The library book sale is proceeding as planned. It is being held this weekend at the Rod & Gun Club on Rt 28. I personally thought the sound of ammo being fired during the sale added an interesting ambiance to the event. My suggestion to the group was that if someone came and didn't spend enough on books they should be made to exit the building across the firing range. Alas, my idea was rejected.
All kidding aside, the library is a very, very important part of our community. So go and show your support by buying some books!! Below is a letter from a Quinn giving more info about the fire and asking you to support the library by attending the sale. I will keep you all up to date on any future fund raising events.
PS - A short video that was shot this morning is available on the web. The photos are similar to those that I shot and posted below but those of you who would like to see it can click the link provided here: Phoenicia Library After the Fire
Here is Quinn's letter:
Dear Friends,
Last night, there was a fire in the Phoenicia library. No one was hurt and the building still stands, for which we as a community must count our blessings. However, the damage to the interior was extensive, and while I personally don't know the details, it would seem as though much of the collection is not salvageable.
You all know what a vitally important part of this community the library has been and will continue to be, regardless of location and circumstances. Needless to say, it is a loss that we will all mourn--for the objects inside (some irreplaceable), for the memories made there and for the place itself.
But. It was the library building that burned. Not the library. You all are the library. The community is the library.
Today, Judith Singer (Library Board President) has put together a sale at the Phoenicia Fish and Game Club on Rte. 28. There will be over 6000 books there, all the proceeds will benefit the Library. If you are able, please come and show your support. If you know anyone else who I have not included in my list of contacts who might be able to come out, please forward this to them as well. Today is the first day of rebuilding for the library. We all will be very grateful for anything that can be done.