We had a excellent time learning about WV geology on Saturday from geologist Dan Davis of the NYCDEP. A great group of residents (about 25) turned out to hear more about what formed our valley. As promised, Dan gave a power point presentation on the basics, and then we went out to the stream to see the rock formations up close. It was very interesting and informative and everyone enjoyed it immensely. Let me extend my thanks first to the folks at Roxmor for lending us their clubhouse. The Roxmorians are always great friends to the WCA. Next, to Dakin Morehouse who is always willing to lend a hand to set up and break down. And last, but definitely not least, to Dan Davis for giving up his personal time to come and give us such a fantastic presentation!!! The talk/walk was first class and we here in WV very much appreciate you taking the time to do this event for us! Three Cheers for Dan!!!