Monday, March 17, 2014

Back To Talking About Weather

Sorry I haven't posted about the weather in a while. I have actually been on the road a bit and away from home. But now I am back, so here are the current conditions.

After a few days of temps in the 40's, today's readings are back into the teens. It is bright and sunny but needless to say, cold. But in that stretch of warm weather, a lot of the snow melted. There is still quite a bit left but no where near the amount that there was at the height of the winter.

There is no sign yet of my daffodils, so spring is still a bit out of reach. But the light has changed and the warm weather is drawing nearer. And I have seen more birds and animals which is a good sign too.

On that note, please drive slowly down WV road. I have seen a lot of deer around as they come down off the snowy peaks to find food. So be careful driving.

So that's all for the current weather report. Hope to see you all soon in the valley!