Woodland Valley resident Joe DeSarle sent me this link (see below) to a video he made. The piece features Joe singing "So In Love" from the play Kiss Me Kate. You might remember that this was the musical that was featured on Friday Night of this year's Festival of the Voice (although Joe didn't sing it there). Joe does a great job with the tune and I thought you all might enjoy it too. Check it out!
Monday, September 19, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Tony And The Turkeys - By Boreegard
When we got back home from Texas,
A few days before Thanksgiving,
Tony—the big Maine Coon cat,
Who allows us to share our home with him,
Took me aside for a brief conversation.
“You know boss (he calls me boss to make
Me feel good),
That flock of wild turkeys you’ve been
Chucking cracked corn and sunflower seeds at,
Has been making themselves right at home
In your absence.”
“They’ve pecked the H E double L
Out of Ma’s flowery things, and they’ve been
Strutting in obscene feathery processions,
All through the herb garden. Have they no shame?
Now, what are you going to do about this mess?”
“I can hardly sun myself properly of a warm afternoon,
Or pounce on the occasional high grass vermin,
Which is my catly right and duty, as you well know,
Without those cacophonous gobblers strutting through the yard,
Interrupting my action with their peck peck peckings,
And their gobbley gobbledy gobblings.”
I scratched his head, and while he purred away
Like a 14 inch chain saw, I said this to him:
“My dear Tony of the bologna (He doesn’t know what
Bologna is, but he likes the rhyming sound of it),
That particular flock of tough toms and sweet hens
Is a permanent part of our scene. They are sacrosanct.”
“But you and I will have the ultimate revenge. To celebrate
Thanksgiving, I’ll roast one of their domesticated
Cousins, and we will feast for many days upon its tender flesh.
And of its bones, dear cat, I’ll make a beautiful brown broth,
That we will spoon and slurp and long remember.”
Mike O’Neil aka Boreegard
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Last Wish By Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard
Red Rock is the deepest, most majestic
Pool in our Woodland Brook.
Alice Jean wanted her corporeal remains
To be put there when she died.
Even after the brain tumors were excised,
And her perfect memory was a thing of
The past, she would voice this wish
Again and again.
On a clear July morning, her son Peter
Took her ashes and slowly added her
To the strongly flowing current,
At the head of the pool.
Her sister said a silent prayer.
Peter, Jim and I bid her
A good journey—and the brook
Sang her its eternal song.
The song she’d longed for.
July 27, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Shandaken Studio Tour 2016
The Shandaken Studio Tour is next weekend. You can view maps of all the studios online. I just received this email from Dave Channon who is organizing this year's tour. Here are the details he provided.
Come out and join us on the tour next weekend if you can!
Friday July 15 at The Arts Upstairs - Kick-off party & "Short Tall Tales" with host MC Sparrow 7-10 pm
Saturday July 16 at The Arts Upstairs - 6-9 pm - Gala opening with Jonathan Wilner's solo show
Saturday and Sunday July 16-17 10 am - 5 pm - Open studios self guided tour.
View maps online at: ShandakenArt.com Start at any studio and pick up a free catalog & guidebook. Also available at shops in Phoenicia.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Ricarda O'Conner Workshop
WCA member Ricarda O'Conner sent me this information about her next workshop. Here is what Ricarda had to say:
My monthly workshop, MEDITATION, INTENTION and THE ZERO POINT FIELD is coming up:
Sunday, July 10th @ 2:00 - 3:30 pm
This workshop is designed to tune-up your conscious awareness, help you tap into your most vital joyful power, and boost your ability to transform every area of your life. Although the workshop has a basic structure it is different each time, reflecting the unique energy and intention of the participants.
To read a brief description of the workshop, click on the link:
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Place: Sage Center for Healing, 6 Deming Street, Woodstock, NY (downstairs in the yoga studio).
Cost: Only $20
To save your space, register by simply calling or emailing: sagehealingcenter@gmail.com 845-679-5650 Or just drop in!
Looking Forward to Seeing You,
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Paul Misko On WIOX
Paul Misko sent me this message to pass on to all of you. Here is what Paul had to say:
On Wednesday, July 6th, I will be doing one of my Catskill trivia quizzes on WIOX Radio Roxbury. One of the contestants will be Linda Mc Donald who is known by many in the valley. Folks can listen in via their computer by clicking onto this link, or just google wiox radio, Roxbury, N.Y. and go to the home page. It airs from 6p.m. to 7p.m. You might actually learn something... but no promises are made.
On Wednesday, July 6th, I will be doing one of my Catskill trivia quizzes on WIOX Radio Roxbury. One of the contestants will be Linda Mc Donald who is known by many in the valley. Folks can listen in via their computer by clicking onto this link, or just google wiox radio, Roxbury, N.Y. and go to the home page. It airs from 6p.m. to 7p.m. You might actually learn something... but no promises are made.
WCA Members,
WV History
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Mike O'Neil Tells Fishy Tales
The Jerry Bartlett Angling Collection at The Phoenicia Library will present "On The River" July 23rd, 2016 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. This is another installment in the ongoing series of fishing discussions celebrating the 20th anniversary of the collection. Woodland Valley's own fishing expert, Mike O'Neil will be among the people telling fish stories. He will talk about his father Paul O'Neil's experiences as fisherman, author and sports writer for Time and Life magazines. Joining him will be Cal Smith, Hank Rope, Roger Menard and Ed Ostapczuk. If you are interested in fishing this promises to be a great discussion!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Vote Today!
I would remind everyone that today is the day of the Congressional primary here in Shandaken. So don't forget to cast your vote.
