g4g-ing all along plan to continue to Panther Mountain from Giant Ledge. From Giant Ledge to Panther is another 1.85 miles. We plan to continue from Panther’s summit north to the Fox Hollow parking area (another 4.9 miles), where we will have stashed a few cars for the shuttle back to Woodland Valley. You can do the math: 3.45 plus 1.85 plus 4.9. A little over ten miles total, all trailed.
Post-hike, might I suggest a visit to a local eatery? Please consider stopping in Phoenicia to grab a bite, stroll, shop, and support the businesses that have been repeatedly slammed by flooding.
The bigger g4g project has been going strong, right up until Irene’s appearance. We have done 12 mountains (Danny has done 13!), and have had some great times. Those hikes will continue, and that project is on-going. For those just coming up to speed on g4g, the overall project is a collection of hikes to bag all 35 Catskill peaks over 3500’ in elevation IN BALLGOWNS. We are seeking sponsors for that project, and all of those funds will be donated to the 3500 Club – a completely volunteer effort that provides people and cash to maintain the trails in the Catskills – lean-tos for overnight adventures or bridges for those tricky stream crossings, the 3500 Club has a hand in almost all the seen and behind the scenes work that goes on in the forest, maintaining the infrastructure and keeping the trails open for our enjoyment.
For those of you who would like to read more about the Gowns 4 Greenbacks group here is a link to their blog: Gowns 4 Greenbacks

Friday, September 23, 2011
Ongoing Recovery News And Resources
The following information is taken from the Town of Shandaken official site. Please pass it on to anyone who might need assistance or wants to volunteer or donate. It is especially important to get this information out to those who are in need because of the flood.
FEMA will be closing the Disaster Recovery Center located at Belleayre on Sat., Oct. 1. If you have not visited or applied please do so by next Saturday. It is easier to navigate their process while they are here. The center is open daily from 8am-8pm.
Click to download an updated FEMA resource guide to assist you in the funding and processes for assistance:
Lost Work? – If you have lost employment or work due to Irene please click the link below to investigate whether you, or your employees are eligible for unemployment benefits through the NYS Department of Labor.
NYS Dept. of Labor website
While we are still in recovery from the storms please note that many of our Commercial Districts have shown resiliency to the flooding. Businesses are open throughout the Town and your support for these businesses and their employees would be greatly appreciated during this time of need.
FINAL VOLUNTEER CALL – We still have a lot of work to accomplish. The CERT Tent will be open on Main St., Phoenicia this coming weekend Sept. 24th & 25th. We are looking for individuals with Pick-up trucks and laborers for continued assistance in removal of flood related damages and debris. Volunteers are asked to convene between 9am and 10am on these days.
DEBRIS : Community dumpsters are located at: Risely Rd., Mt. Tremper; Parish Field, Phoenicia; Shandaken-Allaben Firehouse, Shandaken; Big Indian-Oliverea Firehouse, Big Indian. If you need a pick up, please call the Supervisor’s Office @ (845) 688-7165, or bring it down yourself to the dumpsters. These will only be available for a limited time.
LOST HOMES: If your insurance company has designated your home a total loss and asked to have it demolished please contact Zoning Officer Rich Stokes @ (845) 688-7165 for a demo permit. There are a number of private contractors that can assist in the removal of home demolition materials. The Town will not pay for the equipment or labor for demolition, but for a limited time is willing, in coordination with Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency, to alleviate you of the tipping charges for the dumpsters need to remove the structure. Frank’s Septic (845) 586-2757 is offering special rates on dumpsters for demolition work. Please have your contractor contact the Supervisor’s office prior to demolition to make arrangements.
INSURANCE ISSUES?: Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said his staff is setting up offices in the hardest-hit areas of New York to directly address concerns related to price gouging, insurance policies and delayed debt payments, among other issues. In Ulster County, representatives from the Attorney General’s Office will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 21 and 28 in the county executive’s office at the County Office Building, 244 Fair St., Kingston. For more information, go to
APPLIANCES LOST? : Governor Cuomo Announces $8 Million Household Appliance Program. NYSERDA is offering grants to victims of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee through the New York Storm Relief Rebate Program. With funding from the American Recovery and Investment Act, the $8 million program will assist New Yorkers in the replacement of household appliances that were lost or damaged in the recent flooding. Click the link to download a pdf describing the availability and how to apply:
Household Appliance Grants for Storm Recovery
CLOTHING/HOUSEHOLD ITEMS/CLEANING SUPPLIES & FOOD SPECIAL: This Saturday, Sept., 24 from 10am -5pm at the Shandaken Reformed Church at 5411 Rte 212, Mt. Tremper (half mile from Rte. 28) volunteers will be offering needed supplies and food products for families affected by the storms. Items can be reserved for pick-up at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Jill Byron at (845) 532-1216.
Sept. 14, 2011 – Following the effects of Tropical Storm Irene and subsequent floods there are a multitude of resources available for a variety of needs. Below is a listing of those resources for both assistance and donations, note that many of this information is available daily at the Town Hall, 7209 Rte. 28, Shandaken, NY 12480:
FEMA – Physically (local) they are located at the lower lodge of Belleayre Mountain. They can be reached by calling 1(800) 621-3362 (FEMA) or on the web at: Even if you do not think you qualify, please register with them so the Town can better asses Town Wide damages.
Timberlake Foundation - Jay Jacobs and his staff at Timberlake Camp are offering grant assistance to local homeowners and business owners effected by the storms. Donations to this account can be made to: THE TIMBER LAKE FOUNDATION. In the memo line, please note: PHOENICIA RELIEF FUND. Checks may be sent to their Glen Cove Office: 85 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Below is a link to download the pdf application for assistance. Deadline for application is October 10, 2011.
Timberlake – Relief Fund Application
Phoenicia Rotary/ SHARP - The Phoenicia Rotary in coordination with SHARP has grant funds available to residents and businesses effected by the flood. If you would like to make a donation please send checks to: SHARP/Phoenicia Rotary (please note in the memo line: PHOENICIA FLOOD RELIEF), PO Box 362, Phoenicia, NY 12464. If you are in need of assistance please click the link below for a pdf version of the application form. Deadline is open and awards will be made based on immediacy of need.
Rotary/SHARP – Relief Application
Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC) -The CWC has announced the availability to local business owners, grant funds to assist in getting their businesses operational, and offset cost of structural damages. The final details of this funding is still being worked out, but an announcement about their funding can be found by clicking the link below to read their press release on this issue. There is a cap of $30,000, no deadline has been set. The Town asks that any business that may be interested in these funds download the Disaster Survey form and submit it to the Town Supervisor’s Office at PO BOX 134, Shandaken, NY 12480 {Fax – (845) 688-2041} before Wed., Sept. 21, 2011.
CWC Business Flood Recovery Program
Ulster County Community Action: is helping the flood victims affected by Hurricane Irene. Please have your clients contact our office. The income guidelines are 125% Poverty Guidelines. They will assist the clients with: Providing emergency food, water, home cleaning supplies; Providing appliances to families whose appliances were damaged due to flooding or power outages; Providing temporary housing assistance to those who remain homeless due to the flooding and power outages. For more information please contact: UCCAC, 70 Lindsley Ave, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8750 Ext 105
Phoenicia United Methodist Church: The church is no longer accepting clothing donations, but is looking for dry/canned food items to be dispensed through the Shandaken Food Pantry to residents in need. Food may be dropped off daily from 10am-4pm. Also, clothing and food items are available to residents affected by the storms daily at the same times. The Church is located at 25 Church St., Phoenicia, NY 12464. Or call: (845) 688-7680.
