Here is a video by WCA member Josh Sheldon. It is of Woodland Valley Road by the Holz Farm during the flood. It gives you a good idea how high the water was at that point.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Battered By The Storm
Finally I am somewhere that I can sit and write my account of the last few days. I will try my best to recall it all. So much has happened and I am a bit exhausted from the whole experience.
First let me say that to my knowledge everyone in Woodland Valley is fine. No one was injured and the worst damage I have heard about is that there were some flooded basements. The road has many problems but the highway department is working on it.
It started raining in the afternoon on Saturday. Lightly at first and then heavier as the night wore on. Somewhere around midnight the rain stared falling hard and fast. There are several gauges along the Esopus but the one I usually check is the one at Coldbrook. The usual level for the river at that point is between 4 and 6 feet. The gauge started to climb quickly at about 3:00 am. Somewhere in the early morning it hit 13 feet (flood stage is 11 feet, the final flood peak was close to 25 feet) and since it was supposed to rain all day I knew we were in trouble. My house is high so I didn't think I was in danger but I was worried about the road.
I looked down from the house around 8:00 am (time gets a little fuzzy here because I was starting to get nervous) and there was a stream at the bottom of my driveway that I only get when the WV stream is running high. That stream was up and over my driveway. That's when I noticed that the WV stream was starting to come over WV road and it was continuing to rise hard and fast. Harry, my boyfriend, tried to leave my house but WV road was blocked at the Holz farm. At that point I saw that my three neighbor's houses across the street were all surrounded by water. Two of the neighbors were not there. But the third left their house and came to mine. We lost internet first and then power and phone. So there was nothing left to do but to wait it out.
About 2:00 pm the rain stopped and that part of the creek receded. We walked down to the Holz farm. WV creek was still running down the middle of the road but George said that past his house the road was damaged but you could get into town. We all hiked up and in back of his property and went down together. The water had come over WV road in a few places. It had cut into the side and damaged the asphalt in several spots. The Roxmor, Grandview and Fawn Hill rebuilds all held but there were other problems. There was a chunk carved out of the road just below Fawn Hill bridge right before the curve at Ed Twerdak's. And the curve by Romer Mt Park that always blows out when it floods, was gone again.
As I rode down to town I noticed that several other houses looked like they had been surrounded by water but none looked like the water had gotten inside the structures themselves. (But that is really hard to tell unless you check inside.)
When we got further down towards town we saw that water had come up and over the Woodland Valley Bridge. Kenny Karge was still cutting trees off the deck of the bridge.
Phoenicia was a MESS! We had to park up by Al's and walk into town. Water was still running down Main St from the Stony Clove and the Esopus was over High St, Jay Street, Ricadella's parking lot and the whole back of town. There was flood mud everywhere. Most of the stores and restaurants in town had serious mud inside. The liquor store and Ricadella's were especially hard hit. The asphalt was ripped up and chunks of it were everywhere. The Bridge St bridge was still underwater and I wasn't sure if the middle of the structure was there or not. It looked like a giant toothpick holder with many trees sticking out from the top. The brown house that is between the The Town Tinker Tube rental and the bridge was still flooded. They had gotten 3 feet of water into the house. Black Bear campground had been flooded and scoured as was the Town Tinker parking lot.
I spent the rest of the day trying to make sure everyone was alright and getting information. That is when I found out that a lot of the major damage on WV road was in the top of the valley. As I told you in my last post, back in the Woodland Park Association, the bridge that goes past Ernie Person's house to the field side of the Park Association is gone. And I don't mean damaged, I mean gone. Ernie has built a makeshift walking bridge so everyone on that side can get to their houses. They all had the foresight to leave their cars on Woodland Valley Road.
Also in the Woodland Park Association, the small bridge (a culvert really) that leads to the back part of the club on 7 mile road is gone.
If your house was away from the creek you are probably fine. If you are next to the creek you might have some erosion. You should check your house or have someone check it for you as soon as you can.
Fawn Hill and Pantherkill roads have damages as well. BE VERY CAREFUL DRIVING IN THE VALLEY AND UP YOUR DRIVEWAY THE FIRST TIME YOU COME BACK! Try and do it in daylight if possible. Many driveways are seriously rutted. The highway department has done a great job of temporarily repairing the roads but most of these fixes are only short term so people can travel safely. So beware!!
The bridge on Rt 28 in Mt Tremper is open but it is only one lane. So plan ahead if you have to cross it.
Wires and poles are hanging precariously in several spots in the valley. Right now power, phone and internet are still out. And the power company was saying 10 days before that returns. Remember to bring drinking water if you plan on coming and staying. There are some folks in Woodland Vally who have phone service if they have a old conventional phone. So bring a phone that doesn't require electricity and try it. You may have service. Bring bottled water, candles, a flashlight and a radio that runs on batteries if you are coming to visit. If you have friends up here and plan to visit you might want to bring them some bottled water too.
As for the rest of the town it is also very messy in places. I didn't check these things for myself but here is some information I have been hearing in town. Mt Tremper where Rt 212 and Rt 28 meet, Margaretville, Arkville, Fleichmans and Wyndham all have serious damages. Fox Hollow was very, very hard hit and the road was knocked out. There are a big chunks out of Oliverea Road, Rt 42 and several spots on Rt 28 west of Phoenicia. Pine Hill was miraculously spared. Town Hall is OK but without power and phone. In the end, what I do know is that most of Shandaken was very hard hit. Some people lost their homes. I am sure there is a lot more damages that I just haven't heard about yet. Hurricane Irene was devastating.
My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered loss or damages during this storm.
So that's all for now. I apologize for the disjointedness of this post. I am tired and the last few days have been overwhelming so it is hard to get my thoughts straight.
- Carol Seitz
PS - I will post more photos and videos in the next day or so. The first 2 photos below are of the WV stream over the road in front of the Holz farm. The next 3 are of the WV bridge. The next 2 are of the end of town by Jay Street where it meets the Esopus. The next 3 are in Phoenicia. The last is of the Bridge Street bridge. These where all taken Sunday afternoon. Since then the town has begun the long clean-up process.
PPS - A lot of people in the community are emailing me. Please be patient. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

First let me say that to my knowledge everyone in Woodland Valley is fine. No one was injured and the worst damage I have heard about is that there were some flooded basements. The road has many problems but the highway department is working on it.
It started raining in the afternoon on Saturday. Lightly at first and then heavier as the night wore on. Somewhere around midnight the rain stared falling hard and fast. There are several gauges along the Esopus but the one I usually check is the one at Coldbrook. The usual level for the river at that point is between 4 and 6 feet. The gauge started to climb quickly at about 3:00 am. Somewhere in the early morning it hit 13 feet (flood stage is 11 feet, the final flood peak was close to 25 feet) and since it was supposed to rain all day I knew we were in trouble. My house is high so I didn't think I was in danger but I was worried about the road.
I looked down from the house around 8:00 am (time gets a little fuzzy here because I was starting to get nervous) and there was a stream at the bottom of my driveway that I only get when the WV stream is running high. That stream was up and over my driveway. That's when I noticed that the WV stream was starting to come over WV road and it was continuing to rise hard and fast. Harry, my boyfriend, tried to leave my house but WV road was blocked at the Holz farm. At that point I saw that my three neighbor's houses across the street were all surrounded by water. Two of the neighbors were not there. But the third left their house and came to mine. We lost internet first and then power and phone. So there was nothing left to do but to wait it out.
