Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Vote Today!!!

Don't forget to go to the polls today to cast your vote for town government officials. In a small town like ours every election is important!! The positions that are up for your consideration are: Town Supervisor, 2 Town Board Members, Town Clerk, Highway Supervisor and 2 Assessors.

If you want to look up your polling place or see a sample ballot you can go to the Ulster County Board of Elections website below. They have added new features recently and that is one of them. So go to the site, look toward the bottom of the page. The second item down with a large yellow splash and a red NEW sticker on the left says "look up your polling site and view a sample ballot". Just click on that link and it will ask you for your address and date of birth. If you enter it you can see the ballot.


Recently, the Woodstock Times did in-depth articles about the different candidates running in this election. Here are the articles about the choices for the different positions:

Supervisor: http://www.woodstockx.com/2011/10/17/shandaken-supervisor-candidates/
Town Board: http://www.woodstockx.com/2011/10/22/rivals-square-off-for-shandaken-board/
Town Clerk & Highway Supervisor: http://www.woodstockx.com/2011/10/29/shandakens-other-candidates/

There is also a referendum on the ballot about raising the library budget. The Watershed Post did an interview with Bernie Handzel, chair of the Proposition 414 Referendum Committee, who makes the case for the library on the proposal. If you would all like to read it you can go to:


As always Woodland Valley residents vote in the Phoenicia Firehouse.

So today's the day, get out and vote!!!!!