We got about 4.5 - 5 inches of new snow in the valley today. The snow is on the wet side but easily shoveled. Right now It is still snowing/raining lightly and temperatures are in the low 30s. The precipitation seems to be a wintery mix changing to all rain closer to town.
The storm may not be finished with us yet. The forecast is calling for additional rain or snow overnight. Only time will tell. I will add overnight details to this post in the morning so be sure to check back again.
As always please drive slowly and carefully if you have to go out tonight.
Morning Update - 9AM - Another 1.5 - 2 inches of sleet and snow fell overnight. The snow is wet and sloppy. I think we have had about 6 inches total so far but some of it has melted down. I haven't been out on the roads yet but a friend wrote and said it was slippery.
There have been no interruptions to power or phone at this point.
The storm is still not quite past us. Judging by the radar map we will see a bit more of the ever popular "wintery mix" before we are done. I will put another update on this post later today. It is easier than starting anew and will keep all the info in one place so those out of the valley can stay up to date.
Evening Update - 6:00 PM - It has snowed/rained all day today. There hasn't been much more accumulation because the rising temperatures continue to melt down the snow. It is all very wet and heavy making shoveling extremely laborious.
I just came back from town a little while ago and the roads were fairly clear. Temperatures are forecasted to keep climbing with predictions of 50 degree temperatures over the weekend. Hopefully that will turn out to be correct and most of this new snow fall will melt away.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
For Sale In Woodland Valley

WCA member Lynn Davidson sent me this listing of a house for sale in Woodland Valley. The house is now listed at $368,900. Check it out.
For more information contact Lynn Davidson at:
Lynn Davidson
Main: (845) 688-7020
Westwood Metes & Bounds - WD
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Ruth Lindsay Obituary in Freeman
The obituary of Ruth Lindsay appeared in the Kingston Freeman today. There is a guest book where you can share your memories, express your condolences, and/or add photos. For those of you who are so inclined here is the link:
Ruth Lindsay Obituary - Kingston Freeman
Ruth Lindsay Obituary - Kingston Freeman
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Happy Anniversary to the O'Neils!
Boreegard wrote this lovely poem to mark his 46th year of marriage to his lovely wife Jeanne. Happy Anniversary to the O'Neils and may they enjoy many, many more!!
Notes on the Eve of the 46th
We have reservations for the Mill on the River
For tomorrow night.
Our favorite local place to eat and drink,
Though it is not the Post Kutsche in Frankfurt am/main.
The Post Kutsche was a high tone
Restaurant on Rueter Weg,
Where on our first anniversary,
They treated us G.I.s rather shabbily.
That is, until I insisted on inspecting the cork.
My daddy’d taught me that essential claret test,
And after I squeezed it and smelled it,
The staff kowtowed and treated us properly.
This will be our 46th official year together,
Though in Deutschland we were together,
In her B.O.Q. and in the countryside,
Before we tied the official knot.
How delicious were those days,
Before the children came,
When she would listen to me sing,
And I would stroke her hair and more.
She, nursing the sick and weary,
And me guarding the perimeter,
With a loaded .45 model 1911A pistola,
And a Billy club painted black.
Slim and muscled we were,
And surrounded by friends,
Dragooned into the service,
By the process of the draft.
But in the end, happy for it all.
As memory slides away, and
One forgets the inevitable sad parts,
Happy for it all, after 46 years.
Boreegard—February 24, 2012
Notes on the Eve of the 46th
We have reservations for the Mill on the River
For tomorrow night.
Our favorite local place to eat and drink,
Though it is not the Post Kutsche in Frankfurt am/main.
The Post Kutsche was a high tone
Restaurant on Rueter Weg,
Where on our first anniversary,
They treated us G.I.s rather shabbily.
That is, until I insisted on inspecting the cork.
My daddy’d taught me that essential claret test,
And after I squeezed it and smelled it,
The staff kowtowed and treated us properly.
This will be our 46th official year together,
Though in Deutschland we were together,
In her B.O.Q. and in the countryside,
Before we tied the official knot.
How delicious were those days,
Before the children came,
When she would listen to me sing,
And I would stroke her hair and more.
She, nursing the sick and weary,
And me guarding the perimeter,
With a loaded .45 model 1911A pistola,
And a Billy club painted black.
Slim and muscled we were,
And surrounded by friends,
Dragooned into the service,
By the process of the draft.
But in the end, happy for it all.
As memory slides away, and
One forgets the inevitable sad parts,
Happy for it all, after 46 years.
