Thursday, December 2, 2010

More News About The Flooding

Sorry I am posting so late tonight when I know all of you are waiting to hear about the aftermath of the flood. The truth is that I had to leave the valley early yesterday morning and I did not return until about an hour ago. I didn't post that for obvious reasons (I thought it would be akin to hanging a "Rob Me" sign on my house), but I digress. I stopped in Phoenicia on my way home and crews were in the midst of cleaning everything up.

Here in the valley, the road took a beating. The water came up and over it in several places. But the good news is that it didn't stay that way for very long. I talked to Eric Hofmeister (the town highway supervisor) and he told me that the recent repairs done in the vicinity of Romer Mt Park (the old ski slope) and Roxmor were both damaged. And the stone wall that ran along Woodland Valley road where it meets Grandview was wiped out. Eric also said that one more hour of rain and we would have lost big chunks of WV road. But thank goodness the water receded in time and that didn't happen. The good news is that the rebuild of the curve by Fawn Hill seems to have held up. We are all very lucky that they fixed that this summer. In my opinion it was just in the nick of time!! I really believe that we would have lost the road in that spot had they not done the work!!

Since I got home so late I didn't get any photos to post but there is an excellent video of town for you to view. Here is the link: Flood Video. The person who did it really did a great job in capturing the height of the water and the seriousness of the situation.

As I said yesterday, if you have a home on the stream I would advise checking in with friends or neighbors to make sure everything is OK.