Belleayre Mountain – FEMA Recovery assistance is at the lower lodge 8am-8pm, seven days a week. Clothing and food stores are open at the upper lodge to residents from 7am-3pm, seven days a week.
Volunteer Efforts – The Town of Shandaken and the Phoenicia Rotary created CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team) to assist in the cleanup of debris and household products. Dumpsters are located at various locations throughout the Town for flood related items. If you are in need of assistance please call the Town Hall (845) 688-7165 and we will pass the information along to our resources. We are looking for a large volunteer effort this Saturday and Sunday on Main St., Phoenicia at 10am. We still have work to do.The Rotary will organize it's final volunteer call this weekend. They are asking folks to meet at the tent in front of Mama's Boy between 9am and 10am on both Saturday September 24th & Sunday September 25th. They are looking for people with pickup trucks and also laborers to help remove the damage and debris from the flood. There is still lots for everyone to do. So come and help out if possible.
Community dumpsters are located at: Risely Rd., Mt. Tremper; Parish Field, Phoenicia; Shandaken-Allaben Firehouse, Shandaken; Big Indian-Oliverea Firehouse, Big Indian. If you need a pick up, please call the Supervisor’s Office @ (845) 688-7165, or bring it down yourself to the dumpsters. These will only be available for a limited time.
FEMA will be closing the Disaster Recovery Center located at Belleayre on Sat., Oct. 1. If you have not visited or applied please do so by next Saturday. It is easier to navigate their process while they are here. The center is open daily from 8am-8pm.
Click to download an updated FEMA resource guide to assist you in the funding and processes for assistance:
Lost Work? – If you have lost employment or work due to Irene please click the link below to investigate whether you, or your employees are eligible for unemployment benefits through the NYS Department of Labor.
NYS Dept. of Labor website
While we are still in recovery from the storms please note that many of our Commercial Districts have shown resiliency to the flooding. Businesses are open throughout the Town and your support for these businesses and their employees would be greatly appreciated during this time of need.
FINAL VOLUNTEER CALL – We still have a lot of work to accomplish. The CERT Tent will be open on Main St., Phoenicia this coming weekend Sept. 24th & 25th. We are looking for individuals with Pick-up trucks and laborers for continued assistance in removal of flood related damages and debris. Volunteers are asked to convene between 9am and 10am on these days.
DEBRIS : Community dumpsters are located at: Risely Rd., Mt. Tremper; Parish Field, Phoenicia; Shandaken-Allaben Firehouse, Shandaken; Big Indian-Oliverea Firehouse, Big Indian. If you need a pick up, please call the Supervisor’s Office @ (845) 688-7165, or bring it down yourself to the dumpsters. These will only be available for a limited time.
LOST HOMES: If your insurance company has designated your home a total loss and asked to have it demolished please contact Zoning Officer Rich Stokes @ (845) 688-7165 for a demo permit. There are a number of private contractors that can assist in the removal of home demolition materials. The Town will not pay for the equipment or labor for demolition, but for a limited time is willing, in coordination with Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency, to alleviate you of the tipping charges for the dumpsters need to remove the structure. Frank’s Septic (845) 586-2757 is offering special rates on dumpsters for demolition work. Please have your contractor contact the Supervisor’s office prior to demolition to make arrangements.
INSURANCE ISSUES?: Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said his staff is setting up offices in the hardest-hit areas of New York to directly address concerns related to price gouging, insurance policies and delayed debt payments, among other issues. In Ulster County, representatives from the Attorney General’s Office will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 21 and 28 in the county executive’s office at the County Office Building, 244 Fair St., Kingston. For more information, go to
APPLIANCES LOST? : Governor Cuomo Announces $8 Million Household Appliance Program. NYSERDA is offering grants to victims of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee through the New York Storm Relief Rebate Program. With funding from the American Recovery and Investment Act, the $8 million program will assist New Yorkers in the replacement of household appliances that were lost or damaged in the recent flooding. Click the link to download a pdf describing the availability and how to apply:
Household Appliance Grants for Storm Recovery
CLOTHING/HOUSEHOLD ITEMS/CLEANING SUPPLIES & FOOD SPECIAL: This Saturday, Sept., 24 from 10am -5pm at the Shandaken Reformed Church at 5411 Rte 212, Mt. Tremper (half mile from Rte. 28) volunteers will be offering needed supplies and food products for families affected by the storms. Items can be reserved for pick-up at a later date. If you have any questions please contact Jill Byron at (845) 532-1216.
Sept. 14, 2011 – Following the effects of Tropical Storm Irene and subsequent floods there are a multitude of resources available for a variety of needs. Below is a listing of those resources for both assistance and donations, note that many of this information is available daily at the Town Hall, 7209 Rte. 28, Shandaken, NY 12480:
FEMA – Physically (local) they are located at the lower lodge of Belleayre Mountain. They can be reached by calling 1(800) 621-3362 (FEMA) or on the web at: Even if you do not think you qualify, please register with them so the Town can better asses Town Wide damages.
Timberlake Foundation - Jay Jacobs and his staff at Timberlake Camp are offering grant assistance to local homeowners and business owners effected by the storms. Donations to this account can be made to: THE TIMBER LAKE FOUNDATION. In the memo line, please note: PHOENICIA RELIEF FUND. Checks may be sent to their Glen Cove Office: 85 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Below is a link to download the pdf application for assistance. Deadline for application is October 10, 2011.
Timberlake – Relief Fund Application
Phoenicia Rotary/ SHARP - The Phoenicia Rotary in coordination with SHARP has grant funds available to residents and businesses effected by the flood. If you would like to make a donation please send checks to: SHARP/Phoenicia Rotary (please note in the memo line: PHOENICIA FLOOD RELIEF), PO Box 362, Phoenicia, NY 12464. If you are in need of assistance please click the link below for a pdf version of the application form. Deadline is open and awards will be made based on immediacy of need.
Rotary/SHARP – Relief Application
Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC) -The CWC has announced the availability to local business owners, grant funds to assist in getting their businesses operational, and offset cost of structural damages. The final details of this funding is still being worked out, but an announcement about their funding can be found by clicking the link below to read their press release on this issue. There is a cap of $30,000, no deadline has been set. The Town asks that any business that may be interested in these funds download the Disaster Survey form and submit it to the Town Supervisor’s Office at PO BOX 134, Shandaken, NY 12480 {Fax – (845) 688-2041} before Wed., Sept. 21, 2011.
CWC Business Flood Recovery Program
Ulster County Community Action: is helping the flood victims affected by Hurricane Irene. Please have your clients contact our office. The income guidelines are 125% Poverty Guidelines. They will assist the clients with: Providing emergency food, water, home cleaning supplies; Providing appliances to families whose appliances were damaged due to flooding or power outages; Providing temporary housing assistance to those who remain homeless due to the flooding and power outages. For more information please contact: UCCAC, 70 Lindsley Ave, Kingston, NY 12401 (845) 338-8750 Ext 105
Phoenicia United Methodist Church: The church is no longer accepting clothing donations, but is looking for dry/canned food items to be dispensed through the Shandaken Food Pantry to residents in need. Food may be dropped off daily from 10am-4pm. Also, clothing and food items are available to residents affected by the storms daily at the same times. The Church is located at 25 Church St., Phoenicia, NY 12464. Or call: (845) 688-7680.
