Jeff & Aileen Schwartz attended Tuesday's service for Marilyn Dershowitz. They shared their experience with me. I added the photo above. It was taken at one of their annual gatherings a few years ago. I think this is how I want to remember Marilyn, smiling and happy in her lovely garden with Nat on a gorgeous summer day. Here is the message I received from Jeff:
"I had just gotten up Tuesday from sitting Shiva for the passing of my father.
When I heard the news on Sunday, I hoped that I could go to the funeral and pay my respects to Marilyn and console Nat.
Aileen and myself arrived early, and the throngs of people started to show up. The chapel was large and it seemed that every seat was filled and the people squeezed together to make room for more.
There were many residents of the Valley attending, we were well represented.
You saw famous people, many lawyers, friends and family. Everybody had a story to tell.
The funeral service began at 11:45 and eulogies were said by family members & friends.
It started with Marilyn's nephew, who was so broken up that it took him a while to compose himself and begin speaking.
Her great niece and nephew spoke of their memories, private, one on one time, holiday meals. Barely able to get though it before their tears prevented them from going on.
Another nephew spoke, business associates and friends reflected on their time spent with Marilyn.
Marilyn's and Nat's daughter and son spoke and you could hear the grandchildren's voices, and you knew that they will be growing up without benefit of Marilyn's guidance.
All the stories touched your heart, there were funny quips and tearful acknowledgements that Marilyn will be greatly missed.
And then Nat spoke. He reflected on the fact that they were together for 57 years and it would be so difficult to go on. He spoke of their final time together, their conversation and how things can change in an instant. He told of the things that they had planned for the upcoming weeks with the children and grandchildren. The boat ride to see the fireworks, the shows and the play that they had gotten tickets for. Now she won't be there to enjoy them with her family.
But he will have to carry on, be the father and mother, the grand father and grand mother - a huge task awaits him.
May Marilyn rest in peace and be an inspiration to us all.
She will be missed."
- Jeff and Aileen Schwartz