Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fun at the 2011 Annual Summer Meeting

Despite the heat, big fun was had yesterday at the 2011 Annual WCA Summer Meeting. It was a good crowd and we got a lot of business done. The slate of officers was re-elected from last year. They are:

President: Carol Seitz
Vice President: Peggy Neu
Treasurer: Brave Emma
Secretary: Mike O'Neil

The Board of Directors were also elected. They are:

Michelle Keesee
Dakin Morehouse
Mike O'Neil
Carol Seitz
Brave Emma
Madeline Piel
Peggy Neu

My deepest thanks goes out to the Roxmor Colony who so generously let us use their clubhouse for our shindig. Also thanks to everyone who helped organize the meeting and buy and prepare snacks. Those folks are:

Tom Thompson
Dakin Morehouse
Brave Emma
Rebecca Ffrench
Lauren Silver Altman
Tammy Feuer
Richard Feuer
Sarah Vischer-Marino
Nick Alba
Noni Connor
Dave & Kathy Parse

Everybody's favorite violinist Miriam Rose closed the meeting with a beautiful classical piece. Thank you to Miriam for donating her time and talent to help her community!!

And thanks to everyone who stayed and helped clean up! A lot of folks pitched in and it made for short work. Great job everyone!! I think I can safely say, a good time was had by all!!