The M.F Whitney firehouse on Rt 214 is the polling place for Woodland Valley. The sample ballots for both Democrats and Republicans are on the wall outside the main room.
Yes, I know that all eyes are on the presidential contest, but elections are important at every level of government so please get to the polls and make your voice heard!
The M.F Whitney firehouse on Rt 214 is the polling place for Woodland Valley. The sample ballots for both Democrats and Republicans are on the wall outside the main room.
Yes, I know that all eyes are on the presidential contest, but elections are important at every level of government so please get to the polls and make your voice heard!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Mama Bear
Just as I was wondering what to post today Woodland Valley resident Jim Alessi sent me this message and photo.
"This big Momma bear was in my backyard on Saturday (see photo below). If you look close you can see one of her cubs walking behind her in the shadows. There is a second cub who climbed up a tree just out of camera view by the time I opened my window to take a picture. They were only there for two or three minutes but a thrill none the less. The mom has to be at least 275 lbs. and the cubs might be 50 lbs. each.
Saw another lone black bear that crossing Woodland Valley Road below the Woodland Valley campground on Sunday. That bear had a State Wildlife Tag in each of its ears but I couldn’t get my camera phone out fast enough to snap a picture. Guess I’m getting a little slow in my old age…
Well just wanted to send in this photo and remind everyone that we really live in a pretty wild wilderness area!"
Best Regards,

I think I saw the same bear with the two ear tags last night while I was at my neighbor's house. He was beautiful. But the tag in each ear means that he is a very badly behaved bear. When a bear gets to be a nuisance (breaking into houses, roaming in populated areas, etc) they trap him/her and tag an ear. If that bear gets into trouble again they trap them again and tag the other ear. The third time the bear gets into trouble they euthanize him/her. So let's hope this big guy stays out of trouble.
"This big Momma bear was in my backyard on Saturday (see photo below). If you look close you can see one of her cubs walking behind her in the shadows. There is a second cub who climbed up a tree just out of camera view by the time I opened my window to take a picture. They were only there for two or three minutes but a thrill none the less. The mom has to be at least 275 lbs. and the cubs might be 50 lbs. each.
Saw another lone black bear that crossing Woodland Valley Road below the Woodland Valley campground on Sunday. That bear had a State Wildlife Tag in each of its ears but I couldn’t get my camera phone out fast enough to snap a picture. Guess I’m getting a little slow in my old age…
Well just wanted to send in this photo and remind everyone that we really live in a pretty wild wilderness area!"
Best Regards,

I think I saw the same bear with the two ear tags last night while I was at my neighbor's house. He was beautiful. But the tag in each ear means that he is a very badly behaved bear. When a bear gets to be a nuisance (breaking into houses, roaming in populated areas, etc) they trap him/her and tag an ear. If that bear gets into trouble again they trap them again and tag the other ear. The third time the bear gets into trouble they euthanize him/her. So let's hope this big guy stays out of trouble.
And to close this post I would ask everyone (weekenders especially) to secure their garbage. The bears have been overturning garbage bins all along the WV road and scattering the litter everywhere. If it happens with your garbage a lot I would ask you to consider getting a bear proof metal box.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Save Water
Sorry that it has been a while since I last posted. The weather up here has been super gorgeous and I took this time to start to get caught up on my outdoor chores.
Anyway, for any of you at the beginning of the valley who are in the Phoenicia Water District, water superintendent Rick Ricciardella has requested that you take measures to conserve water. The spring and early summer have been dry and after a dry winter the reservoirs are not at their peak. So Rick requests that you start cutting back on unnecessary water use to help the district avoid future problems.
And for those of us with wells, we should all pay attention to our water usage in drier times too. So be mindful when you turn on your faucets!
Anyway, for any of you at the beginning of the valley who are in the Phoenicia Water District, water superintendent Rick Ricciardella has requested that you take measures to conserve water. The spring and early summer have been dry and after a dry winter the reservoirs are not at their peak. So Rick requests that you start cutting back on unnecessary water use to help the district avoid future problems.
And for those of us with wells, we should all pay attention to our water usage in drier times too. So be mindful when you turn on your faucets!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Library Fair Tomorrow, June 11th!
The Phoenicia Library is having it's annual library fair tomorrow June 11th from 10am to 2pm. There will be music, a bake sale, a plant sale, a silent auction and a book sale. Woodland Valley residents George Holz and Rebecca Ffrench have donated signed copies of their books for the silent auction. And there are LOTS of other great things too. WCA member Ricarda O'Conner has donated a healing session with her amazing gongs. I have done this myself and it is awesome! There are also gift certificates to restaurants, spas and lodging in the area. So come to the library fair tomorrow. At the very least you will see lots of neighbors and friends! See you there!!
Friday, June 3, 2016
The Joys Of Your Spouse
Here is a new poem from Woodland Valley's own Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard. I think it is very amusing!
Consider the Joy of your Spouse
Consider the joy of your spouse,
When after much pain and aggravation,
You suspect that a foreign object,
A goddam LIVING, sucking, foreign entity,
Has attached itself to the nether quarter of your arse.
You cannot see it of course.
OH to have eyes in the back of one’s head.
“Darling,” you finally say, “If
I drop trow, will you please
Inspect the suspicious area?”
She laughs.
She is happy to do so.
She finds this exercise completely entertaining.
Eventually, with steady tweezers,
The engorged bloodsucker is removed,
Full of your life’s blood,
And hopeful salves are administered.
But bunky, there are no guarantees.