Boreegard—February 24, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Snow Overnight
We had some snow in the valley overnight last night. There is about 3 1/2 to 4 inches and it is on the wet side. It would probably make good snowballs if you felt so inclined. Temperatures are in the low 30s at this point and it is overcast. The road has been plowed but I haven't been on it so I can't report on the exact conditions. As always in this kind of weather, take your time and drive slowly. There may be icy patches along the way.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Rick Altman Trio This Sunday

The Rick Altman Trio
with Mike Ralff & Jody Sumber
An evening of jazz classics and original compositions
with vibes, bass, and drums
Sunday, February 26, 2012
8 to 11 p.m.
52 Mill Hill Rd. Woodstock, NY (845) 679-3484
more info: www.rickaltman.com
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Farm Stand Law Meeting Tomorrow Night
The Town Board of Shandaken will be holding a Special Meeting to hear public comments for or against the proposed “Roadside (Farm Produce) Stand” Law. The meeting is scheduled for 6pm on Thursday, February 23rd at the Shandaken Town Hall.
To view the proposed "Roadside (Farm Produce) Stand" Law go to www.shandaken.us and scroll down to the meeting announcement for the link to the PDF.
To view the proposed "Roadside (Farm Produce) Stand" Law go to www.shandaken.us and scroll down to the meeting announcement for the link to the PDF.
Unitard in Los Angeles

For those of you who will find themselves in LA this weekend, WCA member David Ilku and his comedy team "Unitard" are playing at Casita Del Campo. Check them out if you are going to be on the west coast.
UNITARD COMEDY in L.A. Feb, 23, 24, 25 New & Abused
Thursday, February 23 at 9:00pm
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Upcoming Free Holistic Clinic
I got this message from WCA member Julia Rose. For those who don't know Julia, she is an amazing acupuncturist. She is also involved in organizing the regular free holistic clinic here in Phoenicia. Here is her message about the next clinic.
The next free holistic community clinic will take place on THURSDAY, March 1, from 4-7pm at Parish Hall.
This time we will have:
acupuncture, chiropractic, energy tapping, homeopathy, hypnosis for stress reduction, massage, matrix energetics, reiki, shiatsu.
As always, treatments are free, but donations are welcome!
Please call 688-2323 for an appointment.
Brought to you by Healthcare is a Human Right, Family of Woodstock, and your local healers.
Julia Rose, L.Ac
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tui Na Massage
Phoenicia Healing Arts Center
74 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY
The next free holistic community clinic will take place on THURSDAY, March 1, from 4-7pm at Parish Hall.
This time we will have:
acupuncture, chiropractic, energy tapping, homeopathy, hypnosis for stress reduction, massage, matrix energetics, reiki, shiatsu.
As always, treatments are free, but donations are welcome!
Please call 688-2323 for an appointment.
Brought to you by Healthcare is a Human Right, Family of Woodstock, and your local healers.
Julia Rose, L.Ac
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tui Na Massage
Phoenicia Healing Arts Center
74 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY
Monday, February 20, 2012
Ruth Lindsay Passes
I just got off the phone with Ruth's nephew Ted and he asked me to tell you that Ruth died last night at hospice in Kingston. She was 87 years old. She had been struggling with congestive heart failure for some time. She went into the hospital in December. From there she was briefly in a nursing facility, and then she entered into hospice.
She was with family when she died and Ted tells me she was comfortable and peaceful at the end. Her passing saddens me. She was a stalwart member of the WV old guard. But she was able to live in her house in the Woodland Park Association (built by her grandfather) until very recently. So I am comforted to think that she was where she wanted to be almost to the end. We will miss her though and think of her often. May she rest in peace.
She was with family when she died and Ted tells me she was comfortable and peaceful at the end. Her passing saddens me. She was a stalwart member of the WV old guard. But she was able to live in her house in the Woodland Park Association (built by her grandfather) until very recently. So I am comforted to think that she was where she wanted to be almost to the end. We will miss her though and think of her often. May she rest in peace.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Latest Performance By Miriam Rose
Those of you who attend the Woodland Community Association's annual summer meeting will remember Miriam Rose. She has played her music to end our meeting for the past several years. She is an amazingly talented little girl. This is a video of her latest recital. For those of you who don't know, she has been playing violin since she was three and just recently had her 9th birthday. It is incredible how her talent just continues to grow!! Enjoy the video.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Weather For Weekenders - 02/17/12
We had some snow showers yesterday but they didn't amount to much when all was said and done. I would say that less than an inch fell up here in the valley. Today's warm temperatures (mid-40s) melted almost everything that was on the ground. So all is clear for those of you who are traveling up for the weekend.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Woodland Trout Fund
Every year around this time Woodland Valley's own troutmeister, Mike O'Neil, sends out a letter and asks for contributions to the Woodland Trout Fund. This fund provides the money each year to stock the WV stream with lovely brown trout. The year is especially important because of the damage to the stream done by Hurricane Irene. Here is Mike's letter. If you feel inclined to donate the information is on the bottom of the message.
