O.K., so I am a geek. But just in case you haven't noticed, the rest stops on the NY Thruway now have free WiFi. What is WiFi you might ask? It actually means "wireless fidelity" and it is the current term for wireless internet. So how does it work? Basically, you can stop, get a snack or use the rest rooms and then open up your laptop and jump on the internet (for free). I actually used it to solve a small business emergency I was having recently. On my way down to the city a big client called my cell phone and needed me to send a photo to someone ASAP. The file was in my computer so I just pulled into the rest stop, jumped on the internet, and emailed the image. It was amazing. Everyone was happy. Without the WiFi service the client would have been waiting another couple of hours. I am sure they would have been breathing down my neck the whole time. This way I was able to get them what they needed and enjoy the rest of my ride in peace. I thought I would share this story to make you aware of the possibilities! I fly my geek flag proudly!!