Belleayre Mountain – FEMA Recovery assistance is at the lower lodge 8am-8pm, seven days a week. Clothing and food stores are open at the upper lodge to residents from 7am-3pm, seven days a week.
Volunteer Efforts – The Town of Shandaken and the Phoenicia Rotary created CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team) to assist in the cleanup of debris and household products. Dumpsters are located at various locations throughout the Town for flood related items. If you are in need of assistance please call the Town Hall (845) 688-7165 and we will pass the information along to our resources. We are looking for a large volunteer effort this Saturday and Sunday on Main St., Phoenicia at 10am. We still have work to do.The Rotary will organize it's final volunteer call this weekend. They are asking folks to meet at the tent in front of Mama's Boy between 9am and 10am on both Saturday September 24th & Sunday September 25th. They are looking for people with pickup trucks and also laborers to help remove the damage and debris from the flood. There is still lots for everyone to do. So come and help out if possible.
Community dumpsters are located at: Risely Rd., Mt. Tremper; Parish Field, Phoenicia; Shandaken-Allaben Firehouse, Shandaken; Big Indian-Oliverea Firehouse, Big Indian. If you need a pick up, please call the Supervisor’s Office @ (845) 688-7165, or bring it down yourself to the dumpsters. These will only be available for a limited time.
Town Info,
Volunteer Work
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Still A Great Place To Visit
There was an article in yesterday's New York Post about our town. In the last couple of weeks there have been many rumors going around that the town, and especially Phoenicia, was destroyed in the flood. So it is important to spread the word that all the businesses in the area are up and running. And except for the Bridge St bridge being closed, some asphalt that needs replacing, and a little dust, Phoenicia is back to normal. I was so glad to see this article reminding everyone in NYC that our area is a great place to visit! Please help keep our town alive and pass the word to everyone you know that our town is open and ready to host any and all comers.
New York Post - Fall Classic - Floods or no floods the Catskill Mountains are still tops
New York Post - Fall Classic - Floods or no floods the Catskill Mountains are still tops
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Night Visitor
WCA member Dennis Havel has a new remote infrared camera that recently caught this midnight prowler. I love the last photo. The bear seems to be sticking his tongue out to taunt Dennis. LOL!! Although I guess if you met this big guy in the dark it would be no laughing matter.

WCA Members
Saturday, September 17, 2011
State Park and Trail Info
Most of you probably knew that due to the conditions after the flooding from hurricane Irene, the state parks and trails in the Catskill Park were closed. But there is some good news. Yesterday, the DEC re-opened many areas. I know a lot of you serious hikers out there are dying to get back into the woods. Generally, at this point the Catskills are back open but there are some exceptions. Wilson State Park has been re-opened but the Woodland Valley campground sustained some damage and will remain closed for the rest of the season. The trail maintainers and hikers are getting out and about and have made lists of what is open and safe for use. So for those of you who want to hike and camp in the near future, I found a couple of websites that list the post-Irene conditions on the trails and in the various state parks.
The ADK High Peaks Forums - Catskill Trail and Roadway Conditions - Post Irene
NYNJ Trail Conference - Post Irene Update for Hikers, Trail Volunteers
NYNJ Trail Conference - Catskill Region - Facebook Page
If you want to report a problem on a trail you can use this online form:
Trail Conference Trail Problem Report
There is still a lot of great hiking to enjoy in our area. All you need to do is a little homework and then you are ready to get back out there and enjoy our forests again.
The ADK High Peaks Forums - Catskill Trail and Roadway Conditions - Post Irene
NYNJ Trail Conference - Post Irene Update for Hikers, Trail Volunteers
NYNJ Trail Conference - Catskill Region - Facebook Page
If you want to report a problem on a trail you can use this online form:
Trail Conference Trail Problem Report
There is still a lot of great hiking to enjoy in our area. All you need to do is a little homework and then you are ready to get back out there and enjoy our forests again.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Neu Blog
Just got this exciting message from WCA member (and esteemed Vice President) Peggy Neu. It seems that she has just become a Huffington Post blogger!! Very Cool!!
Hi everyone:
Check out my first HuffPo piece and be sure to like it so it moves to the top (even if you really don't).
Hi everyone:
Check out my first HuffPo piece and be sure to like it so it moves to the top (even if you really don't).
Voter Registration
OK folks, it's that time of year again, time to make sure you are registered to vote. It is absolutely essential that you make your voices heard in every election. And here in Shandaken we have seats open for Town Supervisor, Town Board, Highway Superintendent, Town Clerk and Town Assessors. So if you are not registered to vote in Shandaken, you still have time to do so. If your Voter Registration Form is received at the Ulster County Board of Elections by October 14th, you will be eligible to vote this year.
You can print out your Voter Registration Form at, or you should be able to pick one up at your local post office. If you'd like to enjoy a visit to lovely uptown Kingston, you can register in person at the Ulster County Board of Elections, 284 Wall Street.
In the event that in person on Election Day, you can mail in your absentee ballot. Absentee ballot applications can be downloaded at : Here are the deadline for absentee ballot applications:
Nov. 1 - Last day to postmark application or letter of application for ballot
Nov 7 - Last day to apply in person for ballot
Nov 7 - Last day to postmark ballot. Must be received by the board of elections no later than Nov 15th. Military voter ballots must be received no later than Nov 21st
Nov 8 - Last day to deliver ballot in person to the board of elections
You can print out your Voter Registration Form at, or you should be able to pick one up at your local post office. If you'd like to enjoy a visit to lovely uptown Kingston, you can register in person at the Ulster County Board of Elections, 284 Wall Street.
In the event that in person on Election Day, you can mail in your absentee ballot. Absentee ballot applications can be downloaded at : Here are the deadline for absentee ballot applications:
Nov. 1 - Last day to postmark application or letter of application for ballot
Nov 7 - Last day to apply in person for ballot
Nov 7 - Last day to postmark ballot. Must be received by the board of elections no later than Nov 15th. Military voter ballots must be received no later than Nov 21st
Nov 8 - Last day to deliver ballot in person to the board of elections
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Ricarda O'Conner September Yoga Schedule
I got this note from WCA member Ricarda O'Conner regarding her September yoga classes in the 1890 house in Phoenicia. For those of you who practice yoga have never taken a class with Ricarda you are really missing something. She is an awesome teacher! But don't take my word for it go and find out for yourselves!
I will be teaching my regular yoga schedule this weekend, and throughout the month of September.
Sunday: Open Level Yoga 9:30-11:00 am
Monday: Open Level Yoga 9:30-11:00 am
Monday: Stretch Class 5:30-7:00 pm
Place: The studio is located in the 1890 House, corner of Bridge Street and Main Street in downtown Phoenicia.
Hope to see you on the mat!
Best Wishes,
I will be teaching my regular yoga schedule this weekend, and throughout the month of September.
