There are a few things you should keep in mind about the entries. First, the sizing of the logos is a little wonky. Sometimes Blogspot does things that I am unable to compensate for, in this case, it is some strange sizing. Next, the last 2 hand drawn entries are intended as rough sketches that could be refined in Illustrator or Photoshop. And lastly, entry number 8 is a watercolor with a lot of beautiful detail that is lost when converted to this small size. I just wanted to mention that fact because I think it is the only one where that seems to be happening.
So that being said, now it is time for all WCA members to vote. Just email me the number on the top left hand corner of your chosen design. Send the email to You must be a WCA member to vote!
Just to remind you all, we ultimately plan on printing the winning entry on stickers we can proudly display on our cars.
The deadline for the voting is May 7th. So get your votes in now.