About 2:00 pm the rain stopped and that part of the creek receded. We walked down to the Holz farm. WV creek was still running down the middle of the road but George said that past his house the road was damaged but you could get into town. We all hiked up and in back of his property and went down together. The water had come over WV road in a few places. It had cut into the side and damaged the asphalt in several spots. The Roxmor, Grandview and Fawn Hill rebuilds all held but there were other problems. There was a chunk carved out of the road just below Fawn Hill bridge right before the curve at Ed Twerdak's. And the curve by Romer Mt Park that always blows out when it floods, was gone again.
As I rode down to town I noticed that several other houses looked like they had been surrounded by water but none looked like the water had gotten inside the structures themselves. (But that is really hard to tell unless you check inside.)
When we got further down towards town we saw that water had come up and over the Woodland Valley Bridge. Kenny Karge was still cutting trees off the deck of the bridge.
Phoenicia was a MESS! We had to park up by Al's and walk into town. Water was still running down Main St from the Stony Clove and the Esopus was over High St, Jay Street, Ricadella's parking lot and the whole back of town. There was flood mud everywhere. Most of the stores and restaurants in town had serious mud inside. The liquor store and Ricadella's were especially hard hit. The asphalt was ripped up and chunks of it were everywhere. The Bridge St bridge was still underwater and I wasn't sure if the middle of the structure was there or not. It looked like a giant toothpick holder with many trees sticking out from the top. The brown house that is between the The Town Tinker Tube rental and the bridge was still flooded. They had gotten 3 feet of water into the house. Black Bear campground had been flooded and scoured as was the Town Tinker parking lot.
I spent the rest of the day trying to make sure everyone was alright and getting information. That is when I found out that a lot of the major damage on WV road was in the top of the valley. As I told you in my last post, back in the Woodland Park Association, the bridge that goes past Ernie Person's house to the field side of the Park Association is gone. And I don't mean damaged, I mean gone. Ernie has built a makeshift walking bridge so everyone on that side can get to their houses. They all had the foresight to leave their cars on Woodland Valley Road.
Also in the Woodland Park Association, the small bridge (a culvert really) that leads to the back part of the club on 7 mile road is gone.
If your house was away from the creek you are probably fine. If you are next to the creek you might have some erosion. You should check your house or have someone check it for you as soon as you can.
Fawn Hill and Pantherkill roads have damages as well. BE VERY CAREFUL DRIVING IN THE VALLEY AND UP YOUR DRIVEWAY THE FIRST TIME YOU COME BACK! Try and do it in daylight if possible. Many driveways are seriously rutted. The highway department has done a great job of temporarily repairing the roads but most of these fixes are only short term so people can travel safely. So beware!!
The bridge on Rt 28 in Mt Tremper is open but it is only one lane. So plan ahead if you have to cross it.
Wires and poles are hanging precariously in several spots in the valley. Right now power, phone and internet are still out. And the power company was saying 10 days before that returns. Remember to bring drinking water if you plan on coming and staying. There are some folks in Woodland Vally who have phone service if they have a old conventional phone. So bring a phone that doesn't require electricity and try it. You may have service. Bring bottled water, candles, a flashlight and a radio that runs on batteries if you are coming to visit. If you have friends up here and plan to visit you might want to bring them some bottled water too.
As for the rest of the town it is also very messy in places. I didn't check these things for myself but here is some information I have been hearing in town. Mt Tremper where Rt 212 and Rt 28 meet, Margaretville, Arkville, Fleichmans and Wyndham all have serious damages. Fox Hollow was very, very hard hit and the road was knocked out. There are a big chunks out of Oliverea Road, Rt 42 and several spots on Rt 28 west of Phoenicia. Pine Hill was miraculously spared. Town Hall is OK but without power and phone. In the end, what I do know is that most of Shandaken was very hard hit. Some people lost their homes. I am sure there is a lot more damages that I just haven't heard about yet. Hurricane Irene was devastating.
My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered loss or damages during this storm.
So that's all for now. I apologize for the disjointedness of this post. I am tired and the last few days have been overwhelming so it is hard to get my thoughts straight.
- Carol Seitz
PS - I will post more photos and videos in the next day or so. The first 2 photos below are of the WV stream over the road in front of the Holz farm. The next 3 are of the WV bridge. The next 2 are of the end of town by Jay Street where it meets the Esopus. The next 3 are in Phoenicia. The last is of the Bridge Street bridge. These where all taken Sunday afternoon. Since then the town has begun the long clean-up process.
PPS - A lot of people in the community are emailing me. Please be patient. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Monday, August 29, 2011
Stranded in Paradise
This is the first chance I have had to blog. I'm by the side of the road in Boiceville on my phone. Phoenicia is a mess. The storm was very hard on us. Woodland Valley was crazy but it is better now. The road was damaged in many places but the houses are okay. Some may have gotten water. The creek was up over the road. It was the worst storm that anyone has ever seen. There's no power or phone in most of the valley (although a few folks do have phone). They say we may not have it for 10 days. The NYS Thruway has been closed all day from exit 15 to 17. Rt 28 was closed west of Woodstock. The bridge on 28 at Mount Tremper was closed until just now. No one has been able to get down to the city. To my knowledge no one was injured in Woodland Valley. The Bridge Street bridge into town is a mess and closed. I don't usually do personal messages on the blog but since this is an emergency situation I will. Tammy & Richard your house is fine. Tommy Healy your mother is fine. Anyone who lives in the woodland park association the bridge by Ernie's house is gone. The bridge at 7 mile road is also gone. Be careful if you're driving up and into that area. There are several people stranded by the bridge in the woodland park association but they are all fine. If you do make it up this way drive carefully on Woodland Valley road it was washed out in several places and the repairs are only temporary. I must go now. More later. Photos and video to come.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Storm Update
It is about 9:30 in Woodland Valley and so far so good. I just came up into the valley from town and although it is raining the roads were fine, no water, no dangerous debris.
To keep up with the current news in Ulster County here is a link to the Ulster County Emergency Services News blog.
I have copied and pasted the latest post from that blog below.
Good afternoon,
Here's the latest information:
Tropical Storm Warning and Flood Watch in effect
Still looking for 4-8 inches of rain with up to 10 inches in the higher elevations "Moderate to Major" flooding expected
Flash Flooding is likely. Flash flood guidance:
1-3 inches of rain in 1 hour will produce flash flooding
2-4 inches of rain in 6 hours
3-4 inches of rain in 12 hours
1-2 inches of rain in 1 hour in urban areas
Advance Hydrologic Prediction Service projects the following crests
Current level- Flood stage- Projected crest
Upper Esopus - Coldbrook 4.9- 11- 16.5
Chandler Dr 136.4- 146
Lower Esopus - Mt Marion 14.55- 20- 23.7
Wallkill - Gardiner 3.39- 13- 16.6
Rondout - Rosendale 9.61- 18- 21
Reservoir levels - Ashokan 93.7%; Rondout 95.5%
Winds expected to be 35-50 MPH with gusts from 60-70; most severe winds will be 9 AM to 6 PM Sunday
Storm expected to be out of here by late night Sunday
Dry for recovery in the early part of next week
CHG&E rep will be in this office
Depending on extent of damage, outages may last several days or longer
In addition to CH crews, they have mutual aid from as far away as Kansas. They have an additional 30 crews, plus 40 line clearing crews, and have retained contract crews for this storm
Information on restoration times will be delayed pending a full assessment of the extent of damage
While restoration will begin on Sunday, it is anticipated that work will begin in earnest on Monday
Central Hudson will be obtaining dry ice and bottled water; distribution locations TBD based on worst damage
Other issues:
State of Emergency remains in effect for Ulster County, no specific special orders issued
Shelter locations (all opening at 8 PM tonight). Please bring pillow, blanket and personal hygiene items
SUNY New Paltz - Health & Wellness Center
Belleayre Ski Center
Benedictine Hospital Senior Residence
Wawarsing Ellenville - TBD
The law enforcement community has coordinated their efforts
The UCSO dive team will be split geographically to maximize capacity
All fire departments will have their stations manned effective 8 PM tonight for the duration of the incident
Most EMS squads are also staffing in quarters
New York State OEM reports
3,000 National Guard troops already activated, another 2,000 on Monday
31 Navy ships heading up from Virginia will be off coast of LI
104 tractor trailers of supplies enroute to state
***Special request to each town - please provide me with an on-going damage assessment via e-mail. I don't want anyone out in the dangerous part of the storm, but once conditions are safe and assessments begin to take place, please forward the information so that we can get a good handle on the extent of damage and assistance that may be needed.*** Thank you
To keep up with the current news in Ulster County here is a link to the Ulster County Emergency Services News blog.