Prayer may be the next course.
Consider the Joy of your Spouse
Consider the joy of your spouse,
When after much pain and aggravation,
You suspect that a foreign object,
A goddam LIVING, sucking, foreign entity,
Has attached itself to the nether quarter of your arse.
You cannot see it of course.
OH to have eyes in the back of one’s head.
“Darling,” you finally say, “If
I drop trow, will you please
Inspect the suspicious area?”
She laughs.
She is happy to do so.
She finds this exercise completely entertaining.
Eventually, with steady tweezers,
The engorged bloodsucker is removed,
Full of your life’s blood,
And hopeful salves are administered.
But bunky, there are no guarantees.
Prayer may be the next course.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Free Holistic Clinic This Wednesday
Wednesday June 1 2016, 4-7pm
Quarterly holistic wellness clinic Providing Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki,
Matrix Energetics, Sound Healing, Reflexology, and
LOCATION: Parish Hall, Phoenicia, across from the Catholic
Church on Main Street.
For Questions Call: 518-989-6216
Brought to you by Healthcare is a Human Right, Inc. and your local holistic practitioners
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tommy Healy's Latest Diving Trip
These photos were sent to me from WCA member Tommy Healy. They were taken on his latest diving excursion to Bonnaire. Here is what Tommy had to say about them.
"Just a mixed bag of dive photos from my recent trip to Bonaire. I had some fun with a new Panasonic 8mm fisheye lens which I used with some good results below. A silhouette shot of a diver in front of the sun, A turtle that actually bumped the lens in curiosity. A lion fish that is an invasive species to the Caribbean and also is a threat to it's eco system, A close up of Coral life on Bonaire reef, on the rope down to a ship wreck that is at a depth of 100 feet, Divers on the rope going up from the wreck back to the dive boat. A curious damsel fish, and last, a tropical sunset at happy hour."
- Tommy
Monday, May 23, 2016
Family Fun And Fish Day
The Ashokan Watershed Management Program in cooperation with the DEC is having another "Family Fun & Fish Day". Here are the details they sent to me.
There's Still Time to Register for AWSMP's Family Fun and Fish Day 2016!
Fishing with the family is a great way to connect with each other and experience the great outdoors!
Back by popular demand for a fifth year in a row, the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is hosting “Family Fun & Fish Day” at Kenneth Wilson State Campground located at 859 Wittenberg Road in Mount Tremper, NY on Sunday, June 5 from 12:00pm to 2:30pm.
All fishing supplies will be provided, though you are welcome to bring your own if you have them. No fishing license is required.
DEC fisheries staff and volunteers with local Trout Unlimited chapters will introduce youth and others to the sport of fishing and provide education on fish identification and aquatic ecology. Other family friendly activities include a barbeque, and arts and crafts under the pavilion starting at noon. Please let us know in advance if you have special needs related to the day’s activities.
You will need to register by June 1, 2016 in order to participate. Register online at https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/familyfishingday2016_251 or call 845-688-3047. For more information on the event contact Brent Gotsch at 845-688-3047 Ext. 3, or by email at bwg37@cornell.edu. DEC charges a $6 fee per car for admission to the campground -- all other activities at Family Fun and Fish Day are free.
For more information about Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County’s community programs and events go to http://ulster.cce.cornell.edu/. Stay connected to CCEUC. “Friend” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter.
Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals and Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities. Please contact the program office at 845-340-3990 if you have any special needs.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Good Press From Europe
For those of you who read French, here is a link to the newest article about the Catskills in Le Monde. It once again features the Phoenicia Diner and other great Catskill gems. http://www.lemonde.fr/m-voyage/article/2016/05/17/catskill-mountains-label-boheme_4920528_4497613.html?xtmc=catskill&xtcr=1
I guess we can expect a lot of French tourists this year. This is great news because due to the warm winter the skiers largely stayed home and many of the local businesses have told me that it was a bad winter for them economically.
That being said, I would just like to remind you that if you need a father's day, graduation or any other kind of present try to shop in our little towns. You will be helping to keep the local businesses alive.
I guess we can expect a lot of French tourists this year. This is great news because due to the warm winter the skiers largely stayed home and many of the local businesses have told me that it was a bad winter for them economically.
That being said, I would just like to remind you that if you need a father's day, graduation or any other kind of present try to shop in our little towns. You will be helping to keep the local businesses alive.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Sweet Sue's Has Re-opened
There is good news in Phoenicia, Sweet Sue's has finally re-opened. I have been watching for several weeks as Sue and her crew have been hard at work cleaning and getting ready. I am so glad that they have finally opened their doors again.
Here is an article in the Daily Freeman about it for those of you who want to read more. http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20160518/at-reopened-sweet-sues-in-phoenicia-the-handwriting-is-on-the-wall-x2014-and-its-full-of-praise
Welcome back, Sue!
Here is an article in the Daily Freeman about it for those of you who want to read more. http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20160518/at-reopened-sweet-sues-in-phoenicia-the-handwriting-is-on-the-wall-x2014-and-its-full-of-praise
Welcome back, Sue!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Another Fabulous Paul Misko Event
Paul Misko sent me an announcement of his next event coming up on Memorial Day weekend. Make sure to make your reservations soon. Paul's talks are always super popular.
Amy's Take-Away will be hosting some stellar events this season @ 1571 Route 214, Lanesville (5 miles north of Phoenicia) in the historic former H.D. Lane General Store built ca.1885.
First 'up at bat' will be Paul Misko's talk on Saturday, May 28 @ 4 PM about famous native son, John Burroughs, an American naturalist and nature essayist,active hiker and fisherman, and activist in the U.S. conservation movement.
