"I think I left off the update when Clemie was seen late in the evening on Thursday August 18th, way up the top of Broadstreet Hollow Road. By the time I raced up there she was back down to near the intersection of Rt. 28, but had been seen by several people who reported sightings through the evening. I left food at various stations along the road hoping that she'd stay around that area so we could follow Clem's movements and find a way to "trap" her. Jen and George Holz went up there late into the evening, driving with a flashlight hoping to see her eyes "light up." And yes, the police stopped them, obviously assuming they were illegally looking for deer.
Jen told me the next morning that the police who had stopped them were not aware of a lost dog in the area which upset me because I thought of all people, the police needed to know and would have been valuable assistance. I discovered later that the people at the Town Hall had only given the information to daytime police and it hadn't been passed along to the night patrol.
Anyway, it was clear that we needed to get out another round of information about Clemie, and signs in particular because of the mean fellow who had taken down the original flyers, and that the ones still up were rain soaked. We were a four person team working on flyers, laminating them, making banners, enlarging everything so the information could be read more easily by moving traffic and waterproofing as best we could.
All this time it was raining again, hard, and thundering, and the thought of Clemantine still out there was excruciatingly painfully for all of us. But our emotions simply fueled out commitment and dedication to finding this sweet Clemantine.
Then a call came in from Jennifer Christie, saying that she had spotted Clemie heading toward the Copperhood Inn (Spa). With that, I gathered a huge bag of food and Kylie's perfume bottle and set out with Tom Rinaldo driving, straight to the Copperhood. My thought was that perhaps Clemie was now heading back and was on the "good" side of Rt. 28, hopefully looking for the Woodland Valley Road, and her "home stretch."
With Tom driving, raining harder still, we stopped every quarter of a mile and put out a big dollop of food and a liberal spray of L'Occitaine on a nearby telephone pole, mail box, road sign.......hoping against hope that Clemie would pick up the scents and be guided home. For 6 or 7 miles, Rt 28 and the Woodland Valley Road had a veritable - albeit smelly - feast for any creature happening by. We hoped it would all be for Clemie. Anyway, we finally reached the Brauers house and put out the last of the sardines on their front porch.
When we got back to my house, the front door opened and Janet Klugiewicz said in a somewhat whispered voice, "Clemie's here." I said, slightly stupefied, "What?" Again she said, "Clementine is here." I tell you, I thought she was speaking a foreign language! It seemed so impossible to believe, even though that's what we hoped/believed/prayed for, for eight long days and nights!
Now for the part you've all been waiting for! - and I'll let Jennifer Christie tell you her story........" - Marilyn

Hi Marilyn,
Today at 12:30pm I was driving west on Rt 28 when I spotted Clemie heading towards the Copperhood Spa. I stopped the truck and approached her on foot. As I got near her she disappeared into the bushes. The owners of the Copperhood kindly took my name and phone number and said they would call if they found her. At home I called to tell you of my sighting, and then I went back to the Copperhood with dog treats, a leash and my Boston terrier (Sturgis). As I slowly passed the Copperhood, it was thundering. Looking through the gate I could see a small chocolate colored dog, wet and shivering under cover in a corner near a door. I let Sturgis out ahead of me. He went straight to Clemie and starting licking her face. She appeared frightened and I didn't want to chance her running off. I let Sturgis spend time with her as I pitched high value treats from a distance (she had no interest in food). Gently and softly speaking to her, I went closer then stopped as she got up. Sturgis wanted to play with her and she wagged her tail and came over to me. She looked relieved to be with us. I led her to the car. She was limping but willing and she allowed me to lift her into the car.
....and in a further email from Jen......
I am so happy this worked out for you and the pup, I can't imagine the heart ache of losing a dog that isn't yours. Dealing with the family and not sleeping from worry. I couldn't have gotten Clemie without Sturgis, he was very gentle with her licking her face and letting her trust me. She was so scared when she looked at me, but I could see her calming down as he spent more time with her. I have used Sturgis in the past to coral dogs without recalls. He is so solid, and obedient. I can always count on him. If anything like this should happen again, you are welcome to use him, those gigantic ears hear everything.
.......and finally.........
I was telling Bill that Tom Crucet should be thanked for sending me the email about the dog being missing. Tom has been a great resource in the community for getting information out. I in turn sent it out to everyone I knew...He has an incredibly varied contact list.
Sturgis is really the guy here, I have to give credit where credit is due. Because of all the exposure he has to different dogs through Therapy Dog work and agility, I knew he would greet her gently. Not to mention, he loves the ladies!
Art and I are so happy, your pup is returned. Lou and Lea Arsanso were out for hours searching. We live in a great community. I feel so blessed to live here.
- Jennifer Christie
Neither Jen nor Tom would accept any monetary reward, which doesn't suprise me, or any of you, I'm sure. So it feels right for me to donate $250 to Tom Crucet's scouting work, and $250 to Jen's cause, Therapy Dogs International, in Clemantine's name.
As a final postscript, Clementine was thoroughtly checked out at South Peak Veterinary Hospital a few hours after her return to me. She was amazingly fit and healthy. She had a slight limp, which has already healed, and a small bot fly larvae under her skin which they cleaned and washed with antibiotics. She will remain with me until Jay and Susan Fahey return from the Cape, and then back to her own family when they return from Europe. She has settled in beautifully and gets tons of kisses and cuddles and stroking, day and night, you can be sure!
- Marilyn
Marilyn also sent me this photo of Clemie (far right) happily riding in the "Manning Dog Mobile" today with her friends!! This photo makes me smile!!!