I wait all year for my daffodils to bloom. The flowers are so optimistic, perky and bright. They just scream "Spring Is Here!". This year daffodil season started strangely. It was so cold for so long that I thought they would be weeks late. And then, out of nowhere, we had those 2 days of summer-like heat with temps in the 80s and they just popped up and started to open. Since then, the weather has gotten cold again and the blooming has slowed down once more. But I think in a couple of days they will be at their peak. I probably have somewhere in the neighborhood of about 5000 at this point and they look great! I want to give a special shout out to Pete Overbeck who dug up about 400-500 bulbs from the woods of Ohio and passed them along to me. I planted every last one of those little devils and now they are rewarding me for my diligence. Thanks Pete for giving me those extra bulbs. You are helping to bring me one step closer to my goal of naturalizing my whole hill. It may take another 20 years but I am determined!!