I have copied and pasted the latest post from that blog below.
Good afternoon,
Here's the latest information:
Tropical Storm Warning and Flood Watch in effect
Still looking for 4-8 inches of rain with up to 10 inches in the higher elevations "Moderate to Major" flooding expected
Flash Flooding is likely. Flash flood guidance:
1-3 inches of rain in 1 hour will produce flash flooding
2-4 inches of rain in 6 hours
3-4 inches of rain in 12 hours
1-2 inches of rain in 1 hour in urban areas
Advance Hydrologic Prediction Service projects the following crests
Current level- Flood stage- Projected crest
Upper Esopus - Coldbrook 4.9- 11- 16.5
Chandler Dr 136.4- 146
Lower Esopus - Mt Marion 14.55- 20- 23.7
Wallkill - Gardiner 3.39- 13- 16.6
Rondout - Rosendale 9.61- 18- 21
Reservoir levels - Ashokan 93.7%; Rondout 95.5%
Winds expected to be 35-50 MPH with gusts from 60-70; most severe winds will be 9 AM to 6 PM Sunday
Storm expected to be out of here by late night Sunday
Dry for recovery in the early part of next week
CHG&E rep will be in this office
Depending on extent of damage, outages may last several days or longer
In addition to CH crews, they have mutual aid from as far away as Kansas. They have an additional 30 crews, plus 40 line clearing crews, and have retained contract crews for this storm
Information on restoration times will be delayed pending a full assessment of the extent of damage
While restoration will begin on Sunday, it is anticipated that work will begin in earnest on Monday
Central Hudson will be obtaining dry ice and bottled water; distribution locations TBD based on worst damage
Other issues:
State of Emergency remains in effect for Ulster County, no specific special orders issued
Shelter locations (all opening at 8 PM tonight). Please bring pillow, blanket and personal hygiene items
SUNY New Paltz - Health & Wellness Center
Belleayre Ski Center
Benedictine Hospital Senior Residence
Wawarsing Ellenville - TBD
The law enforcement community has coordinated their efforts
The UCSO dive team will be split geographically to maximize capacity
All fire departments will have their stations manned effective 8 PM tonight for the duration of the incident
Most EMS squads are also staffing in quarters
New York State OEM reports
3,000 National Guard troops already activated, another 2,000 on Monday
31 Navy ships heading up from Virginia will be off coast of LI
104 tractor trailers of supplies enroute to state
***Special request to each town - please provide me with an on-going damage assessment via e-mail. I don't want anyone out in the dangerous part of the storm, but once conditions are safe and assessments begin to take place, please forward the information so that we can get a good handle on the extent of damage and assistance that may be needed.*** Thank you
State of Emergency in Ulster County
This email was sent out by Arthur R. Snyder from the office of Ulster County Emergency Communications/Emergency Management. It was forwarded to me this morning but originally sent on Friday, August 26, 2011 1:03 PM. I guess there were previous emails but this is the only one I got and I thought it was important to post it even though the legal notice on the bottom said I would be in big trouble if I distribute it. Common sense tells me they are trying to get this information out there and in a state of emergency they would want me to share the information. So here it is.
Good afternoon
Please see previous updates for still applicable storm preparation tips. Following is the latest information on preparations for Irene and forecast:
At 8 AM this morning, County Executive Michael Hein declared a state of emergency for Ulster County. This declaration allows Ulster County to take those actions necessary to protect life and property. The declaration does NOT automatically ban driving or affect other activities (although driving during the storm is strongly discouraged). Special orders MAY be issued, but this has not yet happened. County departments are making preparations to continue their essential services in light of the hurricane and to continue to meet the needs of Ulster County residents.
Emergency service personnel continue their preparations to respond to hurricane related issues.
Shelters will be established at the following locations:
Belleayre Mtn Ski Center - will become operational at 8 PM Saturday evening
SUNY New Paltz Health and Wellness Center - will be operational at 8PM Saturday evening
Kingston site is yet to be determined
As previously discussed, resources will be in short supply, so sheltering facilities are limited. If you plan to go to a shelter, bring your own bedding (pillow and blanket) but not your pets (general population shelters cannot accommodate pets).
While utility companies are implementation their emergency response plans, realize that many people will be without power for days. Flooded roadways will be closed. DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH FLOODED ROADWAYS. Even after flooding subsides, highway personnel will have to check roads and bridges for structural integrity. Specific local issues (such as the Walkway Over the Hudson) will be addressed with local officials.
Although the storm is still only moving at 14 MPH, it is expected to pick up speed and enter our area sooner than expected. Irene is forecast to cross New York as a Category 1 hurricane. A Tropical Storm Watch and a Flood Watch have been posted for Ulster County. Sustained winds of 30-45 MPH can be expected from about 2 AM to 7 PM Sunday with peak gusts of around 60 MPH Sunday afternoon. Rainfall will begin by 8 PM Saturday evening and continue heavy for about 24 hours. Rains will continue during the overnight hours before tapering off early Monday. Total rainfall 4-7 inches with up to 10 inches over higher terrain. Widespread flooding can be expected. The Upper Esopus is forecast to crest just under 15' (flood stage being 11'), the Lower Esopus at 23' (flood stage at 20'), the Rondout at 20' (flood stage at 18'). A projection for the Wallkill has not yet been issued. Additionally, I consider some of these estimates (especially the Upper Esopus) to be underdone; and the Rondout was modeled without Wallkill data.
Just because we may not be in the "cone" on a map, our area WILL feel the impacts of Irene. This is a huge storm - hundreds of miles wide - and the entire eastern seaboard from South Caroline north can expect heavy rain, wind, and if you have tidal influences a storm surge (even the Hudson will show some effects). Please prepare now and stay safe throughout the storm.
- Art
Arthur R. Snyder
Ulster County Emergency Communications/Emergency Management
238 Golden Hill Lane
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-331-7000
Fax: 845 331-1738
Good afternoon
Please see previous updates for still applicable storm preparation tips. Following is the latest information on preparations for Irene and forecast:
At 8 AM this morning, County Executive Michael Hein declared a state of emergency for Ulster County. This declaration allows Ulster County to take those actions necessary to protect life and property. The declaration does NOT automatically ban driving or affect other activities (although driving during the storm is strongly discouraged). Special orders MAY be issued, but this has not yet happened. County departments are making preparations to continue their essential services in light of the hurricane and to continue to meet the needs of Ulster County residents.
