Monday, December 27, 2010

Storm News

I am sure those of you who are not in the valley have been anxiously awaiting this post. Thankfully, I have pretty good news to report. The weather situation up here is not too bad. After predictions of 1 to 2 feet of snow, we have actually only gotten about 7 inches so far, which really isn't that much for these parts. (Am I jaded that I think 7 inches is not that much snow??) The bulk of the storm seems to be passing to the east. Of course it is still snowing and expected to continue through about noon time.

Although I haven't been out, Woodland Valley road looks pretty good from my window. The plow trucks have been up and down several times during the night clearing and sanding. So I don't think the road situation is bad. Hopefully, you can all just tuck in and don't have to drive. I will update you later on in the day on the final totals from this storm. Drive safely if you must travel today!!