Enhanced by an audiovisual presentation w./ comments from Burroughs' journal, Paul's talk will focus on Burroughs' attempts to scale Slide Mountain in Woodland Valley. Paul has written numerous articles on hiking and history, created trivia quiz programs on WIOX's "From the Forest" Radio Show, and founded the Catskill 4000 Club which focuses on unusual, history-related hikes, and teaching outdoor skills. This presentation promises to be both entertaining and informative! Admission $5. Please call ahead @ (845) 688-9759 for reservations.
After his talk, Paul will be selling his cleverly-packaged and utterly delicious "Burroughs' Butter Biscuits" as well as his beautifully-crafted wooden creations. Amy's Take-Away will be selling foods which would have been eaten during Burroughs' life-time (1837-1921) featuring crops Burroughs grew:celery grapes, and berries. The ATA menu will be available shortly both on Facebook and http://www.amystakeaway.com/
WCA Members
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Phoenicia Pharmacy To Close
I am sad to report to you all that as of July 1st the Phoenicia Pharmacy will be closing it's doors. Up until that time they will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you have active prescriptions at the pharmacy be aware that you will need to find another place to get your prescriptions filled.
For those of you who would like to read more about the closing here is a link to an article in The Watershed Post. http://www.watershedpost.com/2016/independent-pharmacies-close-margaretville-phoenicia
PS - I just found out that although the pharmacy is closing in July, the store itself will remain open until October.
For those of you who would like to read more about the closing here is a link to an article in The Watershed Post. http://www.watershedpost.com/2016/independent-pharmacies-close-margaretville-phoenicia
PS - I just found out that although the pharmacy is closing in July, the store itself will remain open until October.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Aqua Clara
More poetry from Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard
Agua Clara
Find a piece of water on this earth,
That man has not abused,
And I will give you a gold sovereign.
The metal of the coin was,
Bullied, wrenched, dug,
Mucked, hydrolicked, or panned,
Out of some sweet waterway which,
Pray God, may now be recovering.
If you take a long delicious drink of water,
From your favorite stream,
As your father’s father did,
Call 911—immediately,
Because it’s not just H-two-oh you’ve ingested.
Nothing is unlimited anymore, Huck Honey.
Agua Clara
Find a piece of water on this earth,
That man has not abused,
And I will give you a gold sovereign.
The metal of the coin was,
Bullied, wrenched, dug,
Mucked, hydrolicked, or panned,
Out of some sweet waterway which,
Pray God, may now be recovering.
If you take a long delicious drink of water,
From your favorite stream,
As your father’s father did,
Call 911—immediately,
Because it’s not just H-two-oh you’ve ingested.
Nothing is unlimited anymore, Huck Honey.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
New Cookbook
The lovely and talented Rebecca Ffrench came out with a new cookbook recently. The book is called Whole Protein Vegetarian. Just like her other books it is filled with fantastic and creative recipes from Rebecca's kitchen.
Also, the photography in the book was done by another one of Woodland Valley's own, Josh Holz. It looks like Josh is following in his Dad's footsteps and has decided on pursuing a creative career path. Nice work, Josh!
Rebecca was recently featured in Hudson Valley Magazine http://www.hvmag.com/Hudson-Valley-Magazine/May-2016/Going-Vegetarian-Heres-How-to-Eat-Enough-Protein-Without-Sacrificing-Taste/
and the Poughkeepsie Journal
For those of you who would like to purchase the book you can get it on Amazon. Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/Whole-Protein-Vegetarian-Plant-Based-Well-Being/dp/158157326X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1458440869&sr=8-1&keywords=whole+protein+vegetarian
Congrats Rebecca and keep those fantastic recipes coming!!
Also, the photography in the book was done by another one of Woodland Valley's own, Josh Holz. It looks like Josh is following in his Dad's footsteps and has decided on pursuing a creative career path. Nice work, Josh!
Rebecca was recently featured in Hudson Valley Magazine http://www.hvmag.com/Hudson-Valley-Magazine/May-2016/Going-Vegetarian-Heres-How-to-Eat-Enough-Protein-Without-Sacrificing-Taste/
and the Poughkeepsie Journal
For those of you who would like to purchase the book you can get it on Amazon. Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/Whole-Protein-Vegetarian-Plant-Based-Well-Being/dp/158157326X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1458440869&sr=8-1&keywords=whole+protein+vegetarian
Congrats Rebecca and keep those fantastic recipes coming!!
Friday, April 29, 2016
History Of Fires
WV resident Rolf Reiss sent this to me and I thought it was interesting. This is another reminder why the burn ban is in place. Thanks for sending this information, Rolf.
Apparently Woodland Valley has a history of forest fires.
This is from the Catskill Mountain News of Oct 23, 1914.
200 Men Required to Subdue Flames Near Phoenicia--- U&D Sent 75 Men.
Forest fires have been raging a few miles from here for the past three or four days. One was reported at Hunter, one at Woodstock and one in the Woodland Valley, up from Phoenicia. This one seemed to be the largest and nearly 200 men were fighting it. On Wednesday when it seemed to be impossible to control it, the Ulster and Delaware railroad officials sent 75 men to help subdue it. The fire was then covering an area which would have taken ten miles to circle.
- Rolf
Apparently Woodland Valley has a history of forest fires.
This is from the Catskill Mountain News of Oct 23, 1914.
