Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WV History - Claude Yerry - Bear Hunting

Here is a message from WCA member (and walking history encyclopedia) Linda McDonald.

"Enclosed is a picture of Claude Yerry (born 1879) and 5 bears. Claude (38 yr old at the time) is the man on the right with the gun. Nov 1917. Next is the newspaper article from the Kingston Daily Freeman from Dec 11, 1917 describing the catch. The other picture is Claude at Roxmor, by a house foundation he had worked on (stone mason extrodinare) You can pick out Claude's work in the valley, since he used small white quartz stones in his construction adding little white touches to fireplaces, walls and columns. The last picture is from Lonnie's book and it is how I remember Claude as a child in the early 1950's."

- Linda McDonald

Thanks for sending this to us Linda!