Monday, April 14, 2014

Curry of Shrimp A La Boreegard

Here is a great recipe and it's back story from WCA member Mike O'Neil aka Boreegard (troutmeister, poet, chef, blog contributor, man about town). Thanks for sharing, Bo!

Curry of Shrimp

In its unobtrusive way Curry of Shrimp has been the signal meal of our married life.  I know the exact date and place I first had it, because life as I knew it was about to change utterly the next day.  Jeanne and I were in the Krafft Hotel situated on the banks of the Rhine in the Suisse Canton/Village of Basel.  It was a cold cloudy Monday evening—February 21, 1966—and it was the last evening meal I would ever have as a bachelor.  The next morning we marched up to the town hall (on Tuesdays they married Americans).  There a woman magistrate performed the civil ceremony that would make us all legal.  There were six couples, and as a matter of thrift and convenience she laid it on us all together.  “You are now married peoples,” I remember her saying at the end of a strict officially delivered set of words.  It was somewhat like the pledge I was required to take when I joined the Army in that at one point we were instructed to raise our right hands and repeat some sort of oath as well.

I digress.  The curry to which I refer did not have shrimp.  It had scampi—shrimp’s second cousin once removed.  And I’m sure the recipe that I give you here is not an exact replica of what we enjoyed that evening—but it’s close, and we own it in our hearts.



1/3 cup butter
1 cup chopped onion
2 cloves of garlic, minced and chopped
1 cup chopped bell pepper
1 cup (or more) sour cream
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
¾ tsp salt
dash chili powder
2 tsp. curry powder
½ tsp. ground ginger
ground black pepper to taste
1 pound cleaned cooked shrimp


In a pan, melt butter—sauté onion, garlic, pepper until soft.

Stir in sour cream, lemon juice, and spices.  Heat, stirring occasionally, until it’s hot (but not boiling).

Add shrimp and stir until just heated.  You are warming this, not cooking it now.

Serve over rice.

Serve with traditional side condiments such as toasted slivered almonds (a must), shredded coconut, chutney, sliced ripe mango, raisins, orange slice, pineapple—and such.

Serves 4.  Dang good.