This was sent to us by Paul Misko -
"This spring, up in the head of Woodland Valley, we lost my friend Fred. Or did I just imagine it????? Anyhow, here is a tribute to him."
Ode to a Good Fred
Here lies poor Fred, our outdoor friend.
We missed his birth, but caught his end.
While on our hike, up hills he'd dash,
but now he's just a pile of ash.
His morning was without a care,
but evening met him with a bear
A stick he wielded as a club,
defense against a former cub.
Paul tried to shoot the fuzzy bear,
but then just missed him by a hair.
I know that this excuse is lame,
but its all due to Paul's bad aim.
Exact details remain obscure,
but for Fred's wounds there was no cure.
Cremation seemed the cheapest route.
a few bucks saved, we'll all dine out.
- Paul Misko