One of the great things about living in a rural place where you know everyone is that people share the various things they have grown and baked. Recently, WV resident Paul Misko dropped off a batch of his fabulous new cookies. They are called "Hemlock Bark Bites". Paul is marketing these delicious treats and you too can buy them locally, which is great. Here is what Paul had to say.
"James Simpson had a huge impact on this region, and was a quite a character as well. I therefore felt he deserved to have a cookie in his honor. His life was saved by hemlock bark, but fear not; there is no bark in these cookies, only wholesome ingredients. These treats are baked at "Amy's Take-Away, which is located on 214 in Lanesville, 5 miles north of Phoenicia. Call Amy at 845-688-9759 and order a fine meal for pick-up, or to discuss catering your event.
"Hemlock Bark Bites" are are sold in a bow topped package, suitable for gifting to friend and host. They can be purchased at "Tenderland Home", which is on Main St. in Phoenicia. Don't forget to check out the Simpson Website at: phoenixtannery.com. History never tasted so good!!"
- Paul Misko