Saturday, April 11, 2020

Some Good News in Woodland Valley

I hope you are all well. Since we are all dealing with the ongoing pandemic and the stresses around work and health related concerns, I thought some good news was in order.

First, congratulations to our esteemed President Bethany Saltman who's book "Strange Situation: A Mother's Journey Into The Science of Attachment" made The Washington Post's 10 books to read in April list. Here is a link to The Washington Post for those of you who subscribe and can read it. Go Bethany!

Secondly, WV resident Bonnie LeFave sent me these photos of a pair of eagles that she recently saw down by the intersection of Pantherkill and Woodland Valley roads. These are such beautiful birds! I think the one on the right is a juvenile (see if you other birders agree). We are so lucky to have these majestic creatures in our midst. Thanks for sending us these photos, Bonnie.

So there you have a little good news in the midst of chaos. Stay safe!