Sunday, November 20, 2011

Updated Satellite Images of Woodland Valley

Dennis Havel sent me the following message earlier this week.

"You might want to alert blog readers that Google Earth has updated satellite images of the area within the last 2 weeks. The Northern half of Panther Mountain and Woodland Valley is now high resolution images including street views of Phoenicia. Very cool!

The South half of Panther and Woodland Valley are still the old blurry images."

- Dennis

For those of you who don't know, Google earth is a very cool, totally free way to view your neighborhood (and for some even your house) from space. Over the past couple of years the imagery of Woodland Valley has gotten increasingly hi-res. They are not all done and it is not as detailed as you can view in the city (with street views available) but it is still pretty cool. If you have never tried it I would totally recommend checking it out!