200 Men Required to Subdue Flames Near Phoenicia--- U&D Sent 75 Men.
Forest fires have been raging a few miles from here for the past three or four days. One was reported at Hunter, one at Woodstock and one in the Woodland Valley, up from Phoenicia. This one seemed to be the largest and nearly 200 men were fighting it. On Wednesday when it seemed to be impossible to control it, the Ulster and Delaware railroad officials sent 75 men to help subdue it. The fire was then covering an area which would have taken ten miles to circle.
- Rolf
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Man Charged For Starting Fire
According to the Kingston Freeman the man that started the illegal fire to burn trash at the end of Muddy Brook Rd has been arrested and charged with starting a forest fire. Here is the article from the Freeman http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20160426/phoenicia-man-charged-with-starting-forest-fire-that-burned-5-acres
And again, I will remind everyone that there is a burning ban in effect until May 14th. Please heed this ban!! I would also encourage anyone who sees another person ignoring the ban should call the local police. Burning trash outdoors right now puts all of us in danger! DON"T DO IT!!!!
And again, I will remind everyone that there is a burning ban in effect until May 14th. Please heed this ban!! I would also encourage anyone who sees another person ignoring the ban should call the local police. Burning trash outdoors right now puts all of us in danger! DON"T DO IT!!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Raining Today
It has been raining in the valley since last night. Usually, I don't post about rain but since yesterday's brush fire episode I thought it was important to let you know that the weather has put an end to any worries about hot spots.
As far as I know no one was hurt and no houses were damaged from the fire. Word on the street is that the blaze was started by someone at the end of Muddy Brook Rd who ignored the burn ban and made a fire outdoors. No word yet on whether that person has been fined or not.
Kudos to all the emergency responders! They are brave and super terrific in their dedication to keeping us all safe. I think I can speak for all in Woodland Valley when I say THANK YOU!!
As far as I know no one was hurt and no houses were damaged from the fire. Word on the street is that the blaze was started by someone at the end of Muddy Brook Rd who ignored the burn ban and made a fire outdoors. No word yet on whether that person has been fined or not.
Kudos to all the emergency responders! They are brave and super terrific in their dedication to keeping us all safe. I think I can speak for all in Woodland Valley when I say THANK YOU!!
Monday, April 25, 2016
This post is being written from the fabulous Phoenicia Library in an effort to bring you all up to date as soon as possible. As I came out of Woodland Valley I talked to the emergency worker stationed at the beginning of Muddy Brook Rd. He was there to prevent people from entering the road and getting in the way of the fire department. I asked him how the efforts to battle the fire were going and he said that at this point they had it contained. It was great to hear that news!
As I continued driving to town I saw firemen at the Woodland Valley Bridge and along High St taking their gear off and emptying the water from the fire trucks. So everything definitely seemed to be winding down.
It has also started to rain lightly. More rain is expected later so that should make the general conditions here better. And hopefully, it will aid our neighbors to the south to contain their brush fire too.
So you can all breathe easy, it looks like all is well in the valley again.
As I continued driving to town I saw firemen at the Woodland Valley Bridge and along High St taking their gear off and emptying the water from the fire trucks. So everything definitely seemed to be winding down.
It has also started to rain lightly. More rain is expected later so that should make the general conditions here better. And hopefully, it will aid our neighbors to the south to contain their brush fire too.
So you can all breathe easy, it looks like all is well in the valley again.
Brush Fire At The Beginning Of Woodland Valley
Ironically, after posting earlier about the fire near Ellenville it turns out that there is one much closer to home. It seems there is a brush fire burning right now at the start of the valley. Apparently, it started at the end of Muddy Brook Rd and has gone up and over Garfield Mt toward Herdman Rd. I don't have a lot of information at this point but several local fire companies have been called out to fight the fire. I think it is slightly out of control but they are working on it. That is all I know right now but I will keep you up to date.
Wildfire To The South
There is a wildfire burning to the south of us in Sam's Point preserve near Ellenville. http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20160424/state-emergency-personnel-respond-to-brush-fire-near-ellenville Although this is far away, it is a good reminder of the dry conditions that exist throughout the NY region. Please be extra careful and observe the burning ban that is in effect until May 14th. There is rain in the forecast for this week so hopefully that will bring some relief but until then please be extra careful.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Not A Good Year
Many of you know that I over the past 20 years I have laboriously planted thousands of daffodils in my yard. Each spring I wait patiently to observe the fruits of my labor. But this year has been disappointing. There were hardly any flowers. About 1/2 to 1/3 of the blubs never got any flower shoots at all. And, since the weather has continuously bounced back and forth between winter and spring, the cold temps and snow have taken a toll on the flowers that did bloom.
Since daffodils need a dormancy period, I initially thought that the warmer winter had affected the bulbs adversely. But then I noticed that every one of the bulbs that I planted this fall bloomed. So now my hypothesis is that it was the extreme dryness of last summer that affected the flowering (or lack thereof) of the bulbs this spring. I don't know if that is really the case, but that is my unscientific guess.
So, my apologies to any of you waiting to see the daffodil show at my house. Just like me you will all have to wait until next year.
Since daffodils need a dormancy period, I initially thought that the warmer winter had affected the bulbs adversely. But then I noticed that every one of the bulbs that I planted this fall bloomed. So now my hypothesis is that it was the extreme dryness of last summer that affected the flowering (or lack thereof) of the bulbs this spring. I don't know if that is really the case, but that is my unscientific guess.
