WCA member MJ Reiss is giving a course in "The Art of Living" September 5th - 9th. But before she teaches that session, she is giving a free workshop in The Phoenicia Healing Arts Center. Here are the details.
Mind and Meditation - Free Workshop!
Art of Living
- Eliminate Stress
- Gain Calmness and Clarity
- Improve health: Physically
- Mentally – Emotionally
- Guided Meditation
- Knowledge of Mind-Body- Breath
- Breathing techniques
Seminar Date – Aug 15th 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Location - Phoenicia Healing Arts Center | 74 Main Street | Phoenicia, NY 12464 |
(845) 688-5601 (Contact MJ Reiss; mjreiss4mail@gmail.com )
As the summertime is reaching its peak, one contemplates either; great that we are moving into the fall, or perhaps, wistfulness that summer is leaving. Have you considered what is it that makes you happy?
As simplistic as this question is, when you consider, why you do what you do to get ahead, isn't it because it makes you happy? Or is it that you will be happy when you finally get what you want?
Can you be centered, focused and happy under stressful situations?
How to do this?
First come to our free meditation workshop next Thursday Aug 15th at
Phoenicia Healing Arts (upstairs from the Ice Cream Store)
74 Main St
Phoenicia, NY 12464
Or contact me directly.
Take care and please feel free to call or email anytime soon!
MJ Reiss