Sunday: Open Level Yoga 9:30-11:00 am
Monday: Open Level Yoga 9:30-11:00 am
Monday: Stretch Class 5:30-7:00 pm
Place: The studio is located in the 1890 House, corner of Bridge Street and Main Street in downtown Phoenicia.
Hope to see you on the mat!
Best Wishes,
WCA Members,
Eugene Ruffolo In And Around NYC
Eugene Ruffolo will be playing two gigs in the NYC area. If any of you find yourselves in the city on these days go and check out his music. Here is what Eugene had to say about his shows.
"I'll be playing two shows this weekend in and around New York City...both free!! Hope to see you somewhere....hopefully at one of THESE gigs!"
Friday Sept 16th at The Rockwood Music Hall--solo show---7PM
The Rockwood Music Hall is on 196 Allen Street
Sunday Sept 18 -Hudson River West Folk Festival
Summer Concerts on the Hudson
Lincoln Harbor Park
on the Weehawken, NJ waterfront.
A great line up with Susan Werner, jane Kelly Willams, Vance Gilbert and Julian Peterson (also playing with Hudson Crossing)
Festival goes from 2- 7:30.
Lincoln Harbor Park is just north of the Chart House restaurant
My set is at 5PM
"I'll be playing two shows this weekend in and around New York City...both free!! Hope to see you somewhere....hopefully at one of THESE gigs!"
Friday Sept 16th at The Rockwood Music Hall--solo show---7PM
The Rockwood Music Hall is on 196 Allen Street
Sunday Sept 18 -Hudson River West Folk Festival
Summer Concerts on the Hudson
Lincoln Harbor Park
on the Weehawken, NJ waterfront.
A great line up with Susan Werner, jane Kelly Willams, Vance Gilbert and Julian Peterson (also playing with Hudson Crossing)
Festival goes from 2- 7:30.
Lincoln Harbor Park is just north of the Chart House restaurant
My set is at 5PM
Monday, September 12, 2011
An Experience To Remember

I received this email from Ann Marie Misko whose husband and children were stranded in the Woodland Park Association during the storm.
"Here is a photo of the the Misko children who were up at our cabin with their daddy JP Misko in Woodland Valley when the bridge washed away. With such an unfortunate event they made light of the situation and had a lifetime experience which I hear about every day, from the flood and the bridge to actually seeing the bear and coming across a pack of coyotes. They climbed, dug, bonded with the neighbors and roughed the night by fireplace. Our hearts go out to everyone who has any type of loss with Hurricane Irene. We can say we were fortunate to make it through safely with our lives and an experience to remember."
- Ann Marie Misko
The photo above shows the Misko children standing on the temporary walking bridge over the Woodland Valley Stream in the Woodland Park Association. It was built after the storm by Ernie Persons so that people who own property in that part of the club could get to and from their property.
Volunteers And Donation Info
Maxanne Resnick has been doing a great job of getting out the info for ongoing volunteer and relief efforts. Here is her latest email.
"If you'd like to volunteer in Shandaken, please mark your weekend calendars, see below. Also, keep in mind there is a free holistic health clinic on Sunday (for the next 3 weekends) from 3-6pm, to help nurture back those affected, or those gallantly volunteering.
I will check with the Methodist Church today to get specifics for donations. On Sunday, they told me non-perishable food. Michael Koegel, Mama's Boy, said they are looking for tea, coffee (instant), formula, sugar and first-aid kits.
And, obviously, money will be enormously helpful. For those residents who lost their homes (at least 23 homes were condemned) they are still probably finding temporary housing, and may not yet have a place to put all of the donations.
Thanks everyone. This community (and many from beyond its borders) has really rallied to help. It is heartwarming in a very sad and heartbreaking time."
Maxanne Resnick
@ Mama's Boy Restaurant
845-688-7165 or 845-688-7169
COME TO THE DESK ON SAT 9/17, SUN 9/18 and/or call the above numbers to offer your help.
PO BOX 660
PHOENICIA NY 12464-0660
100% of all donations will be distributed to Flood Victims.
This is a message from the Shandaken CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team)
The Town of Shandaken thanks all those who have already given their time, their energy and talents to help our community recover from the devastation of Hurricane Irene.
"If you'd like to volunteer in Shandaken, please mark your weekend calendars, see below. Also, keep in mind there is a free holistic health clinic on Sunday (for the next 3 weekends) from 3-6pm, to help nurture back those affected, or those gallantly volunteering.
I will check with the Methodist Church today to get specifics for donations. On Sunday, they told me non-perishable food. Michael Koegel, Mama's Boy, said they are looking for tea, coffee (instant), formula, sugar and first-aid kits.
And, obviously, money will be enormously helpful. For those residents who lost their homes (at least 23 homes were condemned) they are still probably finding temporary housing, and may not yet have a place to put all of the donations.
Thanks everyone. This community (and many from beyond its borders) has really rallied to help. It is heartwarming in a very sad and heartbreaking time."
Maxanne Resnick
@ Mama's Boy Restaurant
845-688-7165 or 845-688-7169
COME TO THE DESK ON SAT 9/17, SUN 9/18 and/or call the above numbers to offer your help.
PO BOX 660
PHOENICIA NY 12464-0660
100% of all donations will be distributed to Flood Victims.
This is a message from the Shandaken CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team)
The Town of Shandaken thanks all those who have already given their time, their energy and talents to help our community recover from the devastation of Hurricane Irene.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Remembering 9/11
Although I have posted this before, I think it is appropriate to re-visit this poem on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. May everyone who died that day rest in peace.
I think of those innocents on the high towers
who, rather than waiting to be choked to death
by the moiling acrid smoke or burned by the
terrible approaching fires, chose to implement
their own deaths—and jumped.
And of those many, I think most strongly
of the couple who fell
clutching each other in an inseparable embrace
to the last.
My Manhattan son, Dan, saw all this
and cried, as we all did. Damn damn damn!
This morning, on the anniversary—if one
can use that word
He took two perfect long stemmed roses to work
opened his midtown window
and let the petals fly away in
Manhattan's strong morning wind.
He thought on this for a time
and then began to work, as the migraine imposed itself.
J. Michael O'Neil Sept. 11, 2002
I think of those innocents on the high towers
who, rather than waiting to be choked to death
by the moiling acrid smoke or burned by the
terrible approaching fires, chose to implement
their own deaths—and jumped.
And of those many, I think most strongly
of the couple who fell
clutching each other in an inseparable embrace
to the last.
My Manhattan son, Dan, saw all this
and cried, as we all did. Damn damn damn!
This morning, on the anniversary—if one
can use that word
He took two perfect long stemmed roses to work
opened his midtown window
and let the petals fly away in
Manhattan's strong morning wind.
He thought on this for a time
and then began to work, as the migraine imposed itself.
J. Michael O'Neil Sept. 11, 2002
Ongoing Relief Efforts
I got this email from Max Resnick this morning. It contains information about the ongoing relief efforts.
Please pass the word.
#1 - Sunday, September 11th - 10 am and throughout the day.
Phoenicia Rotary is looking for able-bodied volunteers today to help clean out properties. Wear boots, bring gloves if you have them, and other items will be provided - dust masks; shovels and brooms.
Meet Rotary volunteers at their table at Mama's Boy.