Woodland Trout 2012
The Brook in its Healing
I turned 70 years old this January. And while I boast publicly that 70 is the new 50, my secret heart assures me that in reality I’m slowly slouching toward decrepitude. When I wade the Woodland Brook, my legs know the truth. I can’t skip from rock to rock as I once did when I was young. My grandchildren and their young friends put me in mind of myself back then, for they do it without a care.
I was first introduced to Woodland Brook at age 9. It had suffered a terrible storm the year before, and its landscape was as flat as a pancake. There seemed to be little life left in the old girl. But there was. Leadwing coachmen were there after the rains and the exoskeletons of Isonychia Bicolor dotted the rocks in profusion.
My family was not discouraged. We had come to the valley from the Pacific Northwest in search of trout, and by God we found them. The pull of ancient memory brought spawning browns and rainbows up from the Ashokan and the Brook Trout in Woodland’s cold headwaters continued their stubborn residence.
Over the years I have come to know the brook’s bends and curves, her changing ripples and pocketed pools—her disruptions, and then again, on certain days and nights—her perfection. I think you may understand my abiding connection to her best, by knowing that, each in their own time, we strew my father’s and mother’s ashes into the stream. Eventually I plan to have mine tossed in there too.
Once again nature has seen fit to show us who’s boss. I need not tell you how roughly she treated us last September. The streambed was reinvented again and the darling brook is as flat as a pancake.
However, particular streamside agents of mine report that so far this winter the brook has not been upset by overwhelming snow and ice. Can it mean that the some of the trout that underwent the terrible drubbing in September’s overwhelming catastrophe still live? The Troutmeister hopes so. And YOU can help put more trout into the Brook.
I ask you to help re-trout Woodland Brook with the lovely, fat and sassy browns from our friends at the Beaverkill Trout Hatchery by sending a check made out to THE WOODLAND TROUT FUND to: Mike O’Neil, 101 Rambling Road, Vernon, CT 06066.
Mike O’Neil—Troutmeister
Woodland Trout 2012
The Brook in its Healing
I turned 70 years old this January. And while I boast publicly that 70 is the new 50, my secret heart assures me that in reality I’m slowly slouching toward decrepitude. When I wade the Woodland Brook, my legs know the truth. I can’t skip from rock to rock as I once did when I was young. My grandchildren and their young friends put me in mind of myself back then, for they do it without a care.
I was first introduced to Woodland Brook at age 9. It had suffered a terrible storm the year before, and its landscape was as flat as a pancake. There seemed to be little life left in the old girl. But there was. Leadwing coachmen were there after the rains and the exoskeletons of Isonychia Bicolor dotted the rocks in profusion.
My family was not discouraged. We had come to the valley from the Pacific Northwest in search of trout, and by God we found them. The pull of ancient memory brought spawning browns and rainbows up from the Ashokan and the Brook Trout in Woodland’s cold headwaters continued their stubborn residence.
Over the years I have come to know the brook’s bends and curves, her changing ripples and pocketed pools—her disruptions, and then again, on certain days and nights—her perfection. I think you may understand my abiding connection to her best, by knowing that, each in their own time, we strew my father’s and mother’s ashes into the stream. Eventually I plan to have mine tossed in there too.
Once again nature has seen fit to show us who’s boss. I need not tell you how roughly she treated us last September. The streambed was reinvented again and the darling brook is as flat as a pancake.
However, particular streamside agents of mine report that so far this winter the brook has not been upset by overwhelming snow and ice. Can it mean that the some of the trout that underwent the terrible drubbing in September’s overwhelming catastrophe still live? The Troutmeister hopes so. And YOU can help put more trout into the Brook.
I ask you to help re-trout Woodland Brook with the lovely, fat and sassy browns from our friends at the Beaverkill Trout Hatchery by sending a check made out to THE WOODLAND TROUT FUND to: Mike O’Neil, 101 Rambling Road, Vernon, CT 06066.
