We've got 12 members now, but know it is more valuable with more members.
The intent of the Woodland Valley Nextdoor Community is a communication portal where info can be shared, sought, etc. relatively quickly. If you need advice on a good plumber or electrician, best local swimming or fishing holes, or if you want to share information quickly (fish stocking this Saturday or hike this Sunday), this is a great way to do it. Once you join, you can customize your settings to receive emails whenever a new posting is made, or to receive a digest only once a day or week (as you like).
On another point that the readers may find of interest is that the Woodland Valley Lodge our house name), is about to welcome Jenny Milchman, an author, and her family for the next six months. Jenny will be writing her next book in the Lodge over the Winter months. See her Amazon bio and buy her first book at http://www.amazon.com/Jenny-Milchman/e/B004XO27I2
Thanks again -
Kevin Lanier