#2 - Sunday, September 11th - 10:00 - 4:00
Margaretville Hospital Van will be parked in town as a free service tomorrow to help with:
wound care
dispense tetanus shots
and write any new prescriptions for those lost in the flood
#3 - Non-Perishable Foods, Paper Products and Pet Food is Needed - Phoenicia United Methodist Church 10-4 daily (though the schedule may change in the next week and beyond), 29 Church St., Phoenicia
Non-Perishable Food - cereal; pasta; pasta sauces; canned soups; beans; rice, etc.
Please do not bring any clothes. The church is overwhelmed (as are other area towns) with these donations!!
#4 - Chichester Yoga - Free to Volunteers and National Guard
All bodywork and yoga is free at Chichester Yoga to volunteers and National Guard. The body work being offered is Reiki, Cranio Sacral Therapy and deep tissue.
#5 - Holistic Clinic, Sunday September 11th, 3-6pm ( Reminder)
If you are in need of some TLC (Tender Loving Care) to help restore you -- then this clinic should be of great help.
The Hurricane Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic will take place for the next 4 Sundays (9/11-10/2) from 3-6pm at Parish Hall in Phoenicia. There is no fee for treatments. No appointments required. There will be a mix of different practitioners each Sunday including but not limited to massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, EFT, reiki, matrix energetics, Shambala energy healing, and more.
Thanks for getting these updates to us, Max! Great job!!
Please pass the word.
#1 - Sunday, September 11th - 10 am and throughout the day.
Phoenicia Rotary is looking for able-bodied volunteers today to help clean out properties. Wear boots, bring gloves if you have them, and other items will be provided - dust masks; shovels and brooms.
Meet Rotary volunteers at their table at Mama's Boy.
#2 - Sunday, September 11th - 10:00 - 4:00
Margaretville Hospital Van will be parked in town as a free service tomorrow to help with:
wound care
dispense tetanus shots
and write any new prescriptions for those lost in the flood
#3 - Non-Perishable Foods, Paper Products and Pet Food is Needed - Phoenicia United Methodist Church 10-4 daily (though the schedule may change in the next week and beyond), 29 Church St., Phoenicia
Non-Perishable Food - cereal; pasta; pasta sauces; canned soups; beans; rice, etc.
Please do not bring any clothes. The church is overwhelmed (as are other area towns) with these donations!!
#4 - Chichester Yoga - Free to Volunteers and National Guard
All bodywork and yoga is free at Chichester Yoga to volunteers and National Guard. The body work being offered is Reiki, Cranio Sacral Therapy and deep tissue.
#5 - Holistic Clinic, Sunday September 11th, 3-6pm ( Reminder)
If you are in need of some TLC (Tender Loving Care) to help restore you -- then this clinic should be of great help.
The Hurricane Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic will take place for the next 4 Sundays (9/11-10/2) from 3-6pm at Parish Hall in Phoenicia. There is no fee for treatments. No appointments required. There will be a mix of different practitioners each Sunday including but not limited to massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, EFT, reiki, matrix energetics, Shambala energy healing, and more.
Thanks for getting these updates to us, Max! Great job!!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Help By Shopping or Dining
Reading Jen Dragon's great post on the Phoenicia, NY blog reminded me that I want to keep telling people to support our local businesses. So, as Sweet Sue's in Phoneicia plans to open up her doors again tomorrow, please remember that there are great restaurants and shops all through Shandaken from Mt Pleasant to Belleayre that need your support. For those of you who want to do more to help our town it is a perfect time to shop and go out to dinner. Help keep these businesses alive with your patronage!! Help keep our town strong!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Giving And Getting Help
There is still a lot of help available around town for residents in need and volunteer opportunities for those of you who are able to help your neighbors.
- FEMA - For those still needing help from FEMA I am told that at this point the agency is no longer operating out of Belleayre. There is a location in Kingston at the Business Resource Center on Ulster Avenue. The only services at Belleayre at this point are clothing distribution and the food pantry. I am not sure how long that will continue to be available there so try and check before you go up.
FEMA recommends that individuals seeking assistance from the center register before visiting. Call the FEMA hot line at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For those with speech or hearing disabilities, use the TTY number, 800-462-7585. Applicants can also register online at or with any PDA device at
Information needed when registering with FEMA includes the address of the damaged property, names of those living in the household, a general description of the damage, the Social Security account number of any family member living in the home, the extent of insurance coverage and certain other information needed to expedite the process.
- Phoenicia Fire House - The firehouse is still command central in town so if you have problems or questions you can call them at 688-7315. Both the firehouse and the Rotary Club on Main St have clean up supplies for people who need them.
- Clothing - Blankets and Other Donated Goods
The Methodist Church is the central location for clothing and household items. I am not sure whether donated goods are still needed. Please check with the Phoenicia United Methodist Church, 29 Church St., before bringing items to them. They have received a lot of donations.
They are open this week every day from 10-4 to distribute to anyone in need, clothes, toys, non-perishable food items, toiletries, linens, blankets, sheets and more.
Keep in mind, for folks displaced from their homes, they may not be ready yet to take in anything until they find a new place to live. So if you have goods to donate and the church can't take them now check back in a week or two to see if they might need them then.
For furniture - The Rotary is keeping a list of who has furniture to donate, and which folks need furniture.
- Food
The Shandaken Food Pantry will be open every day from 11am-3pm until further notice. If you need food you can get it from them. They are located at the Methodist Church. Donations of non-perishable food and toiletries are welcome. They could also use pet food, especially dry.
- Volunteers Needed Still Needed
Volunteers are needed in Phoenicia tomorrow to continue the post-Irene cleanup. This is mucky work. Wear boots, bring work gloves. Masks, shovels and brooms will be provided. Sign-up at the Phoenicia Rotary table at 9am (or thereafter) in the middle of Phoenicia at "Mama's Boy." PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. Or call Rotary President, Ken Jacobs at 688-5944.
You can also help out at the Methodist Church. They are open from 10-4 every day and could use people to assist residents in finding the right clothing types and sizes.
And remember all these volunteer hours are logged and submitted to FEMA for reimbursement to the town. So your efforts help in that way too.
- Holistic Clinic
If you are in need of some TLC (Tender Loving Care) to help restore you -- then this clinic should be of great help.
The Hurricane Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic will take place for the next 4 Sundays (9/11-10/2) from 3-6pm at Parish Hall in Phoenicia. There is no fee for treatments. No appointments required. There will be a mix of different practitioners each Sunday including but not limited to massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, EFT, reiki, matrix energetics, Shambala energy healing, and more.
- Stream Management
There is a meeting tomorrow, Saturday, September 10th at 9:30 am at Copperhood Spa, 7039 Rte. 28, Phoenicia, to talk about managing our area rivers/streams. Please attend if you'd like to have your voice weigh in on how we better manage our streams to avoid flooding. If you can't attend, but want to be involved let Elizabeth Winograd know at 688-2460 x0.
- Monetary Donations
The Rotary Club has a relief fund. If you would like to donate you can stop by the booth in town at Mama's Boy or send a check to:
Rotary Relief Fund
PO Box 660
Phoenicia, NY
Please write the word Flood in the memo line on the lower left hand corner so they know how to direct your donation.
There is also a fundraiser tonight for the Rotary Relief Fund at the pavilion at Al's restaurant. Buy a ticket and support the relief effort!
Everyone in this town has been incredible!! The outpouring of help and support is terrific. If we keep the efforts up our town will be back to normal in no time!!
