Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY!!

OK, so maybe Woodland Valley doesn't have lions and tigers but we do have plenty of bears and more than a few coyotes. This post is just to let people know that they need to take extra care putting out their garbage and should try to put it out the morning of the pickup if possible. There has been a very persistent animal knocking over garbage cans all through the upper half of the valley in the last couple of months. They have strewn the refuse all over the road and front yards and have generally made a huge mess. So if you can take extra precautions with your trash it would be wise.

Besides the bears there has also been a very large and very bold coyote at the end of the valley. He/she doesn't seem to be very afraid of humans and stops and stares at me when I have seen him/her and stopped my car. I have never seen a coyote do that before. So keep an eye on your small dogs and cats if you let them out of the house!

And another reason to keep an eye on your small animals is the fishers that live in this area. For those of you who don't know what a fisher looks like I have linked the name to the Wikipedia definition. One of our neighbors up on Patherkill road has reported a family living in their yard. They are very mean and will kill and eat cats if given the chance.

Bottom line is that we can co-exist very well with these amazing creatures but we need to be careful. So take extra care with your garbage and animals.