Monday, May 31, 2010
Buzz & The Peanut Cuddle Up
Cardi O'Connor sent me this photo of The Peanut and Buzz (the newest addition to the family) curling up together on the sofa. As you may remember from a previous post, Buzz came to the O'Connor/Ottavi household in March after being fostered by Trish and Gianrobert Wotton for several months. The cats made friends in no time and are already snuggling together and cleaning each other. Of course, being a kitten, Buzz likes to chase The Peanut around a bit but that is to be expected. But as you can see in the photo below, he also knows how to chill out completely. Buzz goes for his 'surgery' this week so everyone send him lots of good energy! I am sure he will get through it just fine and be back to normal in no time.