Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Trot - A Great Success!!

This morning's running of the first annual Phoenicia Turkey Trot (fun run/walk/wobble) was a triumph! It was a beautiful day and the community turned out in force. They had 327 participants register and 293 finish the race! About $3900 was raised for the library. I am happy to say that Woodland Valley was well represented! (see photos below) I participated myself and took a few snapshots with my phone along the way to show you all. Mark your calendars for next year. I think this is the start of an awesome annual event!!

Clarification Note: While this year the race benefited the library, in future years it may benefit something else. The event was organized by Heather Roberts and Patty Rudge, both of whom are very interested in helping all of us be healthy thru activity, and in creating fun community events. I had thought that this would be a library event every year but Max Resnick wrote to me to give me more insight on the process. Thanks Max!