Emergency service personnel continue their preparations to respond to hurricane related issues.
Shelters will be established at the following locations:
Belleayre Mtn Ski Center - will become operational at 8 PM Saturday evening
SUNY New Paltz Health and Wellness Center - will be operational at 8PM Saturday evening
Kingston site is yet to be determined
As previously discussed, resources will be in short supply, so sheltering facilities are limited. If you plan to go to a shelter, bring your own bedding (pillow and blanket) but not your pets (general population shelters cannot accommodate pets).
While utility companies are implementation their emergency response plans, realize that many people will be without power for days. Flooded roadways will be closed. DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH FLOODED ROADWAYS. Even after flooding subsides, highway personnel will have to check roads and bridges for structural integrity. Specific local issues (such as the Walkway Over the Hudson) will be addressed with local officials.
Although the storm is still only moving at 14 MPH, it is expected to pick up speed and enter our area sooner than expected. Irene is forecast to cross New York as a Category 1 hurricane. A Tropical Storm Watch and a Flood Watch have been posted for Ulster County. Sustained winds of 30-45 MPH can be expected from about 2 AM to 7 PM Sunday with peak gusts of around 60 MPH Sunday afternoon. Rainfall will begin by 8 PM Saturday evening and continue heavy for about 24 hours. Rains will continue during the overnight hours before tapering off early Monday. Total rainfall 4-7 inches with up to 10 inches over higher terrain. Widespread flooding can be expected. The Upper Esopus is forecast to crest just under 15' (flood stage being 11'), the Lower Esopus at 23' (flood stage at 20'), the Rondout at 20' (flood stage at 18'). A projection for the Wallkill has not yet been issued. Additionally, I consider some of these estimates (especially the Upper Esopus) to be underdone; and the Rondout was modeled without Wallkill data.
Just because we may not be in the "cone" on a map, our area WILL feel the impacts of Irene. This is a huge storm - hundreds of miles wide - and the entire eastern seaboard from South Caroline north can expect heavy rain, wind, and if you have tidal influences a storm surge (even the Hudson will show some effects). Please prepare now and stay safe throughout the storm.
- Art
Arthur R. Snyder
Ulster County Emergency Communications/Emergency Management
238 Golden Hill Lane
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-331-7000
Fax: 845 331-1738
Friday, August 26, 2011
Shandaken Day Is On
Since the hurricane is not supposed to hit our area until Sunday morning, as far as I know Shandaken Day will go on as planned. Here is the overview of the day from the Town of Shandaken website. See you at Parish Field.
SHANDAKEN DAY – The EIGHTH ANNUAL Shandaken Day event is planned for Saturday, August 27th, 2011 in the Parish Field Park, Ava Maria Drive in Phoenicia. This year we are celebrating the Hamlets of Chichester, Phoenicia and Woodland Valley. We will explore the history and lore of these beloved Hamlets as well as enjoy an afternoon of live music, kids games and the 3rd Annual Shandaken Cup Tug-O-War between our illustrious Emergency Services Departments.We will be honoring several notable community members and finish off with Earl Pardini’s Slide Mtn. String Band. The event takes place from 10am-6pm and is free and open to all. For more information please click Shandaken Day from the Recreation Tab at the Top of this page. Check the Shandaken Day Page for info on Vendors, T-shirt order forms and to see the latest info. Also check the special ad rates for the Freeman Insert due out August 18th, 2011.
SHANDAKEN DAY – The EIGHTH ANNUAL Shandaken Day event is planned for Saturday, August 27th, 2011 in the Parish Field Park, Ava Maria Drive in Phoenicia. This year we are celebrating the Hamlets of Chichester, Phoenicia and Woodland Valley. We will explore the history and lore of these beloved Hamlets as well as enjoy an afternoon of live music, kids games and the 3rd Annual Shandaken Cup Tug-O-War between our illustrious Emergency Services Departments.We will be honoring several notable community members and finish off with Earl Pardini’s Slide Mtn. String Band. The event takes place from 10am-6pm and is free and open to all. For more information please click Shandaken Day from the Recreation Tab at the Top of this page. Check the Shandaken Day Page for info on Vendors, T-shirt order forms and to see the latest info. Also check the special ad rates for the Freeman Insert due out August 18th, 2011.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
More Paving News
The major paving on Woodland Valley Road is done for this season. About a mile of new asphalt was laid down from Fawn Hill to just above Hide-A-Way campground. I talked with Highway Superintendent Eric Hofmeister about the state of the road from Tonisgah Road up to the Woodland Park Association. He is aware that the road is still bad and full of potholes at that point. Due to town budgetary restrictions, it doesn't look like that stretch is going to get paved until next year. He has promised to fill in the potholes to make the situation livable through the winter. That will happen sometime in the next week or two. I will keep you posted.
Caucus Results
Sorry folks, I am late in posting the various caucus results for the upcoming Shandaken elections. Here they are in the order that the caucuses were held:
Republican Party:
Town Supervisor: Rob Stanley (R)
Town Board (2 seats): Vincent Bernstein (C)
Al Higley Jr. (D)
Highway Superintendent: Eric Hofmeister (R)
Town Assessor: Heidi Clark (R)
Carol Seitz (D)
Democratic Party:
Town Supervisor: Kathy Nolan (D)
Town Board (2 seats): Peter DiSclafani (D)
Michael Koegel (D)
Highway Superintendent: Eric Hofmeister (R)
Town Assessor (2 seats): Heidi Clark (R)
Carol Seitz (D)
Conservative Party:
Town Supervisor: Rob Stanley (R)
Town Board (2 seats): Vincent Bernstein (C)
Alfred Higley Jr. (D)
Highway Superintendent: Keith Johnson (R)
Town Assessor (2 seats): Heidi Clark (R)
Carol Seitz (D)
Please be sure to vote for the candidate of your choice in the November elections. I know that with national politics being so frustrating it is hard to stay involved. But we must all continue to make our voices heard!!!
Republican Party:
Town Supervisor: Rob Stanley (R)
Town Board (2 seats): Vincent Bernstein (C)
Al Higley Jr. (D)
Highway Superintendent: Eric Hofmeister (R)
Town Assessor: Heidi Clark (R)
Carol Seitz (D)
Democratic Party:
Town Supervisor: Kathy Nolan (D)
Town Board (2 seats): Peter DiSclafani (D)
Michael Koegel (D)
Highway Superintendent: Eric Hofmeister (R)
Town Assessor (2 seats): Heidi Clark (R)
Carol Seitz (D)
Conservative Party:
Town Supervisor: Rob Stanley (R)
Town Board (2 seats): Vincent Bernstein (C)
Alfred Higley Jr. (D)
Highway Superintendent: Keith Johnson (R)
Town Assessor (2 seats): Heidi Clark (R)
Carol Seitz (D)
Please be sure to vote for the candidate of your choice in the November elections. I know that with national politics being so frustrating it is hard to stay involved. But we must all continue to make our voices heard!!!
Election Results,
Town Elections
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Parrots for Peace Visit Town Tinker
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Last Part of Clemie's Tale
Marilyn Manning wrote me this evening and filled me in on all the details of the capture and return of Clementine the missing dog. Here is the end of that story.
"I think I left off the update when Clemie was seen late in the evening on Thursday August 18th, way up the top of Broadstreet Hollow Road. By the time I raced up there she was back down to near the intersection of Rt. 28, but had been seen by several people who reported sightings through the evening. I left food at various stations along the road hoping that she'd stay around that area so we could follow Clem's movements and find a way to "trap" her. Jen and George Holz went up there late into the evening, driving with a flashlight hoping to see her eyes "light up." And yes, the police stopped them, obviously assuming they were illegally looking for deer.