The video below was made by Karen Milosky documenting the relief efforts:
- FEMA - For those still needing help from FEMA I am told that at this point the agency is no longer operating out of Belleayre. There is a location in Kingston at the Business Resource Center on Ulster Avenue. The only services at Belleayre at this point are clothing distribution and the food pantry. I am not sure how long that will continue to be available there so try and check before you go up.
FEMA recommends that individuals seeking assistance from the center register before visiting. Call the FEMA hot line at 800-621-FEMA (3362). For those with speech or hearing disabilities, use the TTY number, 800-462-7585. Applicants can also register online at or with any PDA device at
Information needed when registering with FEMA includes the address of the damaged property, names of those living in the household, a general description of the damage, the Social Security account number of any family member living in the home, the extent of insurance coverage and certain other information needed to expedite the process.
- Phoenicia Fire House - The firehouse is still command central in town so if you have problems or questions you can call them at 688-7315. Both the firehouse and the Rotary Club on Main St have clean up supplies for people who need them.
- Clothing - Blankets and Other Donated Goods
The Methodist Church is the central location for clothing and household items. I am not sure whether donated goods are still needed. Please check with the Phoenicia United Methodist Church, 29 Church St., before bringing items to them. They have received a lot of donations.
They are open this week every day from 10-4 to distribute to anyone in need, clothes, toys, non-perishable food items, toiletries, linens, blankets, sheets and more.
Keep in mind, for folks displaced from their homes, they may not be ready yet to take in anything until they find a new place to live. So if you have goods to donate and the church can't take them now check back in a week or two to see if they might need them then.
For furniture - The Rotary is keeping a list of who has furniture to donate, and which folks need furniture.
- Food
The Shandaken Food Pantry will be open every day from 11am-3pm until further notice. If you need food you can get it from them. They are located at the Methodist Church. Donations of non-perishable food and toiletries are welcome. They could also use pet food, especially dry.
- Volunteers Needed Still Needed
Volunteers are needed in Phoenicia tomorrow to continue the post-Irene cleanup. This is mucky work. Wear boots, bring work gloves. Masks, shovels and brooms will be provided. Sign-up at the Phoenicia Rotary table at 9am (or thereafter) in the middle of Phoenicia at "Mama's Boy." PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. Or call Rotary President, Ken Jacobs at 688-5944.
You can also help out at the Methodist Church. They are open from 10-4 every day and could use people to assist residents in finding the right clothing types and sizes.
And remember all these volunteer hours are logged and submitted to FEMA for reimbursement to the town. So your efforts help in that way too.
- Holistic Clinic
If you are in need of some TLC (Tender Loving Care) to help restore you -- then this clinic should be of great help.
The Hurricane Irene Holistic Outreach Clinic will take place for the next 4 Sundays (9/11-10/2) from 3-6pm at Parish Hall in Phoenicia. There is no fee for treatments. No appointments required. There will be a mix of different practitioners each Sunday including but not limited to massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, EFT, reiki, matrix energetics, Shambala energy healing, and more.
- Stream Management
There is a meeting tomorrow, Saturday, September 10th at 9:30 am at Copperhood Spa, 7039 Rte. 28, Phoenicia, to talk about managing our area rivers/streams. Please attend if you'd like to have your voice weigh in on how we better manage our streams to avoid flooding. If you can't attend, but want to be involved let Elizabeth Winograd know at 688-2460 x0.
- Monetary Donations
The Rotary Club has a relief fund. If you would like to donate you can stop by the booth in town at Mama's Boy or send a check to:
Rotary Relief Fund
PO Box 660
Phoenicia, NY
Please write the word Flood in the memo line on the lower left hand corner so they know how to direct your donation.
There is also a fundraiser tonight for the Rotary Relief Fund at the pavilion at Al's restaurant. Buy a ticket and support the relief effort!
Everyone in this town has been incredible!! The outpouring of help and support is terrific. If we keep the efforts up our town will be back to normal in no time!!
The video below was made by Karen Milosky documenting the relief efforts:
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The End of Lee
The bulk of Tropical storm Lee seems to be past us at this point and all is well. The Woodland Valley stream got quite high but never spilled over onto the road. Below is a video shot by Michelle Sparks of the stream where it meets the Esopus. This may look bad to a lot of you but it is well under the levels that were reached during the flooding from Irene. Remember this was shot yesterday and this morning the stream has receded a lot from those levels. But I just thought you all would like to see how high the water came in this most recent storm.
Miriam Rose at Kid's & Family Day

Miriam Rose will be performing at Stage 1, from 2:15 - 2:45 at the Saugerties' Kids & Family Day on Saturday, September 10th. The event will take place from 11 - 6, rain or shine, at the Cantine Field. There will be 3 stages of music (Miriam will be followed by Tom Chapin!), the Sustainable Living Roadshow & Carnival, exhibitions, sports , games and much, much more. Admission is free. Please go the following link for more info:
This is fantastic way to celebrate with our community. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sliding Past
Luckily, the worst part of the storm system that has brought us all the rain in the last couple of days seems to have largely slid to our north and west. So while the Esopus rose to about 14 feet at the Coldbrook gauge earlier today (normal is between 4 and 6 feet, Irene peaked out at about 24 feet), it never got much higher. Today's rainwater flooded some of the lowest properties in town but the flooding wasn't widespread. Woodland Valley so far has gotten spared. The water was high but not over the road. There is still a little more rain in the forecast for tonight but hopefully it won't be too bad. As always, I will keep you posted.
Up But Not Over
The rain continued all day yesterday and through the night. It came down heavily at times as Tropical Storm Lee passes through the area. I just drove down out of Woodland Valley to Phoenicia and I am happy to report that, while the water was very high again, the Woodland Creek had not jumped it's banks.
Main Street Phoenicia was also dry. The low lying areas of the town were under a voluntary evacuation order this morning. At this point I think people feel that it is better to be safe than sorry. As everyone holds their collective breathe to see what will happen later today, I am happy to say that so far everything is wet but fine.
Main Street Phoenicia was also dry. The low lying areas of the town were under a voluntary evacuation order this morning. At this point I think people feel that it is better to be safe than sorry. As everyone holds their collective breathe to see what will happen later today, I am happy to say that so far everything is wet but fine.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
More Rain
Usually, I enjoy the sound of rain on the roof, but post Irene I find it unnerving. In the last day or so we have been getting the remnants of what was tropical storm Lee. Fortunately, up until this point the rain has not been too bad and the creeks haven't risen substantially. Although I am no meteorologist, looking at the radar, the system seems to be about half way past us. The hardest rain is still to come but so far no problems. I will keep you all posted.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Dredging Out And Other News

The long overdue dredging of the Stony Clove Creek has finally begun. Since the NYS DEC is waiving it's permit requirements during this disaster, the work in the creek to prevent Phoenicia from flooding has begun in earnest. All other homeowners who need to repair their properties from the damage done by Irene can also take advantage of these same permit waivers. I am unclear how long this situation will last so if you need stream side repairs you might want to think about making them sooner rather than later.