Mike O’Neil—Troutmeister
Monday, February 13, 2012
Tax Relief for Damaged Properties
There was an article in the Kingston Freeman recently about the county's decision to provide tax relief for some properties that were damaged in Hurricane Irene. If you would like to read the full article here is the link:
Ulster County Executive Michael Hein OKs storm related tax relief (with chart)
What does this all mean? In a nutshell, if a property was more than 50% damaged by Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee the county has voted to allow the property assessments to be adjusted. That will affect the property owners January 2012 county tax bills (those are the ones we just paid). The Onteora School District has voted to do this as well. So the school taxes paid back in September 2011 will be affected also. BUT TAXPAYERS MUST APPLY!!
Why is this unusual? By state law your assessments are determined by what is on your property on what is called "taxable status day". That is March 1st in New York. That means that whatever is on your property on March 1st is assessed for the upcoming school, county and town taxes. Unfortunately, if something catastrophic happens after that date the assessors office cannot legally make the adjustment until the following year UNLESS the state legislature passes a new law. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee the legislature did just that. It passed a law giving permission to the school district, the county and the town to decide if they wanted to amend the assessments for properties that were damaged by 50% or more as of late August 2011. (If you would like to read the legislation go to: Summary of Legislation Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee Assessment Relief Act). The amended values will reflect the damage done to properties by the water. BUT OWNERS OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTIES MUST APPLY TO THE ASSESSORS OFFICE FOR THIS PROGRAM NO LATER THAN MARCH 8TH, 2012!!! SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MUST BE PROVIDED! (call the assessors office 845-688-5003 for details) You can get the application at the assessors office or online at www.shandaken.us.
So if you have damages that you feel would be qualify for consideration, please be sure to get to the assessors office by March 8th and file the paperwork.
Going forward to the 2012 roll, the assessments will be adjusted on properties that have unrepaired damage which would affect the market value (including those damaged less than 50%). BUT YOU MUST NOTIFY THE ASSESSORS OFFICE AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO HAVE YOUR PROPERTY VISITED so that a correction to your assessment can be made for the coming tax year.
As usual, if you would like your property visited for any other reason the assessors office is always available. Just call and make an appointment.
Ulster County Executive Michael Hein OKs storm related tax relief (with chart)
What does this all mean? In a nutshell, if a property was more than 50% damaged by Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee the county has voted to allow the property assessments to be adjusted. That will affect the property owners January 2012 county tax bills (those are the ones we just paid). The Onteora School District has voted to do this as well. So the school taxes paid back in September 2011 will be affected also. BUT TAXPAYERS MUST APPLY!!
Why is this unusual? By state law your assessments are determined by what is on your property on what is called "taxable status day". That is March 1st in New York. That means that whatever is on your property on March 1st is assessed for the upcoming school, county and town taxes. Unfortunately, if something catastrophic happens after that date the assessors office cannot legally make the adjustment until the following year UNLESS the state legislature passes a new law. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee the legislature did just that. It passed a law giving permission to the school district, the county and the town to decide if they wanted to amend the assessments for properties that were damaged by 50% or more as of late August 2011. (If you would like to read the legislation go to: Summary of Legislation Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee Assessment Relief Act). The amended values will reflect the damage done to properties by the water. BUT OWNERS OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTIES MUST APPLY TO THE ASSESSORS OFFICE FOR THIS PROGRAM NO LATER THAN MARCH 8TH, 2012!!! SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MUST BE PROVIDED! (call the assessors office 845-688-5003 for details) You can get the application at the assessors office or online at www.shandaken.us.
So if you have damages that you feel would be qualify for consideration, please be sure to get to the assessors office by March 8th and file the paperwork.
Going forward to the 2012 roll, the assessments will be adjusted on properties that have unrepaired damage which would affect the market value (including those damaged less than 50%). BUT YOU MUST NOTIFY THE ASSESSORS OFFICE AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO HAVE YOUR PROPERTY VISITED so that a correction to your assessment can be made for the coming tax year.