Jen told me the next morning that the police who had stopped them were not aware of a lost dog in the area which upset me because I thought of all people, the police needed to know and would have been valuable assistance. I discovered later that the people at the Town Hall had only given the information to daytime police and it hadn't been passed along to the night patrol.
Anyway, it was clear that we needed to get out another round of information about Clemie, and signs in particular because of the mean fellow who had taken down the original flyers, and that the ones still up were rain soaked. We were a four person team working on flyers, laminating them, making banners, enlarging everything so the information could be read more easily by moving traffic and waterproofing as best we could.
All this time it was raining again, hard, and thundering, and the thought of Clemantine still out there was excruciatingly painfully for all of us. But our emotions simply fueled out commitment and dedication to finding this sweet Clemantine.
Then a call came in from Jennifer Christie, saying that she had spotted Clemie heading toward the Copperhood Inn (Spa). With that, I gathered a huge bag of food and Kylie's perfume bottle and set out with Tom Rinaldo driving, straight to the Copperhood. My thought was that perhaps Clemie was now heading back and was on the "good" side of Rt. 28, hopefully looking for the Woodland Valley Road, and her "home stretch."
With Tom driving, raining harder still, we stopped every quarter of a mile and put out a big dollop of food and a liberal spray of L'Occitaine on a nearby telephone pole, mail box, road sign.......hoping against hope that Clemie would pick up the scents and be guided home. For 6 or 7 miles, Rt 28 and the Woodland Valley Road had a veritable - albeit smelly - feast for any creature happening by. We hoped it would all be for Clemie. Anyway, we finally reached the Brauers house and put out the last of the sardines on their front porch.
When we got back to my house, the front door opened and Janet Klugiewicz said in a somewhat whispered voice, "Clemie's here." I said, slightly stupefied, "What?" Again she said, "Clementine is here." I tell you, I thought she was speaking a foreign language! It seemed so impossible to believe, even though that's what we hoped/believed/prayed for, for eight long days and nights!
Now for the part you've all been waiting for! - and I'll let Jennifer Christie tell you her story........" - Marilyn
Hi Marilyn,
Today at 12:30pm I was driving west on Rt 28 when I spotted Clemie heading towards the Copperhood Spa. I stopped the truck and approached her on foot. As I got near her she disappeared into the bushes. The owners of the Copperhood kindly took my name and phone number and said they would call if they found her. At home I called to tell you of my sighting, and then I went back to the Copperhood with dog treats, a leash and my Boston terrier (Sturgis). As I slowly passed the Copperhood, it was thundering. Looking through the gate I could see a small chocolate colored dog, wet and shivering under cover in a corner near a door. I let Sturgis out ahead of me. He went straight to Clemie and starting licking her face. She appeared frightened and I didn't want to chance her running off. I let Sturgis spend time with her as I pitched high value treats from a distance (she had no interest in food). Gently and softly speaking to her, I went closer then stopped as she got up. Sturgis wanted to play with her and she wagged her tail and came over to me. She looked relieved to be with us. I led her to the car. She was limping but willing and she allowed me to lift her into the car.
....and in a further email from Jen......
I am so happy this worked out for you and the pup, I can't imagine the heart ache of losing a dog that isn't yours. Dealing with the family and not sleeping from worry. I couldn't have gotten Clemie without Sturgis, he was very gentle with her licking her face and letting her trust me. She was so scared when she looked at me, but I could see her calming down as he spent more time with her. I have used Sturgis in the past to coral dogs without recalls. He is so solid, and obedient. I can always count on him. If anything like this should happen again, you are welcome to use him, those gigantic ears hear everything.
.......and finally.........
I was telling Bill that Tom Crucet should be thanked for sending me the email about the dog being missing. Tom has been a great resource in the community for getting information out. I in turn sent it out to everyone I knew...He has an incredibly varied contact list.
Sturgis is really the guy here, I have to give credit where credit is due. Because of all the exposure he has to different dogs through Therapy Dog work and agility, I knew he would greet her gently. Not to mention, he loves the ladies!
Art and I are so happy, your pup is returned. Lou and Lea Arsanso were out for hours searching. We live in a great community. I feel so blessed to live here.
- Jennifer Christie
Neither Jen nor Tom would accept any monetary reward, which doesn't suprise me, or any of you, I'm sure. So it feels right for me to donate $250 to Tom Crucet's scouting work, and $250 to Jen's cause, Therapy Dogs International, in Clemantine's name.
As a final postscript, Clementine was thoroughtly checked out at South Peak Veterinary Hospital a few hours after her return to me. She was amazingly fit and healthy. She had a slight limp, which has already healed, and a small bot fly larvae under her skin which they cleaned and washed with antibiotics. She will remain with me until Jay and Susan Fahey return from the Cape, and then back to her own family when they return from Europe. She has settled in beautifully and gets tons of kisses and cuddles and stroking, day and night, you can be sure!
- Marilyn
Marilyn also sent me this photo of Clemie (far right) happily riding in the "Manning Dog Mobile" today with her friends!! This photo makes me smile!!!
"I think I left off the update when Clemie was seen late in the evening on Thursday August 18th, way up the top of Broadstreet Hollow Road. By the time I raced up there she was back down to near the intersection of Rt. 28, but had been seen by several people who reported sightings through the evening. I left food at various stations along the road hoping that she'd stay around that area so we could follow Clem's movements and find a way to "trap" her. Jen and George Holz went up there late into the evening, driving with a flashlight hoping to see her eyes "light up." And yes, the police stopped them, obviously assuming they were illegally looking for deer.
Jen told me the next morning that the police who had stopped them were not aware of a lost dog in the area which upset me because I thought of all people, the police needed to know and would have been valuable assistance. I discovered later that the people at the Town Hall had only given the information to daytime police and it hadn't been passed along to the night patrol.
Anyway, it was clear that we needed to get out another round of information about Clemie, and signs in particular because of the mean fellow who had taken down the original flyers, and that the ones still up were rain soaked. We were a four person team working on flyers, laminating them, making banners, enlarging everything so the information could be read more easily by moving traffic and waterproofing as best we could.
All this time it was raining again, hard, and thundering, and the thought of Clemantine still out there was excruciatingly painfully for all of us. But our emotions simply fueled out commitment and dedication to finding this sweet Clemantine.
Then a call came in from Jennifer Christie, saying that she had spotted Clemie heading toward the Copperhood Inn (Spa). With that, I gathered a huge bag of food and Kylie's perfume bottle and set out with Tom Rinaldo driving, straight to the Copperhood. My thought was that perhaps Clemie was now heading back and was on the "good" side of Rt. 28, hopefully looking for the Woodland Valley Road, and her "home stretch."
With Tom driving, raining harder still, we stopped every quarter of a mile and put out a big dollop of food and a liberal spray of L'Occitaine on a nearby telephone pole, mail box, road sign.......hoping against hope that Clemie would pick up the scents and be guided home. For 6 or 7 miles, Rt 28 and the Woodland Valley Road had a veritable - albeit smelly - feast for any creature happening by. We hoped it would all be for Clemie. Anyway, we finally reached the Brauers house and put out the last of the sardines on their front porch.
When we got back to my house, the front door opened and Janet Klugiewicz said in a somewhat whispered voice, "Clemie's here." I said, slightly stupefied, "What?" Again she said, "Clementine is here." I tell you, I thought she was speaking a foreign language! It seemed so impossible to believe, even though that's what we hoped/believed/prayed for, for eight long days and nights!