Meanwhile, there was an article in today's NY Times with people broaching the subject of moving the town. If I hadn't promised you all that I wouldn't talk about politics on this site I would be ranting right now. But here is a link to the article so you can read it for yourselves:
NY Times - On the Flood Plain, Pondering the Wisdom of Building Anew
While the town of Phoenicia is looking dusty but pretty well on it's way to a full clean up, the Bridge St bridge still hasn't been addressed. The county and town are still dealing with roads that are impassable and residents who cannot easily travel from their homes. Once those more urgent needs are addressed I am sure that the bridge repair (or replacement) will be tackled. But for now that end of town is still a mess.

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Everything Is On!!!
Woodland Valley now has power, phone and internet!!! Whoooooo Hooooooo!! Thanks to NYSEG for working really, really hard in this devastating event to help get us all back to normal!
Power To The People!
A lot of Woodland Valley has power at this point. As of about 12:00 the NYSEG people had restored service to somewhere above the Tonisgah bridge (including Pantherkill, Fawn Hill and Tonisgah Roads). They promised that all of Woodland Valley would be on later today. I hope cable and phone come with it but we will see.
For Those In Need
Got this message from Max Resnick today with some good information.
If there is anyone who needs help, or knows folks who do, the Rotary has a table in Phoenicia, at Mama's Boy, and they are trying to deploy volunteers to those in need.
Additionally, for anyone who lost possessions, there is an amazing amount of donated goods at the United Methodist Church, 29 Church St., Phoenicia. They are there now. And, will be open for redistribution from 10-4 this coming week, including Labor Day. They DO NOT need any more donations EXCEPT for clean, packaged underwear (all sizes), socks, toiletries and non-perishable foods.
And, if you need to be together with others to help ease the emotional toll, there is a 2pm ceremony today in Phoenicia.
Shandaken Healing Ceremony
Today, 3rd September
Parish Field
Phoenicia, NY
A gathering of community following the devastation of the flood.
Bring your voice, a bowl and a candle.
If there is anyone who needs help, or knows folks who do, the Rotary has a table in Phoenicia, at Mama's Boy, and they are trying to deploy volunteers to those in need.
Additionally, for anyone who lost possessions, there is an amazing amount of donated goods at the United Methodist Church, 29 Church St., Phoenicia. They are there now. And, will be open for redistribution from 10-4 this coming week, including Labor Day. They DO NOT need any more donations EXCEPT for clean, packaged underwear (all sizes), socks, toiletries and non-perishable foods.
And, if you need to be together with others to help ease the emotional toll, there is a 2pm ceremony today in Phoenicia.
Shandaken Healing Ceremony
Today, 3rd September
Parish Field
Phoenicia, NY
A gathering of community following the devastation of the flood.
Bring your voice, a bowl and a candle.
Support Your Local Businesses
Dave Pillard of Tenderland Home in Phoenicia asked me to tell everyone that he and many of the other businesses in town are open and ready to serve their customers. The catastrophic storm has been devastating to our local economy. Those of you who are able, can help a lot by shopping at local stores and eating in local restaurants. There are many great shops and eateries from Mt Tremper to Belleayre who need your business! The loss of this very important holiday weekend is very hard on everyone who is trying to make a living here. I do not have a list of every business that is open but go and check it out and start your Christmas shopping early or take your mother to dinner. This will go a long way to helping our town get back on it's feet!!
Town Of Shandaken Emergency Info
This information was in my mailbox yesterday (Sept 2, 2011)
1. For all emergencies call 911.
2. For general information call 688-7315 (Phoenicia Fire Dept)
3. The Belleayre Mountain is still providing food, clothing and shelter to those in need.
4. A bus will be making a loop between Mt. Tremper and Belleayre between 9am and 5pm. Flag the bus if needed.
5. Showers and limited laundry service are available at Belleayre.
6. Dry ice and water are still available at Phoenicia, Shandaken, Big Indian and Pine Hill Fire Houses.
7. Please check on your neighbors.
8. Electric restoration is continuing along Rt 28. Power has been restored to Phoenicia.
9. Donations of clothing and dry goods are being collected and distributed from Belleayre Mtn - Attention Noel
10. All contaminated and unrefrigerated food items should be discarded and NOT consumed. Do not risk illness.
1. For all emergencies call 911.
2. For general information call 688-7315 (Phoenicia Fire Dept)
3. The Belleayre Mountain is still providing food, clothing and shelter to those in need.
4. A bus will be making a loop between Mt. Tremper and Belleayre between 9am and 5pm. Flag the bus if needed.
5. Showers and limited laundry service are available at Belleayre.
6. Dry ice and water are still available at Phoenicia, Shandaken, Big Indian and Pine Hill Fire Houses.
7. Please check on your neighbors.
8. Electric restoration is continuing along Rt 28. Power has been restored to Phoenicia.
9. Donations of clothing and dry goods are being collected and distributed from Belleayre Mtn - Attention Noel
10. All contaminated and unrefrigerated food items should be discarded and NOT consumed. Do not risk illness.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Power To Phoenicia And Part Of WV
Phoenicia got power back late today and shortly after Woodland Valley got power back up to somewhere around Roxmor. Hopefully, the rest of the valley will be on soon!!
Town Hall Is Up and Running
The power, phone and cable has been restored to the Shandaken Town Hall so the town offices are up and running. If you need services and/or information please be patient as everyone is trying their best to get the town back to normal but at this point people are overwhelmed and information is scarce.
FEMA and Recovery Services at Belleayre
The following is from the Watershed Post. You can go to their site to read the full article.
Starting today, FEMA will be opening a disaster recovery center at the Belleayre Ski Center in Highmount. The center will be open today (Friday, September 2) from 12 noon to 8pm, and after that, every day from 8am to 8pm, until further notice. People who need to register for FEMA aid can go to Belleayre, where a station will be set up to help people go through the interview process they will need to complete in order to get help.
The most important thing people can do if they need assistance is to register with FEMA, either by calling 1-800-621-3362 (that's 800-621-FEMA), or by registering online at or Either way, applicants will have to answer a series of questions.
Belleayre Ski Center
181 Galli Currci Road
High Mount, NY 12441
• Laundry – free use of washers and dryers
• Hot showers - free
• FEMA – from Noon to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept 2nd and then 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily starting Saturday, September 3rd
• Social Services
• Stress Management
• Meals
• New York Department of Labor
Margaretville Country Store by school
Margaretville Hess Station on State Highway 28
Margaretville Town Hall
Arkville Behive
Clovesville Old Route 28 and corner of Kissimmee Road
Cloveville Baptist Church
Fleischmanns Community Church
Fleischmanns Country Store
Belleayre Ski Center
Starting today, FEMA will be opening a disaster recovery center at the Belleayre Ski Center in Highmount. The center will be open today (Friday, September 2) from 12 noon to 8pm, and after that, every day from 8am to 8pm, until further notice. People who need to register for FEMA aid can go to Belleayre, where a station will be set up to help people go through the interview process they will need to complete in order to get help.
The most important thing people can do if they need assistance is to register with FEMA, either by calling 1-800-621-3362 (that's 800-621-FEMA), or by registering online at or Either way, applicants will have to answer a series of questions.
