Thursday, March 19, 2020

Parents Working From Home With Kids

Many parents in the WV community have had to negotiate the demands of working from home and wrangling kids (schooling and other needs) at the same time. Here are some excellent tips from community member Melissa Hatter. Thanks for sharing Melissa!

My top 3 tips from a mom home with 2 boys and a full-time job:)...
1. Create a schedule for everyone in the house, especially the kids; For kids, include regular rituals (such as teeth brushing, getting dressed, making their bed and any other chores), remote learning school sessions as well as outdoor playtime (age-appropriate) to ensure they get physical exercise.  For parents, include some downtime, relaxation time should be on the schedule!
2. For those kids that don't have a full remote-learning situation in place, I have found several online sites for both live and on-demand and live lessons their minds engaged.  My favs include:
3. Use the together time to teach some life skills--today we had our kids wash our car:).---win/win!  We've also done cooking where they have learned how to measure out ingredients and how to use some kitchen instruments.  

Hope that helps!