Now for the part you've all been waiting for! - and I'll let Jennifer Christie tell you her story........" - Marilyn

Hi Marilyn,
Today at 12:30pm I was driving west on Rt 28 when I spotted Clemie heading towards the Copperhood Spa. I stopped the truck and approached her on foot. As I got near her she disappeared into the bushes. The owners of the Copperhood kindly took my name and phone number and said they would call if they found her. At home I called to tell you of my sighting, and then I went back to the Copperhood with dog treats, a leash and my Boston terrier (Sturgis). As I slowly passed the Copperhood, it was thundering. Looking through the gate I could see a small chocolate colored dog, wet and shivering under cover in a corner near a door. I let Sturgis out ahead of me. He went straight to Clemie and starting licking her face. She appeared frightened and I didn't want to chance her running off. I let Sturgis spend time with her as I pitched high value treats from a distance (she had no interest in food). Gently and softly speaking to her, I went closer then stopped as she got up. Sturgis wanted to play with her and she wagged her tail and came over to me. She looked relieved to be with us. I led her to the car. She was limping but willing and she allowed me to lift her into the car.
....and in a further email from Jen......
I am so happy this worked out for you and the pup, I can't imagine the heart ache of losing a dog that isn't yours. Dealing with the family and not sleeping from worry. I couldn't have gotten Clemie without Sturgis, he was very gentle with her licking her face and letting her trust me. She was so scared when she looked at me, but I could see her calming down as he spent more time with her. I have used Sturgis in the past to coral dogs without recalls. He is so solid, and obedient. I can always count on him. If anything like this should happen again, you are welcome to use him, those gigantic ears hear everything.
.......and finally.........
I was telling Bill that Tom Crucet should be thanked for sending me the email about the dog being missing. Tom has been a great resource in the community for getting information out. I in turn sent it out to everyone I knew...He has an incredibly varied contact list.
Sturgis is really the guy here, I have to give credit where credit is due. Because of all the exposure he has to different dogs through Therapy Dog work and agility, I knew he would greet her gently. Not to mention, he loves the ladies!
Art and I are so happy, your pup is returned. Lou and Lea Arsanso were out for hours searching. We live in a great community. I feel so blessed to live here.
- Jennifer Christie
Neither Jen nor Tom would accept any monetary reward, which doesn't suprise me, or any of you, I'm sure. So it feels right for me to donate $250 to Tom Crucet's scouting work, and $250 to Jen's cause, Therapy Dogs International, in Clemantine's name.
As a final postscript, Clementine was thoroughtly checked out at South Peak Veterinary Hospital a few hours after her return to me. She was amazingly fit and healthy. She had a slight limp, which has already healed, and a small bot fly larvae under her skin which they cleaned and washed with antibiotics. She will remain with me until Jay and Susan Fahey return from the Cape, and then back to her own family when they return from Europe. She has settled in beautifully and gets tons of kisses and cuddles and stroking, day and night, you can be sure!
- Marilyn
Marilyn also sent me this photo of Clemie (far right) happily riding in the "Manning Dog Mobile" today with her friends!! This photo makes me smile!!!

Paving on Woodland Valley Road
Eric Hofmeister, the town highway supervisor, has asked me to let you know that a crew will begin paving part of Woodland Valley Road on Monday August 22nd (weather permitting). They will start working from Fawn Hill Road and go up to a point just beyond Hide-A-Way campsite. Remember to drive slowly in that area and be ready to stop and/or slow down as directed by the highway crew.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
CMRR Twilight Limited
I got this message from WCA members Dakin Morehouse and Harry Jameson who work with the CMRR and the Empire State Railway Museum. Here is what they had to say.
The Catskill Mountain Railroad presents The Twilight Limited - Saturday August 20.
Join us for the Twilight Limited! Departing from Mount Tremper at 8:00pm, our special train will bring you to Phoenicia for light refreshments and the live musical entertainment of Earl Pardini and the Slide Mountain String Band. After the concert, our train will then take you deep into the woods where you will be able to enjoy the beautiful night sky. The train will return to Mount Tremper station by 10:00pm. Come enjoy a unique Catskill Mountain experience! The ticket window at Mount Tremper will open at 7:30pm. Free parking at the station.
Adult — $16.00 :: Children Under 12 — $10.00
Children under 2 ride free with paid adult fare
The Catskill Mountain Railroad presents The Twilight Limited - Saturday August 20.
Join us for the Twilight Limited! Departing from Mount Tremper at 8:00pm, our special train will bring you to Phoenicia for light refreshments and the live musical entertainment of Earl Pardini and the Slide Mountain String Band. After the concert, our train will then take you deep into the woods where you will be able to enjoy the beautiful night sky. The train will return to Mount Tremper station by 10:00pm. Come enjoy a unique Catskill Mountain experience! The ticket window at Mount Tremper will open at 7:30pm. Free parking at the station.
Adult — $16.00 :: Children Under 12 — $10.00
Children under 2 ride free with paid adult fare
Friday, August 19, 2011
Dog Found!!!!! Yipeee!!!!
After a week in the woods, Clementine the missing Woodland Valley dog, has returned safely. I don't have all the details yet but Marilyn Manning located Clementine today and had her at her house by late afternoon. Last night she was spotted on Broad Street Hollow Road by several of the neighbors. They had immediately called Marilyn to say she was in the area. Today around 2:15 I got an email from Marilyn saying that she had the dog. I can't tell you how happy everyone is about her return!! Below is a photo of Clementine on her third bowl of food. She was one hungry girl.
Welcome home Clemmie!!! So glad you are safe!!!
Welcome home Clemmie!!! So glad you are safe!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Dog Still Lost
The Woodland Valley dog, Clementine, that was lost several days ago is still at large. She was seen several times over the weekend in Phoenicia. The last siting was early Monday morning up at the Phoenicia school. As you might imagine, this has been very stressful for Clementine's family. If you have any information please call Marilyn at 688-9741. $500 reward for her return or for information leading to her return.

Music And Theatre This Weekend
There are three great music & theatre performances by WCA members this weekend. Noni Connor, Rick Altman and Eugene Ruffulo will all be performing. Try and catch one or all of these shows if you can!!
Noni Connor will be featured in a new one-act play "Finding Elvis" at the Woodstock Fringe Festival. The work is from the producers/playwrights in residence, Ariana Johns and Mindy Pfeffer! Here is a brief description of the piece:
FINDING ELVIS, by Mindy Pfeffer, takes us on a road trip to Graceland, where two longtime friends re-kindle their friendship through a surprising roadside discovery, and to a tiny bar, where a lonely fan of the ‘King’ finds true love in an unexpected way. Directed by Nicola Sheara, and featuring Noni Connor, Dana Patton, and Mindy Pfeffer.
Showtimes are Friday August 19th at 8:00pm and Saturday August 20th at 3:00pm. All performances are at the Byrdcliffe Theatre, Upper Byrdcliffe Road, Woodstock
The Rick Altman Trio will be performing this weekend at the Rondout Music Lounge. Here is the info on that gig.
The Rick Altman Trio
*with Lew Scott & Jody Sumber*
An evening of jazz classics and original compositions
with vibes, bass, and drums
Saturday, August 20, 2011
8:30 to 12:30 p.m.
21 Broadway Kingston, NY (845) 235-7098
more info:
Eugene Ruffolo will be opening for Five time Grammy Winner Mary Chapin Carpenter on August 20th at The Belleayre Music Festival in High Mount New York
Showtime is 8PM
Tickets are $22-66.00
For more info go to:
Bellayre Music Festival
Hope to see you at one of these events!