Belleayre Ski Center
181 Galli Currci Road
High Mount, NY 12441
• Laundry – free use of washers and dryers
• Hot showers - free
• FEMA – from Noon to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept 2nd and then 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily starting Saturday, September 3rd
• Social Services
• Stress Management
• Meals
• New York Department of Labor
Margaretville Country Store by school
Margaretville Hess Station on State Highway 28
Margaretville Town Hall
Arkville Behive
Clovesville Old Route 28 and corner of Kissimmee Road
Cloveville Baptist Church
Fleischmanns Community Church
Fleischmanns Country Store
Belleayre Ski Center
Latest Info
Here is the latest news I have gathered this morning.
It seems that the MF Whitney Fire Company has become a central spot for coordinating assistance to the community in Phoenicia. People are leaving donations of food and meeting there to offer assistance. If you need help or have something to donate you might want to try there first.
Several community associations including the Rotary Club are meeting today at noon at Mama's Boy in Phoenicia. I believe they too are trying to organize assistance efforts.
Merry Chellas sent me the FEMA emergency number. It is 800-621-3362. She said they were incredibly helpful. She also told me that they said the deadline for applications is October 31st. Apparently, beginning tomorrow they are also going to set up a disaster relief center at Belleayre. I will post more info about that later.
No power or phone yet in Woodland Valley. Phoenicia has phone but no power. The good news is that I see a lot more trucks around working on both issues.
It seems that the MF Whitney Fire Company has become a central spot for coordinating assistance to the community in Phoenicia. People are leaving donations of food and meeting there to offer assistance. If you need help or have something to donate you might want to try there first.
Several community associations including the Rotary Club are meeting today at noon at Mama's Boy in Phoenicia. I believe they too are trying to organize assistance efforts.
Merry Chellas sent me the FEMA emergency number. It is 800-621-3362. She said they were incredibly helpful. She also told me that they said the deadline for applications is October 31st. Apparently, beginning tomorrow they are also going to set up a disaster relief center at Belleayre. I will post more info about that later.
No power or phone yet in Woodland Valley. Phoenicia has phone but no power. The good news is that I see a lot more trucks around working on both issues.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Power Update
For a few minutes there the NYSEG site on the web was reporting that Woodland Valley had power again. But alas, it was just a dream. The folks upstate said they are still in the dark. The NYSEG website has now gone back to saying Sept 7th as the target date. Here is the link to the NYSEG site if you want to continue to check it:
Bellayre Reachs Out
I have been told that Bellayre has power and has graciously opened itself to residents who are in need. Folks without power can go up and take a shower and do one load of wash per family. People with cars can get there easily and for those without there is a shuttle from Main Street, Phoenicia up to the resort.
The Latest Information
Several people have called and emailed me with the new information on a variety of topics. First of all, Pine Hill has power. if you need to access a Wi-Fi connection both the Pine Hill Library and the Pine Hill Community Center have it. Unfortunately, I am not sure of their hours at this point.
If you are coming upstate remember to bring D batteries for your flashlights. Apparently, they are in short supply in our area.
Many of our residents have been reaching out to NYSEG, Verizon and Time Warner. Here is the message that Jeff Schwartz received from NYSEG:
We are aware of an electricity outage in your area affecting 1618 customer(s). The estimated restoration time is Wednesday, September 07 at 11:00 PM.
So it looks like there might not be power until the middle of next week.
Here is a link to NYSEG's site for obtaining dry ice:and bottled water.
I want to say that as the town digs out and heals itself many, many people have stepped up and helped their neighbors. On my personal thank you list is George Holz for getting Harry and I to town right after the flood. David Hershkovits for giving me a ride to Boiceville to check email and blog. Tommy Healy for lending me his equipment. And Bob and Linda McDonald for lending me some propane for my lantern. You are all awesome and I thank you so much!!
Here is another thank you to neighbor Ernie Persons from Laurie Ryan:
"Among the people working so hard to put the pieces back together, I especially want to thank Ernie Persons for having the foresight to knock on everyone's door at 6:00 a.m. and instruct them to move their cars across the Woodland Park Association bridge. So many people have been stranded in other places."
- Laurie Ryan
Ernie has been great in this emergency! He installed a makeshift foot bridge so that the residents of the WV Park Association could get over the stream. I have always said that Ernie was one of the people I would most like to know in an bad situation!! Great job, Ernie!
Lastly, I want to say that this experience has once again proved what an awesome community we live in!! Everyone has stepped up to help out!! This is a trying time but we will all get through this together!
PS - Jeff Schwartz just emailed me with this information.
I just got this email from NYSEG
"We recently restored service to your location on Wednesday, August 31 at 8:30 PM."
I usually verify by calling the house and getting my answering machine or alarm system to respond.
Either NYSEG is incorrect or they connected power but phones are still down at our end.
In an earlier post you indicated some residents had some phone service, do you have their numbers.
I would try to call them to see if they got power also.
- Jeff
Unfortunately, only residents that told me they had phone service in the valley are on Muddy Brook Rd and I do not have their phone number.
If anyone in the valley sees this post and has further information please email me here at:
Also, for those seeking more information about the town in general can go to the live blog on The Watershed Post site;
8:15 UPDATE ON THE POWER - Romer Mt Park has no power so I doubt the rest of the valley has it.
If you are coming upstate remember to bring D batteries for your flashlights. Apparently, they are in short supply in our area.
Many of our residents have been reaching out to NYSEG, Verizon and Time Warner. Here is the message that Jeff Schwartz received from NYSEG:
We are aware of an electricity outage in your area affecting 1618 customer(s). The estimated restoration time is Wednesday, September 07 at 11:00 PM.
So it looks like there might not be power until the middle of next week.
Here is a link to NYSEG's site for obtaining dry ice:and bottled water.
I want to say that as the town digs out and heals itself many, many people have stepped up and helped their neighbors. On my personal thank you list is George Holz for getting Harry and I to town right after the flood. David Hershkovits for giving me a ride to Boiceville to check email and blog. Tommy Healy for lending me his equipment. And Bob and Linda McDonald for lending me some propane for my lantern. You are all awesome and I thank you so much!!
Here is another thank you to neighbor Ernie Persons from Laurie Ryan:
"Among the people working so hard to put the pieces back together, I especially want to thank Ernie Persons for having the foresight to knock on everyone's door at 6:00 a.m. and instruct them to move their cars across the Woodland Park Association bridge. So many people have been stranded in other places."
- Laurie Ryan
Ernie has been great in this emergency! He installed a makeshift foot bridge so that the residents of the WV Park Association could get over the stream. I have always said that Ernie was one of the people I would most like to know in an bad situation!! Great job, Ernie!
Lastly, I want to say that this experience has once again proved what an awesome community we live in!! Everyone has stepped up to help out!! This is a trying time but we will all get through this together!
PS - Jeff Schwartz just emailed me with this information.
I just got this email from NYSEG
"We recently restored service to your location on Wednesday, August 31 at 8:30 PM."
I usually verify by calling the house and getting my answering machine or alarm system to respond.
Either NYSEG is incorrect or they connected power but phones are still down at our end.
In an earlier post you indicated some residents had some phone service, do you have their numbers.
I would try to call them to see if they got power also.
- Jeff
Unfortunately, only residents that told me they had phone service in the valley are on Muddy Brook Rd and I do not have their phone number.
If anyone in the valley sees this post and has further information please email me here at:
Also, for those seeking more information about the town in general can go to the live blog on The Watershed Post site;
8:15 UPDATE ON THE POWER - Romer Mt Park has no power so I doubt the rest of the valley has it.