As usual, if you would like your property visited for any other reason the assessors office is always available. Just call and make an appointment.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Flurries Over The Weekend
After forecasts of 2 to 4 inches, we got some snow on Saturday but it was less than an inch in the end. Today we have had flurries on and off but it never amounted to much either. The temperatures dropped into the teens overnight last night and look like they are going to be that way again tonight. So bundle up!! There have been some gusty wind on and off but nothing too bad. All things considered, all is well in the valley.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Weather For Weekenders - 02/10/12
I haven't been posting about the weather lately because there really hasn't been much to say. So far the winter has been on the milder side with not too much snow (I feel as I am tempting the Gods by saying that). The forecast is for snow tomorrow so I guess we will see how long our good luck lasts. But today is cold (low 20s) and clear and there is almost no snow on the ground (although for all you skiers I am sure Belleayre, Hunter and Windham are making some of their own). But for now, all is bright, and calm and everything in the valley is peaceful. So anyone venturing up for the weekend should get here with no problem.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Art Auction for The Festival of the Voice

The fund raising festivities have begun for the 2012 Festival of the Voice. There will be an art auction at the Emerson Resort and Spa on February 19th. Come and support the festival! Here are the details.
Phoenicia Festival of the Voice
Festival News
Emerson Resort and Spa
Mt Tremper, NY
Admission free
Join us at The Emerson for this not to be missed afternoon of art, music and song!
Contributing artists include Brenda Goodman, Evelyne Pouget, Bernard Handzel, Norman Darvie, Carol Monteleoni, Lynn Gitter, Wendy Drolma and many more!
Complimentary hors d'oeuvre and cash bar.
Silent Auction and Preview Live Auction Items @ 3PM
Live Auction @ 4PM
Celebrity Auctioneers
Performances by Festival founders Maria Todaro, Louis Otey and
Kerry Henderson, accompanied by Douglas Martin.
Special Guest appearance by pianist Justin Kolb
Information: 845 586-3588
You can watch the festival documentary by following these links
2011 Festival of Voice - Part 1
2011 Festival of the Voice - Part 2
About the Festival:
The Phoenicia International Festival of the Voice promotes the human voice as an instrument of healing, peace and artistic expression through presenting world class performances of opera, baroque, world music, musical theater and sacred musical in Phoenicia, New York.
To Contact the Festival:
Phoenicia Festival of the Voice Foundation
PO Box 327
Phoenicia, New York 12464
Tel: 845 688 1344
Monday, February 6, 2012
Dennis Havel in UK Newspaper
A photograph by WCA member Dennis Havel was selected to be "Picture of the Day" in the UK newspaper The Telegraph. Dennis has made many stop action shots with water drops and various other objects. The shot featured today was made as a bullet passed through the droplet. It is an interesting and beautiful image. Congrats Dennis on getting your photo published.
Here is a link to the article if anyone would like to read it for themselves.
The Telegraph - Picture of the Day - February 6th, 2012
PS - Later today another UK paper, Metro, picked up more of Dennis's images.
Metro - Stunning Photos Show Bullet Flying Through A Water Drop
Here is a link to the article if anyone would like to read it for themselves.
The Telegraph - Picture of the Day - February 6th, 2012
PS - Later today another UK paper, Metro, picked up more of Dennis's images.
Metro - Stunning Photos Show Bullet Flying Through A Water Drop
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Wild Pig or Coyote?

Recently there has been talk of someone up here in Woodland Valley catching a photo of a feral pig on an infrared critter cam. The cam was on the porch of a house on Woodland Valley Road. It was taken last summer. There has been much discussion of whether or not this is a pig or a coyote with it's ears back. The photo was very dark and worked on in Photoshop to lighten it so you can see the animal better. There is graininess and digital artifacts that sort of look like hair along it's back so don't get fooled.
There was also several reports last summer of a very, very skinny bear (folks said that it was the size and shape of a dog) going around the valley. The guess was that it was a second year cub that had been abandoned by it's mother. People told me that it was the skinniest bear that they ever saw. I think that might be a possible answer.
I posted it so you can all decide for yourselves. It should give everyone something to debate for a while.
The live cam on this porch also caught photos of a deer, a coyote and a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. I suspect they baited the cam with a heathen to catch those last two. And funny enough, the Jehovah's Witnesses seemed to have the same expression as all the other animals caught in the cam. The element of surprise is so much fun sometimes!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Keeping Everyone Smiling

WCA member Richard Feuer (pictured above with wife Tammy) has been keeping a secret for the last few years. Although he is a mild mannered dentist during the week, on the weekends he comes to the Catskills for rest, relaxation and to explore his inner writer and comedian. He likes to record his thoughts and observations about life here in this neck of the woods on his personal blog "cabin in the catskills" (see link below). His observations showcase his good-natured, sarcastic sense of humor. I especially liked the "Dentist Kills Wife" post. Check it out if you have the chance.