I received this report a few days ago from Paul Misko.
Here is the report from The Woodland Valley Hikers Giant Ledge trip....
The ten of us met at the Giant Ledge trailhead near Winnisook, south of Big Indian. This is a shorter hike than if you came up from Woodland Valley. We knew it would be a hot and humid day, but the well shaded trail made the climb quite tolerable. Along the way, historical info, stories, and pics were shared by Paul Misko and Jay Simpson. After a good hour of hiking, a refreshing stop at the spring prepared us for the last, steep, push to the summit. While passing the former lean-to sight, we obtained a nice view of Slide Mtn, which whetted our appetite for the visual feast that awaited us. Carefully stemming our way up the rocky stairway soon brought us to the flat top of the ledge. The only task remaining was to walk toward the edge of the ledge. (you'll know when you went too far!) After arriving at a vacant viewpoint we quickly relieved our backs of our packs, and began taking in the view. We also began taking in our lunches, and agreed that even the most humble food item tasted pretty good on a hike.
What about getting our just desserts? Someone had the foresight to bring a bag full of Klondike Bars packed in dry ice. Ay Carumba! What a treat that was. There were plenty left over to offer to the many hot hikers that hobbled past our group. The usual response was disbelief to our offer of ice cream in such a place, but those that had faith received their frosty reward. All, including young Henry, had to take a turn in carrying the cooler, but the dividends were paid in many smiles per mile.
After more pics and repacking, we proceeded to check out the remaining viewpoints, including the western one, which gives a nice vista of Winnisook Lodge, and it's tempting lake. We soon began our descent; carefully picking our way through the rocky places, and squishing through the muddy ones, all while watching the sinking sun's light play upon our mountainside. Arriving at the cars ended another day well spent in the Catskills.
- Paul Misko

If anyone would like to join the Woodland Valley Hiking Group just email me here at wvview.gmail.com and I will pass your request on to Paul.