Noni Connor will be featured in a new one-act play "Finding Elvis" at the Woodstock Fringe Festival. The work is from the producers/playwrights in residence, Ariana Johns and Mindy Pfeffer! Here is a brief description of the piece:
FINDING ELVIS, by Mindy Pfeffer, takes us on a road trip to Graceland, where two longtime friends re-kindle their friendship through a surprising roadside discovery, and to a tiny bar, where a lonely fan of the ‘King’ finds true love in an unexpected way. Directed by Nicola Sheara, and featuring Noni Connor, Dana Patton, and Mindy Pfeffer.
Showtimes are Friday August 19th at 8:00pm and Saturday August 20th at 3:00pm. All performances are at the Byrdcliffe Theatre, Upper Byrdcliffe Road, Woodstock
The Rick Altman Trio will be performing this weekend at the Rondout Music Lounge. Here is the info on that gig.
The Rick Altman Trio
*with Lew Scott & Jody Sumber*
An evening of jazz classics and original compositions
with vibes, bass, and drums
Saturday, August 20, 2011
8:30 to 12:30 p.m.
21 Broadway Kingston, NY (845) 235-7098
more info:
Eugene Ruffolo will be opening for Five time Grammy Winner Mary Chapin Carpenter on August 20th at The Belleayre Music Festival in High Mount New York
Showtime is 8PM
Tickets are $22-66.00
For more info go to:
Bellayre Music Festival
Hope to see you at one of these events!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Power and Phone Outage Last Night
We had a power and phone outage yesterday that lasted for somewhere between 2 and 3 hours. Apparently, it was due to a transformer fire at Rudy Frank Road.
Somewhere about 7:00 the electric came on and off several times in a row. Between 7:30 and 8:00 the power and phone went completely off and stayed off for a few hours. It didn't come back on until almost 10:00.
It was a really interesting experience trying to get a chicken ready to roast in the dark. Needless to say, dinner was very late last night. But all's well that ends well and once the power came on everything went back to normal. And in the end, despite everything, the chicken was fabulous!!
Somewhere about 7:00 the electric came on and off several times in a row. Between 7:30 and 8:00 the power and phone went completely off and stayed off for a few hours. It didn't come back on until almost 10:00.
It was a really interesting experience trying to get a chicken ready to roast in the dark. Needless to say, dinner was very late last night. But all's well that ends well and once the power came on everything went back to normal. And in the end, despite everything, the chicken was fabulous!!
Woodland Valley Weather Station Update
A few days ago, the resident who runs the Woodland Valley weather station sent me this message.
"Currently the weather station is giving me fits and I need my techie (my son) to solve the issue. It keeps shutting down and I have to reboot it daily. Therefore if anyone questions the status just let them know it will be resolved in a couple of weeks - well before weather becomes a concern. The camera should continue to be running as usual."
So that's the latest. The weather station is down but not out. It should be running again soon.
"Currently the weather station is giving me fits and I need my techie (my son) to solve the issue. It keeps shutting down and I have to reboot it daily. Therefore if anyone questions the status just let them know it will be resolved in a couple of weeks - well before weather becomes a concern. The camera should continue to be running as usual."
So that's the latest. The weather station is down but not out. It should be running again soon.
WCA Members,
WCA News,
Monday, August 15, 2011
Dog Still Missing
Just to update you all on the search for Clementine, the Woodland Valley dog. She was seen this morning up by the Phoenicia school. She is very, very fast so if you go out to look for her bring some food to entice her. She seems to be hanging around town but has headed up toward School Lane at this point. Please keep an eye out for her and contact Marilyn Manning if you have a siting 688-9741. There is a $500 reward for her return or for information that directly leads to her return. But more importantly, the family is worried sick and you would be helping your neighbors beyond words if you find her.
The Dershowitz Gathering
Many neighbors and friends came together this Saturday at "La Casa del Dershowitz". The day was cloudy but there was no rain until the party ended. As in years past, the community enjoyed gathering to share the great food and the meet and mingle with their neighbors. We all missed Marilyn but I am sure she was there watching over us in spirit. Thanks to Nat for continuing the tradition in spite of these difficult times. For me it felt right to gather together and support each other through the many recent losses in the valley. There is strength in community!
PS - As a link to our past, the first photo I posted is of the granddaughter and great granddaughter of Milly & Don Brown. Milly and Don were longtime valley residents who passed in the last few years. I am glad to see the younger generation of their family continues to enjoy the valley!!
PS - As a link to our past, the first photo I posted is of the granddaughter and great granddaughter of Milly & Don Brown. Milly and Don were longtime valley residents who passed in the last few years. I am glad to see the younger generation of their family continues to enjoy the valley!!

WCA Members,
WCA News
Limited Library Hours
Just got this message from the Phoenicia Librarians regarding their hours this week.
Important Reminder: The library will be open very limited hours this week - Monday 8/15, Tuesday 8/16 and Wednesday 8/17.
We are closing to process books and donations, and do other important catch up work we've needed to do since the fire...and when we reopen, you will see a newly refreshed space with more books!
We will open the last hour of each day for folks to return or pick up books:
Monday 5-6 PM
Tuesday 3-4 PM
Wednesday 5-6 PM
- Phoenicia Librarians
Important Reminder: The library will be open very limited hours this week - Monday 8/15, Tuesday 8/16 and Wednesday 8/17.
We are closing to process books and donations, and do other important catch up work we've needed to do since the fire...and when we reopen, you will see a newly refreshed space with more books!
We will open the last hour of each day for folks to return or pick up books:
Monday 5-6 PM
Tuesday 3-4 PM
Wednesday 5-6 PM
- Phoenicia Librarians
Friday, August 12, 2011
Neighborhood Dog Missing

Missing : "Clementine" - 5 yr old, female, small chocolate lab mix, short brownish red fur, light brown eyes, brownish pink nose, flash of white on her chest. She was wearing a brown and turquoise paisley collar with yellow rabies tag from Kingston Animal Hospital. She has a chip inserted under her skin on her back at the base of her neck. She loves the water and will play with rocks in the stream. Also love balls and sticks.
Answers to Clementine and Clemie. Last seen in and around the village of Phoenicia on Thursday, August 11 at 6 - 7pm. Any information/sighting please call Marilyn at 688-9741. $500 reward for her return or for information.
Perseids Meteor Shower
For those of you who don't know the peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower this year will be this Saturday night Aug 13th. For those of you who can get to an open view of the night sky this should be a great show. For more information you can go to the Wikipedia page for Perseids. Enjoy the show!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Richard Feuer Reaches New Heights
This exciting news just in from WCA member Richard Feuer.
"I just completed my quest to drive, hike, and climb to the highest point of all 48 contiguous United States. I am the 406th or so person to do this as documented by the
Tammy and I hiked to our first peak in 1994, Clingman's Dome in Tennessee. We became official Highpointers in 2000 when we completed Signal Hill in Arkansas and became aware of the community. It has been a 17 year inner journey. The mental and emotional components have proven to be way more taxing than the physical aspect of climbing mountains in the US. Here are photos of my last summit. Gannett Peak Wyoming at 13,804 ft. Summited at 9:30 AM August 1, 2011. The weather at the summit was quite poor so the pictures are not as pretty as one would expect.
The photo with nice weather is me back at base camp 1 after I summitted. The one of me bending over is trying to get the strength and courage to stand on the summit rock in the high wind and rain. As you can see I decided to sit instead!!