So, my apologies to any of you waiting to see the daffodil show at my house. Just like me you will all have to wait until next year.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
NY Primary Vote Today
Whether you are a democrat or a republican make your voice heard today and vote in the NY primary. This year's presidential race is important for many reasons and every person in this nation should weigh in by casting their vote. Woodland Valley residents vote in the M.F. Whitney firehouse in Phoenicia. The polls are open from 12pm to 9pm. See you there!
Friday, April 15, 2016
Upcoming Long Path Race
Phoenicia Ridge to Valley Trail Half Marathon Race June 4th Join us on a half marathon trail race that celebrates the hamlet of Phoenicia and the coolest new trail in the Catskills. The race will start in downtown Phoenicia and head into the woods 1.2 miles later. From there, the Long Path gently ascends Romer Mountain, putting you on a ridge with rolling terrain and plenty of breathtaking scenery, including sweeping views of the Burroughs and Devils Path ranges. The race will end near the Woodland Valley Campground where we'll have a barbecue. This is a perfect first half marathon for newbies and a nice fast course for more experienced runners. Shuttle service to be provided to get you back to your car from Woodland Valley. More details to come, but you can register here now: http://www.storehouseny.com/#!registration-/mgb6d This event is part of the Long Path Race Series, which aims to build awareness for the Long Path and the work of the Trail Conference and its volunteers and to get more people running and hiking on New York's beautiful trails. |
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Phoenicia Library in HV Magazine
Our awesome Phoenicia Library has been featured in an article about how libraries in the Hudson Valley are thriving. http://www.hvmag.com/Hudson-Valley-Magazine/April-2016/Hudson-Valley-Libraries-Are-Thriving/
If you haven't been to the Phoenicia Library lately I encourage you to stop by and visit. There is a LOT of fun things happening in addition to great books, DVDs, CDs and other things to peruse and borrow. I myself joined the ukulele lesson a couple of weeks ago and had a blast! So check out the Phoenicia Library schedule of events online and see what's up! http://phoenicialibrary.org
If you haven't been to the Phoenicia Library lately I encourage you to stop by and visit. There is a LOT of fun things happening in addition to great books, DVDs, CDs and other things to peruse and borrow. I myself joined the ukulele lesson a couple of weeks ago and had a blast! So check out the Phoenicia Library schedule of events online and see what's up! http://phoenicialibrary.org
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
What's Left
This morning seems to have brought some bitterness, both on the part of the weather and my own attitude. I woke up to find the temperature at 13 degrees. Ah, a lovely spring morning in the Catskills (here is where my bitterness kicked in). But it has warmed into the 30s at this point so at least the thermometer is moving in the right direction.
There is a lot of snow left around from the two storms we have had over the past few days. The ground was warm when it first started snowing so a lot of it melted down. It is not as deep as you would expect after 11 inches of snow. But there is still a fair amount around and last night's deep freeze hardened up anything that had melted yesterday. My driveway and walkways are icy. So be careful on your own property, things might be icy there too.
The sun is shiny brightly and the forecast is for it to go into the 50s on Thursday so lets hope this all melts off. We shall see. But for right now spring in the valley is on hold.
There is a lot of snow left around from the two storms we have had over the past few days. The ground was warm when it first started snowing so a lot of it melted down. It is not as deep as you would expect after 11 inches of snow. But there is still a fair amount around and last night's deep freeze hardened up anything that had melted yesterday. My driveway and walkways are icy. So be careful on your own property, things might be icy there too.
The sun is shiny brightly and the forecast is for it to go into the 50s on Thursday so lets hope this all melts off. We shall see. But for right now spring in the valley is on hold.
Monday, April 4, 2016
More April Snow
Today's snow stopped in the early evening. It is hard to tell exactly how much we got because the snow packed down almost as quickly as it landed. I measured another 6 inches on the parts of my porch I had cleared yesterday.
I heard from several people that the roads were difficult today but I can't verify that because I didn't leave (although I was supposed to go to the city).
After thinking that spring had come, all this snow is quite a letdown. I am especially sad because I think it has ruined my daffodil show for this year. About 1/3 of my daffodils had already bloomed when the snow came and the depth and weight of it pulled them over. Those blooms look ruined. There are still more to bloom but I don't think I will have the big, bright show I usually see in the spring. Too bad, but I guess there is always next year.
I heard from several people that the roads were difficult today but I can't verify that because I didn't leave (although I was supposed to go to the city).
After thinking that spring had come, all this snow is quite a letdown. I am especially sad because I think it has ruined my daffodil show for this year. About 1/3 of my daffodils had already bloomed when the snow came and the depth and weight of it pulled them over. Those blooms look ruined. There are still more to bloom but I don't think I will have the big, bright show I usually see in the spring. Too bad, but I guess there is always next year.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
April Snow!
I haven't posted too many weather reports to the blog this winter because there really wasn't much to say. We experienced a very mild season that I thought would lead into an early spring. That changed overnight with some arctic air blowing in and bringing us 5 inches of April snow (my poor daffodils are under there somewhere...Boo Hoo). The forecast is for more light snow today and possibly up to another 3 to 5 inches tomorrow. Ugh! So much for an early spring. I will keep you all posted on what happens over the next couple of days.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Coffee With A Cop
Another great Phoenicia Library program happening this weekend is "Coffee with a Cop" featuring Shandaken Chief of Police, Chad Storey. The event will be taking place at the library on Saturday, April 2nd from 10am to 11:30am. This is a great time to meet Chad and ask him any questions you might have wanted to ask a police officer. Coffee and snacks will be served.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
The Circus Comes To Town
The Phoenicia Library and the Phoenicia Elementary School are bringing a circus to town! On Sunday, April 3, at 2 PM Arm of the Sea Theater will perform The Rejuvenary River Circus. The school is located on School Lane & Route 214, about a half mile north of Main Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464. This event is free of charge.
