Sunday, July 6, 2008

Edible Flowers - Daylillies

There are a lot of edible flowers in our area. One that is blooming right now and is easily identified is the daylilly. It is tasty and beautiful. And makes a great decoration on top of your salad.

I got these 8 simple rules for edible flowers from
The Dirt Doctor Website
and I think that they are good ones.


1. Not all flowers are edible. Some are poisonous. Learn the difference.

2. Eat flowers only when you are positive they are edible and non-toxic.

3. Eat only flowers that have been grown organically.

4. Do not eat flowers from florists, nurseries or garden centers unless you know they’ve been maintained organically.

5. Do not eat flowers if you have hay fever, asthma or allergies.

6. Do not eat flowers growing on the side of the road.

7. Remove pistils and stamens from flowers before eating. Eat only the petals of the larger flowers.

8. Introduce flowers into your diet the way you would new foods to a baby - one at a time in small quantities.

Note: Pregnant women should avoid all strong herbs and no plant should be ingested in excess by anyone at anytime. None of these plants should be eaten unless they have been grown organically. Edible flowers can be used to enhance food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can also be used in teas. Here are some of the best edible flower choices.