Here are a couple of factoids that our fellow mountain dwellers might find interesting. The highest point in Nebraska, Panorama Point lies at 5,424 ft above sea level yet the landscape is as flat as can be for scores of miles. The only interruption to the view are cows. The highest peak in New York, Mount Marcy, is 80 feet lower at 5,344 ft above sea level in the midst of the Adirondack Mountains."
- Richard
I think this is very cool and a truly great accomplishment!!! Congratulations Richard!!
"I just completed my quest to drive, hike, and climb to the highest point of all 48 contiguous United States. I am the 406th or so person to do this as documented by the
Tammy and I hiked to our first peak in 1994, Clingman's Dome in Tennessee. We became official Highpointers in 2000 when we completed Signal Hill in Arkansas and became aware of the community. It has been a 17 year inner journey. The mental and emotional components have proven to be way more taxing than the physical aspect of climbing mountains in the US. Here are photos of my last summit. Gannett Peak Wyoming at 13,804 ft. Summited at 9:30 AM August 1, 2011. The weather at the summit was quite poor so the pictures are not as pretty as one would expect.
The photo with nice weather is me back at base camp 1 after I summitted. The one of me bending over is trying to get the strength and courage to stand on the summit rock in the high wind and rain. As you can see I decided to sit instead!!
Here are a couple of factoids that our fellow mountain dwellers might find interesting. The highest point in Nebraska, Panorama Point lies at 5,424 ft above sea level yet the landscape is as flat as can be for scores of miles. The only interruption to the view are cows. The highest peak in New York, Mount Marcy, is 80 feet lower at 5,344 ft above sea level in the midst of the Adirondack Mountains."
- Richard
I think this is very cool and a truly great accomplishment!!! Congratulations Richard!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
New Licensed Registered Nurse in WV
So happy to share some great news for a change. It is official, WCA member Monica Gaebel Palmer is now a NYS Licensed Registered Nurse!!!!! Below is the notice she received a couple of days ago. Congrats Monica!! Great Job!!
Exam Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 at 2:00 PM
Exam: NCLEX-RN: The National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses
Grade: Pass
Exam Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 at 2:00 PM
Exam: NCLEX-RN: The National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses
Grade: Pass
Monday, August 8, 2011
Ride to the City
WCA members Lauren & Miriam Silver Altman are looking for a ride to the city on Monday, August 15 and/or returning from there on Friday, August 19. Anybody? Give a call, 688-7573. We'll keep you awake.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Festival of the Voice Wows Crowd!!

The Festival of the Voice wowed the crowd with their awesome performance of Don Giovanni. Despite the rain that was heavy at times, a large crowd turned up for the event and they were not disappointed. The Woodstock Chamber Orchestra provided the live music for the night. All the performers were in great voice. My photos above don't show the large tents that were set up to keep people dry and happy. Most of the audience were under those tents. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely!! The festival continues with some more great music today. Congratulations to all the folks that made this event happen especially Maria, Louis and Kerry who are the founders of the festival! Bravo!!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Maya Wolf at 3½ Months
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Celebration for the Life of Marton Ommundsen
I just got this message from Nancy regarding the memorial celebration for Marton. Here are the details.
"The Memorial Celebration for Marton will be held Sat. Aug 13 from 2:00 pm until whenever at Romer Mountain Park (the old ski slope on Woodland Valley Rd).
There will be hot dogs & burgers provided. People are asked to bring a 'dish'. Anything. A salad, dessert, veggie dish, whatever they like to bring to a potluck event. I will also have some soda, if anyone wants beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages, by all means bring them, this is a party after all.
If they have photos to bring we will have photo boards up they can add to.
There will be a DJ. They can bring CD's if they want to hear certain songs. There will be a time where anyone who wants to say something can come up to the microphone and say a bit."
- Nancy
"The Memorial Celebration for Marton will be held Sat. Aug 13 from 2:00 pm until whenever at Romer Mountain Park (the old ski slope on Woodland Valley Rd).
There will be hot dogs & burgers provided. People are asked to bring a 'dish'. Anything. A salad, dessert, veggie dish, whatever they like to bring to a potluck event. I will also have some soda, if anyone wants beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages, by all means bring them, this is a party after all.
If they have photos to bring we will have photo boards up they can add to.
There will be a DJ. They can bring CD's if they want to hear certain songs. There will be a time where anyone who wants to say something can come up to the microphone and say a bit."
- Nancy
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Phoenicia Festival of the Voice

The Festival of the Voice begins tomorrow right here in Phoenicia. Be sure to get tickets for this fabulous event!! Many Woodland Valley residents are involved so look for your neighbors in Parish Field. Below is the complete festival schedule. See you all there!!
Festival Opens Tomorrow!
Get Your Tickets Now!
Tickets: $15 to $25 (children free to many events)
Bookings, Schedule and information:
Ticket line: 845 586 3588
Festival Schedule
Thursday, August 4th
Rozz Morehead, Gospel Concert, Park, 7:30PM
Friday, August 5th
"Latte Lecture" Mama's Boy Coffee Shop, 9:00AM
Ralph and Ralph, Children's Music, Train Museum, 11:30AM
Coordinated with Train Rides
Justin Kolb and Friends, 6 Hands Piano Recital, Park, 1:30PM
The Kitchen Sink, Cabaret, STS Playhouse, 3:00PM
Ann Osmond & Dennis Yerry, Jazz Duo, Wesleyan Church, 5:00PM
Voices of Distinction featuring Lauren Flanigan Concert, Park, 7:30PM
Saturday, August 6th
"Latte Lecture" Mama's Boy Coffee Shop 9:00AM
Ralph and Ralph, Children's Music, Train Museum, 11:30AM
Coordinated with Train Rides
Harvard Chamber Singers, Renaissance Music Catholic Church, 12:30PM
Justin Kolb and Friends, 6 Hands Piano Recital, Park, 2:00PM
The Paper Planets, Indie Rock, Mama's Boy Coffee Shop, 3:15PM
The Kitchen Sink, Cabaret, STS Playhouse, 4:30PM
Uncle Rock, Children's Music, Train Museum, 4:00PM
Robert Esformes, Cantor, World Music Methodist Church 5:00PM
Don Giovanni, Opera, Park, 7:00PM
Sunday, August 7th
"Latte Lecture" Mama's Boy Coffee Shop, 9:00AM
The Power of Song, Children's Choir, Methodist Church, 1:00PM
Simon Shaheen, World Music, Park, 2:00PM
Vivaldi's Gloria, Choral, Park, 4:30PM
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
After The Fire
I have received several emails inquiring about the Bosch family in light of the fire that destroyed their home almost 2 weeks ago. While the house is gone everyone inside escaped safely. Peter Bosch would like me to thank the entire Woodland Valley Community for their love and support in this difficult time.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Task Force Inc.
WCA member Karen Hugue has a business to assist second homeowners here in the Catskills. If you are looking for any help here is her business information.
Task Force, Inc.
A concierge service for second homeowners in New York's Catskill Mountains and Hudson Valley. Serving the area for over 15 years.
Karen Hugue, owner
Property Management
Housekeeping Services
Contact Information:
T: 845-688-9816
References furnished upon request.
Task Force, Inc.
A concierge service for second homeowners in New York's Catskill Mountains and Hudson Valley. Serving the area for over 15 years.
Karen Hugue, owner
Property Management
Housekeeping Services
Contact Information:
T: 845-688-9816
References furnished upon request.