This circus is an allegory featuring gorgeous masks and puppet characters, a unique hand-made set and live original music. The story follows Malakai, a messenger and water carrier who travels between Mountain Peaks and The Deep Blue Sea. Along his journeys Malakai encounters a host of creatures including a lyrical sea turtle, a fast-talking crow, a pair of industrious beavers, beds of filter-feeding oysters, and schools of migrating fish. Each animal offers insights into their particular role in a watershed’s ecosystem services. When the old man falls ill his granddaughter Rachel must rise to the challenge and help restore her grandfather, the River, back to health.
Circus runs one hour in length. This event is made possible with funds from the Catskill Watershed Corporation in partnership with New York City DEP. For more information, see phoenicialibrary.org.
This circus is an allegory featuring gorgeous masks and puppet characters, a unique hand-made set and live original music. The story follows Malakai, a messenger and water carrier who travels between Mountain Peaks and The Deep Blue Sea. Along his journeys Malakai encounters a host of creatures including a lyrical sea turtle, a fast-talking crow, a pair of industrious beavers, beds of filter-feeding oysters, and schools of migrating fish. Each animal offers insights into their particular role in a watershed’s ecosystem services. When the old man falls ill his granddaughter Rachel must rise to the challenge and help restore her grandfather, the River, back to health.
Circus runs one hour in length. This event is made possible with funds from the Catskill Watershed Corporation in partnership with New York City DEP. For more information, see phoenicialibrary.org.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Upcoming Paul Misko Talk
Woodland Valley resident and local historian, Paul Misko is going to give a photo talk about John Burroughs and Slide Mountain at the Catskill Interpretive Center on Rt 28 on Saturday April 9th from 1pm to 3pm. The CIC is located at 5098 Rt 28. For more information you can visit the CIC website. Here is a link to the page about the event.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Easter Egg Hunt This Saturday
The MF Whitney Hose Company's 35th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be this Saturday, March 26th at 11am SHARP in Parish Field, Main Street Phoenicia. Come one, come all (all ages through 12) and have some great family fun! There will be an egg hunt, games, raffle and joy for all. The event is rain or shine. See you on Saturday!
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Something Irish This Way Comes
Here is a little St Patrick's Day poetry from Woodland Valley poet Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard.
Blarney and more Blarney
High up in the Blarney clan’s castle,
Is a stone that when kissed make’s you facile,
Words will roll off your tongue,
All polished and young,
To shield against life’s strain and hassle.
In an isolated niche of San Antonio’s Museum of Art,
Is a glass-encased objet de’art. It is described thus:
Swaggerstick/wood/silvertop and mounts/
A. Keene/ Dublin/1780
The docent, Norma Gomez Perez, relates a
Brief history of such devices.
“The shorter type, in Roman times, was carried
By Centurions as a badge of rank.
It was used to direct drills and, on occasion,
To administer punishment.”
But sweet Mother Machree, there’s nothing short
About this imposing thing.
It stands fifty inches high. It was likely fashioned for
An Irish regiment of the British Army,
Way back in the day. And while I imagine
Its heavy silver knob was seldom used as a cudgel,
—being a thing of beauty in itself—the intent
Behind this imperial staff is plain enough for the Irish me to see.
Back when Paddy was proscribed by English law,
From defending himself with anything more imposing
Than a blackthorn walking stick,
Physical symbols such as this commanded respect,
(Or a keen hatred, my love), If you were of the
Hoi polloi over whom it was brandished.
Even as I recollect Margaret Lenane’s cautionary exclamation,
She shared with me years ago,
“Oh the English, and the terrible things they
Did to us!”
I cannot tear my eyes away from it.
Blarney and more Blarney
High up in the Blarney clan’s castle,
Is a stone that when kissed make’s you facile,
Words will roll off your tongue,
All polished and young,
To shield against life’s strain and hassle.
In an isolated niche of San Antonio’s Museum of Art,
Is a glass-encased objet de’art. It is described thus:
Swaggerstick/wood/silvertop and mounts/
A. Keene/ Dublin/1780
The docent, Norma Gomez Perez, relates a
Brief history of such devices.
“The shorter type, in Roman times, was carried
By Centurions as a badge of rank.
It was used to direct drills and, on occasion,
To administer punishment.”
But sweet Mother Machree, there’s nothing short
About this imposing thing.
It stands fifty inches high. It was likely fashioned for
An Irish regiment of the British Army,
Way back in the day. And while I imagine
Its heavy silver knob was seldom used as a cudgel,
—being a thing of beauty in itself—the intent
Behind this imperial staff is plain enough for the Irish me to see.
Back when Paddy was proscribed by English law,
From defending himself with anything more imposing
Than a blackthorn walking stick,
Physical symbols such as this commanded respect,
(Or a keen hatred, my love), If you were of the
Hoi polloi over whom it was brandished.
Even as I recollect Margaret Lenane’s cautionary exclamation,
She shared with me years ago,
“Oh the English, and the terrible things they
Did to us!”
I cannot tear my eyes away from it.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Cell Service For Our Area
Many of us have been frustrated and concerned about the lack of cell service in the area. Our Town Supervisor, Rob Stanley has reached out to the Public Service Commission to try and rectify this situation. He wrote a letter and received the response below. He is now asking anyone who can to write a letter to the PSC at the address provided below. Let's all try and comment to see if we can get some better cell service than the spotty coverage we have now.
