Saturday, March 28, 2020

County Stats and Town News

Ulster County has put together a web page where you can follow the number of Covid-19 cases on a town by town basis. As of right now, Shandaken still has only one. There is all sorts of other information on this site like the county Covid-19 hotline number and information about mobile testing sites. Here is the link.

Town Clerk Joyce Grant is still writing marriage licenses in the town. If you need one you can call her at 845-688-5004. She will then arrange to meet you outside of Town Hall with the paper work and get it done, sort of like curb service. Joyce has never stood in the way of love and she won't start now.

Town Supervisor Rob Stanley weighed in on whether AirBnBs in Shandaken should remain open or not. To see what he has to say go to the Daily Freeman link below and read Rob's thoughts on the issue.

Finally, if you are on Facebook be sure to follow the Town of Shandaken Facebook page for up to the minute updates for the town. That page is used to get information out in this and all other emergency situations.