Friday, October 3, 2008

Community Event - River Otter Presentation

Since many of the WV residents have attended programs at the Cornell Cooperative Extension before I thought you might be interested in this Ashokan Basin Stream Management Community Event. Here is a message sent to us by Laura Weyeneth
Watershed Educator for the ABSMP.

Have you ever spotted a river otter?
Would you like to?

Cornell Cooperative Extension - Ulster County is hosting a family friendly program on river otters Saturday, October 11.

Benjamin Stafford, Student Conservation Association Wildlife Educator for the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, will speak about river otters in the Catskills.

Please join CCE at their Phoenicia Office at 5578 Route 28 in the Phoenicia Plaza on Saturday, October 11 at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM to learn about river otter reproduction, behavior, tracks, and signs. The event is free for all.

RSVP Laura Weyeneth at 845-340-3990 or