FYI - Friday I received a response from the Public Service Commission (see excerpt below) regarding a letter I wrote to Governor Cuomo regarding the lack of cellular communication in our area.
It appears that the PSC is looking for comments.
I just sent a copy of this to the Town Clerk to post as I'm hoping we can get a few folks to submit comments to help stress the need for cellular communications in our area.
Write or send your comments and try to get as many people as you can to send comments as well.
The original letter was sent from me as the Chair for the Route 28 Municipal Leaders Group, which is the Board of Directors for the Scenic Byway. So try to get others you may know in the region to submit as well.
Robert A. Stanley, C.F.M.
Supervisor, Town of Shandaken
Shandaken Town Hall
PO Box 134
Shandaken, NY 12480
Phone: 845.688.7165
Fax: 845.688.7392
Excerpt from the letter to Rob Stanley from the Public Service Commission:
As you note in your letter, attracting investment to the diverse regions of the State is of critical
importance and the State has several programs in place to address this issue. For example, in
2011, Governor Andrew Cuomo established the Regional Economic Development Council
initiative, through which 10 Regional Councils develop long-term strategic plans for the
economic growth oftheir regions.
The Regional Councils are redefining the way New York invests in its economy and creates job by using a community-based and competitive approach for State resources. Additionally, Governor Cuomo has dedicated $500 million - the largest contribution of any State - to building high speed broadband infrastructure in those areas of the State that do not have it. On the topic of health and safety, the State, through the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, is participating in the federal FirstNet project. FirstNet is an independent authority authorized by the United States Congress to design, build and operate a nationwide wireless data network dedicated to public safety communication.
The Regional Councils are redefining the way New York invests in its economy and creates job by using a community-based and competitive approach for State resources. Additionally, Governor Cuomo has dedicated $500 million - the largest contribution of any State - to building high speed broadband infrastructure in those areas of the State that do not have it. On the topic of health and safety, the State, through the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, is participating in the federal FirstNet project. FirstNet is an independent authority authorized by the United States Congress to design, build and operate a nationwide wireless data network dedicated to public safety communication.
The Department of Public Service, through its Examination of the State of Telecommunications,
is actively engaged in reviewing its regulatory frameworks to address issues of resiliency,
reliability and availability of communications - cellular and otherwise - in all parts of the State.
A formal proceeding has been initiated and we encourage your participation so that the issues
you raise may be addressed. Comments and information may be submitted to the Department
directly as set forth below.
Internet: www.dps.ny.gov (Case 14-C-0370)
E-mail: secretary@dps.ny.gov
Phone: (800) 335-2120
Mail: Hon. Kathleen Burgess, Secretary, NYS Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223
Internet: www.dps.ny.gov (Case 14-C-0370)
E-mail: secretary@dps.ny.gov
Phone: (800) 335-2120
Mail: Hon. Kathleen Burgess, Secretary, NYS Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223
Saturday, March 5, 2016
One Last Postcard
Earlier this week, when I put up the list of Woodland Valley postmasters to the blog, I received this message from Rolf Reiss. For those of you who don't know him, Rolf is one of the people in the valley with a lot of knowledge of the valley's history. Here is his message.
"Thank you for posting the list of Woodland Valley Postmasters and thanks to Jay Simpson for doing the leg work. I am including scans of a postcard sent by Phil Miller who was the brother of Paul (the last of the postmasters) 15 days before the closing of the Woodland office. According to Dakin Morehouse there were three Miller brothers who lived here in Woodland Valley and that the final location of the post office was in Paul Miller's home (currently owned by Dakin and Doris at the base of Roxmor). He also mentioned that Phil was a noted musicologist and orator. Many years ago Laurie Lurrie who was a longtime Woodland resident told me that she liked getting her mail right here in the valley but that doing so always meant having to listen to Paul the postmaster speak for at least half an hour. Sounds like a mixed blessing."
- Rolf
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Long Path Trail Half Marathon
In the beginning of June there will be a half marathon trail race on the Long Path from Phoenicia to the Woodland Valley Campground. Here is the save the date announcement from the Phoenicia Storehouse. Sounds like a lot of fun for all you runners out there.
June 4th, Save the Date Phoenicia Ridge to Valley Trail Half Marathon Race Join us on a half marathon trail race that celebrates the hamlet of Phoenicia and the coolest new trail in the Catskills. The race will start in downtown Phoenicia and head into the woods 1.2 miles later. From there, the Long Path gently ascends Romer Mountain, putting you on a ridge with rolling terrain and plenty of breathtaking scenery, including sweeping views of the Burroughs and Devils Path ranges. The race will end near the Woodland Valley Campground where we'll have a barbecue. This is a perfect first half marathon for newbies and a nice fast course for more experienced runners. Shuttle service to be provided to get you back to your car from Woodland Valley. More details to come, but you can register here now: http://www.storehouseny.com/#!registration-/mgb6d This event is part of the Long Path Race Series, which aims to build awareness for the Long Path and the work of the Trail Conference and its volunteers and to get more people running and hiking on New York's beautiful trails. |
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
List of Postmasters
Today I received an email from Jay Simpson. He had made inquiries to the USPS regarding the post office that existed in Woodland Valley for years (some of our older folks may remember it). He received this response and thought we would be interested. I know I found it interesting. Thanks so much for sending this, Jay!!
Mr. Simpson,
Here is the Postmaster list you requested for Woodland, New York. Sorry it took a little longer, some of the entries were difficult to verify with National Archives records.
June Brandt
Research Analyst Postal History
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, DC 20260-0012
Postmasters by City
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